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Book Recommendations For Spiritual Growth, Inner Healing & Trauma Release

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Sep 24, 2024

Updated lists of some of the key gems I have discovered to aid our journey of healing and awakening. I am often asked to suggest authors that have greatly enhanced my life journey of growth, releasing and brain retraining. I have also included some that I have yet to explore further or that I have heard talk, rather than read, that are particularly amazing. Different influencers show up at the right time, depending where you are on your healing journey, as always trust your intuition.

Starting Your Spiritual Journey

You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay - I refer to this book daily with my clients, there is a wonderful dictionary in the back that relates the opposing emotion to the common ailments, aches and pains the world experiences. For me, 95% of all illness and disease has an emotional root cause and when you find it and work from there, ultimate healing can occur. Louise founded HayHouse at 56 years, the biggest self-help publishers in the world and has many courses and books that you may feel equally drawn too. Her mirror work, with affirmations, is life changing, enjoy exploring your inner growth.

I Can See Clearly Now & Don't Die with The Music Still In You by Dr.Wayne.Dyer are two of my favourites but he has over 80 books, publications, videos, meditations and courses that are all truly inspiring and helpful.

Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind by Candace Pert, PH.D important teaches for everyone, especially those who are healing from physical ailments. Understanding the truth about how we operate is key to ultimate healing.

Everything by Kyle Gray; Books, Courses and Card Decks - I love these books: Raise Your Vibration (New Edition 2022), Divine Masters Ancient Wisdom (new 2021), Angel Prayers, The Angel Whisperer, Wings of Forgiveness, Light Warrior, Raise Your Vibration & Angel Numbers. Card Decks: Angel Prayers, Keepers of the Light, Angels & Ancestors and the Angel Guide Oracle.

Denise Linn - Energy Strands & Sacred Space Books and Native Spirit & Sacred Destiny Oracle Cards.Any of her books and courses though, she actually completed one of my Past Life Regressions on a trip to London and I am forever grateful! I saw myself burned at the stake for being a healer - very much misunderstood at that time but perfect confirmation that I am on the right path.

Dr Christiane Northrup, MD - Dodging Energy Vampires - An Empath's guide to evading relationships that drain you and restoring your health and power. I have written blogs on this book too, to help with protecting your energy field.

Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani, an important read for anyone living with a lack of self-worth, showing what we can manifest in the body due to constant negative thoughts of ourselves. We are more horrid to ourselves than anyone else, this needs to stop. Anita suffered with severe Big 'C' for 4 years & transforms her body, mind & spirit with a massive shift in personality, self-belief & self-love after a near death experience. Anita has amazing videos with her talks too available on Youtube and via her website + What If This is Heaven (her 2nd book).

The Female Archangels by Claire Stone - reclaim your power with the lost teachings of the Divine Feminine. Super similar beliefs and practices to what I hold and teach daily, Claire talks about her life path and teaches us, in detail, about the lost history of the Feminine Archangels - removed from our history as the power and energy of women has been feared by men for centuries. We are all amazing!

The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley - the magical legend of King Arthur, vividly retold through the eyes and lives of the women who wielded power from behind the throne. A spellbinding novel, that will stay with you asfor a long time to come.

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo, the title is explanation enough or read more in my blog: Book Review.

The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav - highly recommended for those looking to truly awaken to a new way of being.

Why Woo Woo Works by David Hamilton- I have not read this one but it is perfect for all the sceptics in your life.

Advanced Teachings for Your Awakening Journey

The Sophia Code by Kaia Ra - Ascension mastery activations, a living transmission encoded with direct revelations to activate your important role as a revolutionary wayshower for humanity's awakening. Author Kaia Ra is an Ascended master High Council called the Sophia Dragon Tribe.

Conscious Trance, The Journey to the Dancer Within by Pi Villaraza - the Kundalini Activation founder discusses his journey of discovering the power of music, dance and fully surrendering to achieve healing.

