Home, Office + Hotel Energy Space Cleansing

Space clearing ceremonies remove negative energetic imprints that can have detrimental effects on the occupants mental & physical wellbeing + success levels. We take on energy that is then transported into the space + sticks to everything. My personal method involves sound healing, burning sage, chanting mantras + prayers and applying healing quantum energy healing (5th dimensional Reiki) to each room. Decluttering + basic Feng Shui advice included. Contact Emma for a quote, areas covered: anywhere in the world, remotely or in-person, when travel time + costs are paid.
Prices are based on total number of rooms, hallways, bathrooms + issues present. For remote cleanses, I energetically tune into your location & work per room to reset the energies, via videos/pictures supplied by you + send a follow up email with channelled intuitive guidance + basic feng shui advice.
When To Cleanse Your Space
Negative Events, Illness, Multiple Occupants
After personal or professional changes or difficulties + sickness or sleep issues within the space. When there has been multiple visitors, dumping their energies ~ this happens naturally & can leave areas feeling dense/uncomfortable for the next guests.
Earthbound Souls / Negative Entities
Unhappy souls that have left the physical form yet remain in the etheric field of Mother Earth & need to be released & fully crossover ~ sensing dark, heavy energies, feeling/seeing movement of objects + shadows at night
Moving To A New Home + Selling Your Property
To clear the energies of past occupants, to remove the stagnant energies built up over time within your current or new space. Refreshing the energies + decluttering & applying basic feng shui improve life for all occupants, old + new.
Feeling Stuck
When you feel trapped in thought patterns, affected by your properties energies, depressed and want to press the ‘restart’ button and improve the quality of life.
The Sunday Times Online published an article about House Cleansing & I was featured
Remote Home Energy Cleansing
Remote clearing works with the transmuting of energies, which can be done from anywhere, fully remotely via a video/pictures supplied by your of your property (internal + external); book a Zoom Coaching call, if you are having personal difficulties. Cost depends on size of your space, use the contact form with the total number of rooms + location for a quote.

Sage Smudging
Smudging is used for medicinal benefits, for example: people affected by poor air quality, suffering from respiratory issues, lung problems, headaches, asthma + cough & cold. Scientific evidence shows that medicinal smoke is a powerful antiseptic that purifies the air of 94% of harmful bacteria. READ MORE HERE. ​Any conflict, anger or illness is absorbed by the smoke, removed from the energy field of you and your space & helps those close to you/other occupants. Sage means salvia in Latin, 'healthy' or ' to heal' & regular burning increases your memory, awareness & mood. The smoke attaches to the negative energy in the air, dissipates + clears it & transmutes it from negative to positive.
Prices based on the number of rooms + location & travel time, for in-person ceremonies
Cancellation Policy: ​A minimum of 48 hours notice, cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the FULL RATE. Please be aware Ceremonies take energy + time for preparation, process + releasing afterwards, and this is reflected in the cost.