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66 items found for "children"

  • Sacred Geometry For Children

    Children are born very aware and awake, spending time bringing them into stillness, and connecting into Taking inspired action to keep children's inner knowing alive expands their strength in their capabilities Quantum Energy Healing - 40 minutes remote healing and my Certified Reiki Level I Courses via Zoom for Children I am sure I will revisit Sacred Geometry For Children, as there is much more to learn.

  • The Wonder of Children

    In the words of Whitney Houston 'I believe that children are our future. Although having children has not been part of my life path, I am very grateful I get to treat and teach If parents over eat, don't exercise and consume too much sugar, it is then hard for children to be healthy Although I don't have children of my own, I have a deep appreciation for their unbridled joy, innocence Discovering how individual children learn, and digest information, can be invaluable to them.

  • Parenting Tips for 5D+ New Earth Ascension

    Children are particularly susceptible and sensitive to energies, especially at this pivotal time, and they lay down & relax in an undisturbed space for 40 minutes ~ these have often taken place just as children I teach Children's Reiki Level I via Zoom , that has seen those previously getting into 'trouble' at Young children are not in their ego, it is cultivated over time with the competitive nature of the old one blog I will continue to add to, as we evolve more and more, our goals is to keep the crystalline children

  • Quantum Energy Healing, Autism & Learning Difficulties

    Children are our future, and many are awakened spiritual beings, with their innate psychic abilities Quantum Energy Healing Treatments are amazing for helping overly-anxious autistic spectrum children Children + Adults can also benefit from being taught Reiki, even the basics, so daily self-healing can Many of the young children I have taught & treated have achieved amazing results. It can be common for children with autism to fall asleep during a session, as they become relaxed and

  • Nurturing An Empathetic Child

    guided and encouraged to safely express all they see, sense and feel, this can be very confusing for children Children are our future, and those 'diagnosed' with ADHD, ADD, Autism, and so on, are the enlightened From the age of nine months, children begin to exhibit empathy and you will be able to recognise it by Adults can actually make sensitive children feel so much worse, another reason to discover all you can Let's work to change that and as such the lives of the children of the world and their children to come

  • What Is A Starseed?

    Indigo Children are the product of Starseeds and possess remarkably special and unusual traits and supernatural (and adults) with ADHD, Autistic and Learning Difficulties are actually supremely beautiful Indigo children

