We are stepping into a year of fire, burning away resistance, doubt, fear and lack, building our heart open solid foundations of divine trust in ourselves, our angelic teams, and our worthiness to live with ease and have epic amounts of fun, embodying our Christ consciousness selves. The energetic shifts of 2025, the increase in light, as many more souls awaken, and the restoration of Mother Earth will see life change forever. The 1:1 Portal of Revolutionary Change, on the 1st day of January, triggers the uprising of consciousness and is a big opportunity for you to connect in with source energies and map out your plans.

2025 is the year of the Snake when your kundalini fire, the serpent of energy that resides up your spine, will most definitely be calling for your attention. The hidden apple of knowledge that accelerates your life journey, self-love levels, and how you perceive your daily existence. Your coiled snake 🐍 of energetic power, resilience, and divine trust in your purpose here on Earth. I can help you manage this process with my innerdance sessions via Zoom, where you lay on your mat, cover your eyes, and immerse yourself in the experience and face and clear those stagnant blockages. We can do this privately or you can join one of my weekly group classes, the more you do it, the greater the speed with which you transform, resetting your brain activity, healing pain, trauma and anything else previously in your away.
A nine year ~ 2+0+2+5=9, the support from our ancestors is strong and it is super advisable to connect in with these energies, so you can hear the messages of guidance. It will strengthen the escalation of you, your power, and all that you are creating this year. We have done all the healing work so that we can tap into the energetic frequencies with ease. The four signs with Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces placements are entering their villain eras in 2025, ruthlessly standing up for themselves, taking no shite from anyone or anything, fully standing up for what is right, further aiding the transition of humanity.

On 21st January, a Planet Parade will light up the night sky, showcasing six planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, with Mercury joining on 25th Jan = 7 visible, lasting approximately 4 weeks, igniting the energies of change further.
The revelations of 2025 may be perceived as shocking, yet we are preparing ourselves, and those around us, so that we do not go into utter disbelief, anxiety and alarm. We have been feed some of the truths in 2024, with scapegoats paraded in the media as the ringleaders yet the actual truth is more horrific and stuff some of us have known for years. Nonetheless the realisation that those that were respected, admired and, even, hero worshipped, where living a lie, and effectively abusing us all, because we let them, will throw some people of off-kilter, now we rise above and maintain powerful energetic frequencies. The fact our whole lives were a game of control, will be frightening for some, hence we will permeate stronger waves of positive, peaceful, love energies everywhere we go. This is why we ask that you keep your energetic vibration high, that you operate in the certainty of your divine sovereign right to live freely, to enjoy life now, not waiting for 'the right time', as your authentic self.
Mega alterations to life in America will have rippling effects throughout the globe, in encouraging ways, change is needed. Many areas of life have gone to extremes, like the significant increase in how gender is understood and defined, sending children into confusion, and all because, ultimately, they want to reduce the population, reducing the birthing rates. Please research and expand your understandings, so you are able to stay grounded, focused and achieving your goals with vigour, no matter the external ‘chaos’.
The official commencement of the Year of the Snake, falls on Wednesday 29th January 2025, Chinese New Year. Their calendar is based on the lunar calendar which is great, and I pray that we will one day follow something similar or the Ethiopian calendar, here in the west, of 13 months with 28 days, no clock alterations and so we are in closer synchronisation with our natural cycles - especially for women.
The real energy year begins with Ostara Spring Equinox - 20th March 2025 ~ a wonderful day to review, and develop upon, the resolutions and intentions you set as we close 2024.
Manifesting Tips: List 100 things starting with 'I am so happy & grateful for...' talking in the present tense, even though everything has yet to take form. As a daily practice this is amazing, even a few times a week generates growth energies.
A yearly Mantras:
I Am excited about...fill in the blanks
I Am Comfortable with the Uncomfortable ~ something we need to embody more in 2025
I Am extremely certain of my plans, especially in the most uncertain energies + spaces.
The 2025 Energy Predictions ~ Part 1, is an overview of the first few months, I will do part 2 once I sense and feel into the energies of 2025 as the speed of transformations is going to wonderfully accelerated. Please know the world will be significantly different within the next few years and how this develops will be dictated by the scale of self-actualisation you accomplish.

The biggest non-conformity, empowerment practices we can undertake in 2025 are going to see us easily connect to our divine source energies 24/7, knowing everything we need is already provided in the present moment and that we are not separate from God, creation or infinite abundance. Embodying these beliefs ~ Christ consciousness ~ calls in your manifestations, with lightning speed. I have experienced such divine shifts in my life, it is why Yeshua Ben Yosef came to earth in the first place, and why the religious texts were altered, along with everything else, so you were prevented from fully believing in your magic and ability to live so differently. When you step back and look at things, when you see so many souls up and travelling, living off grid, homeschooling, everything that is outside the 'system', their levels of happiness, health and living freely just cannot be ignored.
The ego is often spoke about as something we need to throw away yet achieving a new way to manage it, play with it, and keep it as a trusted friend, but a silent one we only call on in necessity, is a big theme of 2025. We are all one, mirrors for each other's growth, and very unique individuals too. Living as our authentic selves, outside of the matrix, with such divinely orchestrated lives we are 'on holiday' 24/7 because life is a paradise. You really can summon your dream life when you believe, take inspired action, feel in your heart, see it all (on repeat) in your mind's eye, remain focused in chaos, and allow compassionate prosperity to arrive on your train of manifesting, that is truly desperate to pull into your station heehee.
If you are experiencing physical afflictions, they are just opportunities for you to recognise the areas of growth and healing required. All opportunities, not issues, it is a reminder of perception and desire to live in freedom, or stay stuck, you choose. We are learning more about ourselves this next year than ever before, re-remembering what we agreed to on re-entering the physical form, so that we cultivate deeper inner awareness to easily release fear, worry or doubt. I will add to this article and publish part 2 as I feel called too, have a wonderful end to 2024 and enjoy all you invite into your life.
+44 (0)7949089265
Link to the Moon Calendar for 2025