  • The Impending Full Moon & Mercury Retrograde September 2021

    The next moon cycle peak is on Monday 20th September with the Pisces Full Moon at 4.54pm PDT, 7.54 EST and on Tuesday 21st at 12.54am UK and 9.54 am AEST. Embracing the chance to write down, burn, and release into a river or a park all that no longer serves you is highly advised. It is going to be a powerful one and this week many of us are already experiencing the effects. The imaginative, emotionally sensitive and dreamy traits of the water sign of Pisces are at the forefront. Allow yourself to dream, visualise (in your mind's eye or add to your vision board) that which is most relevant to you now. You can manifest at wonderfully humongous degrees, all you need is the strong belief in your heart and watch the miracles unfold. The energetic frequencies are expanding and amping up beyond anything humanity has ever seen or felt and I am sure lots of you are feeling it. Things are happening with lightning speed when you tune to the energies, set strong intentions and believe in yourself. Your ability to upgrade, thrive in chaos and revolutionise your life is extremely high. Tuning into and working with your intuition is your trump card so that you follow your inner guidance rather than that of the mass media and frightened souls. It is crucial to turn off the news and it is very empowering to no longer fear and worry about that which we cannot change. We must work extra hard to distance ourselves from the troubles of the world, as we cannot alter the devastation and destruction and allowing it to drain our energy is a waste of time and effort. Chuck fear in the 'f**K it' bin, worry does not alter the outcome, step into your power and trust in yourself fully. We can manifest and transform at magnificent speeds and release old emotional patterns at the drop of a hat...nothing has to take as long as it used to and the energies are proving that tenfold. Exciting times, especially for those open to living outside of the 3D world, away from the unnecessary stress, fear and drivel pumped out in the mainstream media. Please complete the Full Moon Releasing Ritual so that you can remain balanced, to aid you in clearing blockages and assist you with resetting your thoughts. For those of you more spiritually awake and opening up to the energies, the alterations can have physical effects. Know if you have been feeling unusually alert, extremely tuned into your intuition and very motivated that your DNA is upgrading, your energy frequency is changing. Some of us have felt odd, discombobulated but unsure is the energy shifts, talk to like-minded souls, as many of us are going through changes too. A Recipe from an international herbalist for the cure of the symptoms of that disease and the effects of the current energy shifts… Add Rosemary to a little bit of water and boil it Once it is boiling, take it off the heat and add half a cut onion (antiseptic and antiviral) Add in food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide (or Eucalyptus or Tea Tree oil) Take a Towel – cover yourself for 7-8 minutes and inhale the cleansing, healing energy Mercury Retrograde (MR) is unfortunately once more heading our way, 26th September - 18th October and you should allow for a shadow period of a few days before and afterwards, as the impact of chaos and catastrophe can still be prevalent. Finding ways to navigate when life requires you to complete contracts and make purchases inside the timeframes of this energy upheaval is going to be a struggle but all happening for a reason, more lessons to strengthen your power and resolve. Mercury Retrograde is a time of miscommunication, crossed wires and a 'pot of confusion' that challenges us over and above what we normally experience. Add into the mix possible technological complications and a super strong need to work on our anxiety levels, that can be heightened now, and it is going to be a bumpy ride. Each MR period brings changes to plans so I recommend being highly flexible, embrace the uncertainty and book those extra Reiki Sessions or whatever healing modality you use to remain calm, centered and balanced in chaos. Do not sign any big contracts, buy or sell any big purchases or undertake any new agreements, unless they have been in the pipeline and the terms planned already or unless your intuition is 1000% sure, remember you know best! It is ideal if you can schedule in less important tasks during MR but the universe may have other ideas for you. There are some positives of MR as it brings up unresolved issues from the past to allow you to discover a resolution, once and for all, so that next MR will be lighter for you! Keep your eye on the end goal, not the pain of the healing on the way there and it will help massively. Opportunities to heal are arriving by the bucket load so face them, work through them and enjoy resolving them. Another reason it is super important to complete the Full Moon Ritual. The energies we are experiencing are asking that we embrace our uniqueness, stand up for what we truly believe in and become our authentic selves. Planetary changes, humanity upgrades and energy downloading by enlightened souls is all happening at a super-fast rate. It is an intriguing time of change as the structures that have been in place for many years are no longer serving this human evolution. A friend mentioned the other day that spirituality gets forgotten in her world when she is busy, spirituality is self-care and super important right now (and always). The timeline of earth is metamorphosing and the vibration you give out affects your success levels...vibe high and enjoy the new world. If you want guidance, soothing treatments or any of my services to deep dive into your past, to retrieve the missing parts of you or to learn reiki energy healing then message me. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265

  • 2025 Energy Predictions ~ Part 1

    have gone to extremes, like the significant increase in how gender is understood and defined, sending children

  • The Golden Age of Aquarius

    The biggest gift of our lifetime occurs next week, as we embrace the end of a 25,625 year cycle, fully leaving the age of pisces and leaping into The Golden Age of Aquarius on 19th November 2024 till 2044. Technological advancements, scientific 'discoveries' (unveilings), deconstructing + reconstructing society, quantum leaps of expansion of our humanitarian selves and surges in our progressive enlightenment growth and social awareness. A game changer for humanity and mother earth, a gloriously positive adjustment, as we reform as a collective. We come together, we are as one, a unification of us, mother nature & our role in the planetary systems. The Age of Aquarius is the age of intellectualism, innovation, freedom, and balance, as more souls elevate from 4D living into the 5th dimensions and above. A time of radical self-expression, truly trusting and believing in yourself and all you see, sense and feel. You are not 'making it up', your inner knowing is on point and your greatest guide for the next steps on your life path,. Aquarius, an air sign, and the water bearer, water = god within you, and the key personality traits are truthful and pure intentions, no shady business - for those fully aligned with their magic. I saw a list of 'aquarians' who clearly do not live by these traits after selling their souls to the satan yet let's not focus on any negativity today. There is no apocalypse = it is the end of shadow and illusion. Please do not go into fear by all that is 'unravelling' - being feed into the main stream to frighten you. A headline emotion to embody as we approach this magnificent day is gratitude. Our affirmation: We chose to incarnate at this time to be the change we want to see in the world. Hundreds of thousands of souls would love to be in your shoes right now, wishing to reincarnate to witness these magical changes developing. We are very lucky, so let's remember this when 'struggles' arrive and the disclosure of the truth of the non light entities implodes, trying to lower our vibrational energies. We stand together, we stand strong, we permeate love & authenticit y beyond any levels we have previously achieved. To quote old text (Luke 22:10) that was guiding us for this time: The man with the pitcher of water = Aquarius; Enter into the house = YOU; the upper room = your higher consciousness; there you will be feed by him = christ consciousness. Drawn from a book I have no desire to read as a large part of the text is fabricated yet this however holds true. I set the intention that by now you understand how powerful you are and are applying all the lessons learned and your own healing abilities. We are half way through the month of letting the joy in as we enter a period of global connectivity, a transformative era of cultural, spiritual and high vibrational living. One ascension symptoms that you may be finding is slowing you down is exhaustion - from picking up the density of the energies. It is a tough one, either sleep, rest or mentally and physically pull yourself back into trust, even when fatigue reigns. We let love and joy in when we live in our authenticity and open our hearts to the divine energetic shifts on offer to us daily, for us all. Mantra: I never block my success, I remain focused, in tune with my higher self & intuition. I do not 'find' things to do or think that suppress my most positive outcomes. I am worthy of all that I am creating and love being surrounded by a community of like-minded souls. This era will see us unify, through choice, to achieve the peace we all crave, in our own lives, and that of the world as a whole. We are stronger together and set ourselves up in preparation for 2025, to ensure our bodies do not have to keep giving us signs via aches, pains, exhaustion and so on. Be conscious of yourself to the maximum possible limits, why you are here at this time, what you bring, how you are guiding the evolution, some merely by their existence and interactions with others. I spent 3 days this week at a Conscious Technology Symposium that highlighted the importance of the Innerdance Sessions that I offer. Providing you with opportunities to access higher states of consciousness and to step into your power.  Innerdance is a specialist multi-sensory healing process, synthesising ancient wisdom with current neuroscience and technology to to bring you into homeostasis. Transformative soundscapes and energy activations, synchronising the brain and nervous system. A process of mental and physical purification to release stress, fear, phobias, addictions, and unhide emotions blocking your growth.​ Awakening your kundalini fire to magnify your inner wisdom and capabilities for ultimate healing, to fly into the new year ready, willing and able for all that is materialising. People perceive life as they choose so if you are surround by souls unprepared to heal themselves, in denial of their broken parts, deciding to stay sad, unhappy and in lack, then there is little you can do. Everyone has their own freewill, yes mass kundalini awakening is occurring yet will everyone embrace the upgrades to their lives or run and hide. Either way, know that you and your loved ones are your only key focus, as we pull in our army of awakened souls. Amplified feelings of deja vu and like you are living in a dream world are going to be potent as we close 2024 and enter 2025. A 9 year of completion and forgiveness, and with the qualities of the snake, a theme of surrender, frequently activating your kundalini energies will be required to maintain balance and allow complete liberation of self. 144000 is the totality of the lotus petals combined within your energy centres, your chakras, we are all conscious, high vibrational beings, permit yourself to activate the radiant energies within you. Please remember: no one is any better than anyone else, everyone and everything is a reflection of us, until that area of us is healed. Administer constant grounding and protection practices to sail through this metamorphic time on planet earth. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265

  • The Prophecy of White Buffalo Calf Woman

    The prophesied return of White Buffalo Calf Woman, a divine feminine christ embodiment, for reconciling humanities relationship with Mother Earth, as a White Buffalo upon the earth has materialised. A multifaceted medicine woman bringing us a time of spiritual abundance to maintain a clear pathway for humanity to thrive, blossom and heal to new levels. A sacred omen of change, a key element for the catalyst of the ascension journey, an incarnation of the Holy Spirit. A mesonic prophecy, from 19 generations ago, brought to the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota people, identifying her as overseeing the earth's ascension, an archangel of thunder beings, a guiding light ascended master for the fulfilment of global peace prophecies in this age. Things will get better, don't give up We have gone through 4 ages that has now brought humanity to a place of sickness and distress, disconnection with Mother Earth, and at the risk of extinction - because a big shift is needed. When the white buffalo appears, the people will be (we most certainly are!) at a crossroads, provided we take the right path, there would be a renewal of the earth - as we are seeing through the floods, earthquakes and hurricanes (those manmade & not). A split was prophesied of those that wish to stay in the world of chaos, destruction and suffering or living in harmony, in balance with each other, the earth and all who reside on her. This is why we literally do the work to heal ourselves so we can see the magic life has to offer and manifest it into form. The recent births of other white species of animals, white lion, eagle, dolphins, is a continuation of the sacred prophecy, that there is to be significant changes to earth, to the climate and this is underway. Transformative adjustments that will continue over the next two years, the world will be unreconcilable within this time. The coming together of the Star Nations, us as humans, the stars, and the cosmos, a sacred web of life, of celestial beings that go beyond the physical realm. The White Buffalo, along with the other white species, is a sign of renewal, transformation and hope, a call to action for the people. Evidence that we should expand the alterations, and improvements, that we have been integrating into our lives, and increasing the caretaker-ship of Mother Earth. She said that there would be a time when we needed her again and her appearance would be signified by the birthing of the calves. This first happened in 1935; again in 1990, the first of our generation, and since 1994 more have been born, with multiple births occurring in 2024. The oversoul of white buffalo woman was assigned to protect and guide many indigenous cultures through the ages. The ceremonies are a way of life that has seen many generations through the extreme hardships of suffering, the attempted unaliving of countless indigenous souls, allowing them to find peace in the troubling times. She taught how to honour and maintain balance with the earth through seven sacred ceremonies that are practised to this day: The Inipi (sweat lodge) the rite of purification Huŋkápi, the making of relatives Hanblecheyapi, the vision quest Wiwáŋyaŋg Wačípi, The Sun Dance, the most important ceremony of renewal for the tribe, people and the earth Tápa Waŋkáyeyapi – the throwing of the ball Išnáti Awíčalowaŋpi – preparing for womanhood Wakáŋ Táŋka – the Great Spirit, keeping of the soul. Do not take from another that which you lack within yourself ~ White Buffalo Calf Woman The original message was to prepare for her arrival, to question how we treat each other, the earth, and our relatives of the earth ~ animals, plants; elemental + spirit nations. With a strong message to men about how they should respect and honour women to prevent the destruction of earth and a return to working with her in greater ways. It is said: Earth is the beloved daughter of the most high The Prophecy of White Buffalo Calf Woman, who was present for the conception of Mother Earth, is a warning that we need to come into spiritual unity, regardless of creed, colour, location, everything. The exemplification of an answered prayer, the coming of healing storms for evolutionary change and ordained reconciliation. Washing away the grief of past ages to release us into a new energetic sphere on earth. A prophetic lineage of divinely chosen species, passed to individuals, to carry the mantle of prophecy across generations, guiding humanity at this profound time of rejuvenation and rehabilitation. The Red Road, a path of living in harmony with the Earth, maintaining balance and honouring spiritual principles such as respect, kindness, and interconnectedness. I was drawn to share this with you as the visible signs of the upliftment and advancement of life on earth, helps us to accelerate our healing work, manage our ego and our vibrational frequency, call in our soul tribes and the collaboration projects and communities to build a better world for the younger generations. Be strong, keep grounding and protecting your energies, and releasing any demonic attachments that you sense, as we are in a time of psychological warfare and it is challenging us all. Big Love, Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265 Some of my services if you would like assistance for fast tracking your healing before we close out 2024, I am open throughout December.

  • 11:11 Portal of Joy Energies 2024

    The omniscient 11:11 Portal of Joy Energies 2024 , is an energetic gateway for exhibiting the confidence, tranquility, and pleasure you yearn for into the present moment. The peak is on the 11th day of the 11th month of this infinity year, the portal is open for you to work with the energies, and stays ajar in the days afterwards, every month. Literally an 'all seeing eye' that recognises your magnificence and is set to reward you with all that your heart desires. 11:11 is a powerful symbol, a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds, a reminder from the universe that you are on the right path. Let’s stay focused on our goals, our vibrational frequency and all we are creating, within & outside of ourselves. Our ability to detach from drama grows as we undertake increased levels of healing, cultivating a deep sense of peace within ourselves, detached from the chaos of the world. November is the month we let happiness reign, rising above fear mongering, inner fighting, and projected distress. The system tried to divide us, yet we come together, regardless of our differences, in views, lifestyle and history, to transmute energies of oneness. 1111 is one of the most frequently seen angel signs from the spirit realms, a lovely reminder that we are in a state of expansion, are protected and at one with God, angels & ascended masters. The unseen, yet felt, forces of energy from our spiritual guides are ramped up, let's take full advantage of the scaling up of the energies. Aligning our thoughts with the highest good, feeling into that which we most desire, as we radiate more love into the world. We are being asked to penetrate the highest vibration, from each and every one of us, in full faith that everything is happening as it should. This is when you know you are enlightened, untouched by any external drama, comfortable with the uncomfortable, wholly aware all that is unfurling is a lesson, a test, and part of the human journey. Daily we activate our angel wings, embody our sovereignty, and become our golden dragon light selves, as this year of the dragon culminates. We step into a new phase of life, with no new age and no religion, embracing our pure divine essence, our God selves. What we think we attract, I bring myself into the present moment, reconnecting constantly   God is a word I shied away from for many years, due to the association with the deceptive religions, the manipulated and controlled systems designed to enslave humans. Unfortunately causing souls to belief that they cannot think for themselves, or thrive, without worshiping an entity outside of them. Now knowing that we are to embody our god essence within, opening our hearts and minds to infinite possibilities.   The strong cosmic energy upgrades aren't going to change your life for you, you have to be courageous, conscious, concise, and direct, when choosing decisions that boost your life, and that of your family. To make the most of the energies, do not resist the push (gentle encouragement), address your thoughts, actions and level of healing. Are you still thinking negatively? About yourself, or others, or questioning, in doubt? Let's respond to life, rather than reacting to it, activating our kundalini frequently to flip on the switches to hear, understand and respond to our body, it is your holy temple, your doorway to manifest your desires into form. To learn to trust the one within you, removing distrust, the inner punisher, stopping the parts of your self-conscious that used to spin out. How do you know the battle you are in if you do not know the battleground? Dig deep, investigate your subconscious programming - I have 50% off Private Innerdance Online Sessions till 11:11, to help you unlock your hidden strengths and clear out your emotional, mental and physical closets once again. Type: DRAGON1111 at check & choose your time slot, can be applied to packages too, so massive discounts available . The energies are going to continue to grow, to press your buttons. When you cultivate peace within, the waves of energies serve to upgrade your mental, physical & emotional form drastically, reversing aging, healing and strengthen you. Innerdance sound and energy healing builds new neurological pathways in the brain. Complimenting your growth, dedicate time to it, rather than one week on, one week off, so that you see the greatest forever change. Us witches embody our healing abilities and strive to assist you in doing the same. The 11:11 Portal of Love Energies 2024  is providing us with mental clarity, enhanced resilience & a desire to let more love & laughter in. The succeeding energy shifts are the Taurus Full Moon on 15th November, which I will post about next week. You matter, let the world see your magic, with no doubt of your brilliance and determination to upgrade your quantum energy field. I love you; we are one and you are your own creator of all that you want. Namaste Emma +44(0) 7949089265

  • Rediscovering Our Origins - Lemurian

    At this pivotal time in the history of Mother Earth, delving into our ancestral past, learning the truth about ourselves, and re-remembering who we were/are is high on the agenda for many spiritual souls. I have sensed my origin was from Lemuria for some time, with multiple signs showing up over the years, and having this confirmed by my deep inner knowing, and that of other psychic souls, which has been extremely grounding, balancing and rewarding. There are many Starseed origins and we have those that have returned in physical form, animal form, into marine life, multiple forms, so we can aid the journey of ascension. There are the Pleiadian, Arcturian, Lemurian, Andromedan, Orion, Sirian, and Lyran, to name a few. We are upgrading our DNA templates, moving into multi dimension templates, absorbing and embodying our crystalline forms. Our 6 double helix DNA configurations, are becoming fully activated 12 strand DNA, aiding our remembering of our true abilities, origin and purpose on earth, this time around. DNA is our library of coded information, our life lessons, and the expansion of each one of us is magnificent, as we welcome in more sources of light into the body. Your time is now, it is wonderful so many of you are opening your eyes, and hearts, to the great truths of our planet and that of the universe. Lemurian's are one of the rarest types of Starseeds, heralded as the true wisdom keeps of the planet. We have incarnated on Earth from another planet, dimension/time, and our purpose is to assist with healing Mother Gaia, helping humanity transition into a higher vibration, and to live in freedom and sovereignty. Lemuria, also known as Mu, was a living breathing paradise filled with compassionate, knowledgeable and highly advanced loving beings. Everyone and everything were considered equal and lived in harmony with each other and the surroundings. A place where the sun never stopped shining - oh how I personally love the light, so me! After the continent of Lemuria sank into the Pacific Ocean, the mountain tops are all that remain, what we now know as Maui and the rest of the Hawaiian Islands. Many sensed the demise of Mu and transformed into dolphins and whales – the numbers of these are expanding rapidly right now, which is very exciting. Our teams are coming together to be of service with us in numerous configurations. We also agreed to have our memories being completely wiped out, in impregnable ways, so don’t keep fighting yourself, if you are ‘struggling’ to remember. Often, when we declare we have an inner knowing and trust that the synchronicities are showing up, they do in magnificent ways. I definitely see greater results when I fully surrender and allow the messages, signs, and inner wisdom, to provide the clarity I require for my next steps in life. When you relate to most of the characteristics of a certain Starseed, then it is likely that this is your source origin. Lemurian characteristics: ·       Being by the sea, or any body of water, brings you alive, initiating great peace. (My favourite place is listening to the breaking of the waves on the shore) ·       A natural healer that loves helping others ·       A highly sensitive person ·       Highly intuitive, able to read energy and people ·       Has a deep connection with nature and animals ·       A born teacher and leader ·       An old soul, with wisdom beyond their years ·       Spent life feeling like a misfit/an outsider ·       Lemurian crystals, & crystals in general, are super important to them ·       Possess powerful telepathic abilities ·       Sense their roots are on Mother Gaia, with a strong pull/interest in the power of the stars, moon & sun ·       Have always felt different because others didn’t understand what was going on inside their head ·       You run/want to run a heart-based project/business to benefit the world as a whole Also, feeling connected to/are drawn to Saint Germain (SG), the keeper of the violet flame. Mount Shasta in California too, as the violet flame energies are strong there, Lemuria's inhabit the underground areas, along with the Telosian humanoids – not a place I am drawn to visit, but that is perhaps because dark forces are very prevalent in the powerful key spots around the world – trying to dampen our strengths, abilities and belief in our own power to help humanity to transform into a world of peace, love and unity. I connect with SG + the violet flame constantly, especially when performing Quantum Healing sessions, working with the physical + etheric body for multi-dimensional soul healing. When you feel pulled towards a certain part of the world, that can also be a sign of your roots. The paradise island of Ibiza, for example, is one of the few remaining pieces of Atlantis, it has always felt like home to me. We had Mu, then Atlantis, lots of us were resided on both. Hawaii, the remaining Mu, I will visit but have never been called to live there, places of powerful spiritual healing, attract many broken souls, so the energies can be debilitating for the empaths amongst us, especially with the luciferian energies being so widespread. It is like the fact many churches throughout the world were built on leylines, to try and dampen the energetic powers of Mother Gaia, and all who reside on her, the satanic ones attempt this on key parts of spiritual power on earth. Please trust in yourself to new heights now, our calling is to step up our ‘game’ and integrate the new energies amongst a wider expanse of the collective and remove the old draconian strong hold on the often blindsided individuals. Up your self-care, and protection fields, every single moment of the day, to not leave yourself open to harm, to infiltration by the shite ones, to anything that lowers your vibration. Understanding our source and learning the attributes, helps to explain what we see, sense and feel, and what we are bringing to life. I hope this blog helps some of you and I will continue to write about the other traits of the magical Starseeds here on earth. We are here creating a magical ONENESS, a unity consciousness of LOVE, JOY & HAPPINESS. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265 Updated + republished May 2024 If I can be of further assistance/guidance on your expansive growth journey, then let me know. All services are available globally, via Zoom or fully remote, depending on the service:

  • Crystals For 5G Protection & Balance in Chaos

    WiFi is affecting growth hormones, in you and your children, harming your pets and your physical, emotional Spinal column, aids flexibility and helps prevent epileptic seizures, arthritis and good for nurturing children

  • Why Innerdance - Be-cause

    We see vast improvements with temperament, communication and overall wellbeing, especially within children Children achieve new levels of balance, and relief, from behavioural and attention issues, releasing

  • My Further Awakening Journey 2022

    Children are taught to eat the wrong food, think the wrong things, and as adults, must relearning everything Take lots of care of you and those you influence daily, such as the children in your world.

  • A Little Introduction To Energy Alchemist, Emma Hands

    discombobulation in our worlds, to clear ancestral lines, and change life forever for ourselves, and the magical children

  • Why Work With Emma Hands?

    Sessions for  children  &  adults  worldwide, via Zoom,  Learn More .  

  • New Moon in Taurus 11th May 2021

    want us to work on changing our ancestral paths by understanding all we can and altering so that the children I will write more on the topic of ancestral healing in the not to distant future and I ask that if children

  • New Moon Magic Approaching...

    We are here to live in heaven on earth and reset the way we teach our children, what we consume and how

  • Energy News + New SuperMoon in Aquarius Jan 2023

    Our children are our future and it is paramount that we upgrade life for them now.

  • Energy News - Gemini Full Moon + Solstice + 12.12 Portal

    I also teach children, from 8 years old, so they learn how to release stress, anxiety and depression

  • The Polarity of Masculine & Feminine Energies for Healing Your Core Self

    healing of others, whilst not compromising ourselves, or our safety, especially useful when bringing up children

  • Exciting New Courses & Services.

    Shamanic Soul Retrieval Journeys, Creative Visualisation Workshops and enhanced Children's Reiki & Crystal Summer Holiday Courses for Children - Certified Reiki Level One for Kids. Learning this life changing tool so that Children are better equipped to deal with the challenges of

  • Explaining Energy Blockages To Kids

    teaching Reiki Level I to kids, performing a treatment on them or when I do a House Cleansing with children us, some refer to this as ’pockets of pain’, and within our homes, cars and everywhere, and teaching children reason Reiki is practised at hospitals and Treatment Centres throughout the world, including on the children

  • Regression Happens When Stress Takes Hold

    The increased levels of domestic violence and abuse to children and adults is extreme.

  • Emotional Preparation for the Holiday Season

    Keeping your vibration high, and teaching your children how to do the same, just by being your magnificent

  • The Archangel for NOW.

    He can help children and parents to adjust in society when dealing with these unusual gifts.  A great one for children to carry with / on them. 

  • The Benefits of Reiki for Multiple Sclerosis

    Healing is offered at MS Therapy Centres within the UK, at the Great Ormond Street Hospital on the children

  • Thriving This Winter

    It can be advisable to pay extra attention to the behaviours of any children around this time of year Children often act up when they sense emotions that they cannot control or when they cannot assist the

  • Corporate Employee Wellbeing Packages

    a result, it is now practiced at hospitals & treatment centres throughout the world, such as on the Children It is great for Men, Women & Children.

  • Protecting Yourself From Narcissistic Behaviour

    The next wave of spiritual children include those that have been labelled with ADHD, Autism and such

  • August New Moon, A Doorway To New Worlds

    I am super passionate about teaching (& treating) our children Reiki Energy Healing so they learn how

  • The Days Are Getting Lighter

    It can be advisable to pay extra attention to the behaviours of any children around this time of year Children often act up when they sense emotions that they cannot control or when they cannot assist the

  • Why You Should Incorporate Reiki Energy into Your Life

    restoring balance, it is performed in hospitals and treatment centres throughout the world, such as on the Children It is great for Men, Women and Children.

  • Book Recommendations For Spiritual Growth, Inner Healing & Trauma Release

    Healing Dependence: The 12 Steps for the Rest of Us — A Path to Wholeness, Serenity and Success Books for Children

  • Mental Health & How Reiki Helps

    Reiki is getting greater exposure, offered at more places, a larger number of people (Men, Women & Children

  • Science vs Spirituality

    to be aware of your environment; to deal with the major impact negativity (even random comments to children

  • Why Reiki Is Awesome For Pregnancy

    It is ideal if children can be taught, at the earliest opportunity, Reiki & the 5 Principles, so they Regular Sessions for Children: Children, like Animals, adore Reiki, it helps them focus and find their balance, it is now practiced at hospitals & treatment centres throughout the world, such as on the Children It is great for Men, Women & Children.

  • Reiki & Crystals for Fertility & Pregnancy

    Once children enter the world, reiki works to ease the transition of the child through the stages of It is ideal if children can be taught, at the earliest opportunity, Reiki & the 5 Principles, so they I run workshops & have online courses available for adults and new ones are being produced for children One of my goals is to teach as many children as possible Reiki and currently have an application for This is only my opinion but I very much believe the theory that children choose their parents to teach

  • Reduce Your Sugar Intake to Lift Your Mood

    One way is to watch the difference in a group of children happily playing, then eating cake, and having

  • Life Force Energy Healing

    For children, practising meditation and breathing exercises frequently will provide them with lifelong

  • Tackling Cyber Bullying

    The Duke of Cambridge has teamed up with tech firms, children’s charities and parents to launch a code My plan is to teach as many children as possible new, improved ways of dealing with stress, trauma & Tina who runs Lotus & Laurel Yoga teaches children & is a talented instructor, based in Hampton but with relaxation tool, that is taught in a few schools and there are practitioners who specifically teach children I am developing a Reiki Course for Children, now that I have my Enhanced DBS Certificate, allowing me

  • 3 Free Transformative Healing Tools

    Children are known to laugh up to 400 times a day but as adults a tiny 15 times daily, let's change that

  • Basic Rules For a Positive Energy Flow at Home

    For children in the home, a least one full-length mirror, that they access often, helps to build self-esteem

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