Starseed What's It All About by Alexander Quinn - the 360° Fast Track To Mastering Ascension

Waking Up In 5D + Beyond The Flower of Life + Opening the Akashic Records by Maureen J.St.Germain, vital for those spiritually awake and looking for guidance about human consciousness moving from 3D to 5D and beyond. Maureen's *new* book: Mastering Your 5D Self: Tools to Create a New Reality. I highly recommend purchasing: Golden Time Meditation so that we can all transcend together.

Grandmother Ayahuasca by Christian Funder - examines how ayahuasca affects the brain from a neuroscience perspective and how it effects on consciousness relate to ancient esoteric texts. Offering a holistic picture of ayahuasca from science to spirit.

Shamanic Visioning: Connecting with Spirit to Transform Your Inner and Outer Worlds by Sandra Ingerman. "Shamans throughout history have known that we all have the capacity to connect with plants, animals, natural forces, and helping spirits for guidance and healing." Shamanic drumming journeys, one my most favourite things to do!

Our Cosmic Origin by Ismael Perez - Open Your Eyes About Earth's Place In The Multiverse & About A Greater Organization of the Cosmos - a look at the suppressed history of our galaxy and where science, philosophy and spirituality come together as one.

Inner Medicine & The Second Wave by Kerri Hummingbird Sami - becoming one with Mother Earth for the survival of humanity so you can be your own guru and light up the world.

Serpent of Light Beyond 2012 by Drunvalo Melchizedek - the movement of the Earth's Kundalini & the Rise of the Female Light. A wonderful book to help your ascension path and to understand how this has been transpiring for some years. Feminine energy is the guiding light, over and above masculine energy as the world transforms.

Grow A New Body by Shaman Alberto Villoldo - How spirit and power plant nutrients can transform your health featuring cutting-edge science, recipes and a 7-day meal plan. Drawing on 25+ years as a medical anthropologist and his own journey from the edge of death to full health.

The Empath Experience: What to Do When You Feel Everything by Sydney Campos -A valuable tool for helping to get accept and understand your feelings.

Shaman + Jaguar In The Body, Butterfly In The Heart by Ya'Acov Darling Khan - book one is a shamanic journey of self-discovery, healing and empowerment shares teachings and practices to help you rediscover your inner shaman and find spiritual connection in modern life. Ya'Acov is a Movement Medicine Shaman who trained with indigenous elder shamans and communities from the Arctic to the Amazon.

Awakening Your Inner Shaman by Marcela Lobos - a powerful book by shamanic teacher, Marcela, about her journey in this world and the world of spirit. A healing journey for those looking to tape into the hidden strengths we have within.

Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth by Dolores Cannon - a great help for those looking to understand the realignment of human consciousness. The 3 waves are here to change the energy of Mother Earth to one of peace, joy and heaven on earth. Many of her books + videos online are inspiring and informative about the ascension process.

Cheating The Ferryman - Anthony Peake - the revolutionary science of life after death.

Anna, Grandmother of Jesus by Claire Heartsong- expanding our knowledge of the Mother of the Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. An excellent guide of the ascension journey and our ability to achieve immortality. Her teachings and service birthed a spiritual lineage that changed the world.

The Wisdom of the Shamans by Don Jose Ruiz - what the ancient masters can teach us about love and life. The toltec shamans implant the seeds of knowledge so that we can blossom into a new way of life.

The Wisdom of Your Cells by Bruce.H.Lipton Ph.D (& many more pieces of his work, videos, books and articles). A book on cellular biology that gives us an in-depth exploration into the microscopic world, where new discoveries and research are revolutionising the way we understand life, evolution and consciousness.

Trauma Resolution - Bessel Van Der Kolk - The Body Keeps The Score - tough going, as it talks about a lot of trauma but very helpful to understand how trauma impacts the ability to function throughout life and ways to heal from it.

Reiki Shamanism by Jim PathFinder Ewing (Nynehi Awatisgi), this one synchronistically appeared as I enhanced my shamanic skills and the services I offer. "Weaving the energy medicine of Reiki with the ancient healing power of shamanic journeying. Reiki Shamanism illuminates the pathway to a completely new level of spiritual insight and healing ability" - Michael Drake

Further Guidance:

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Spiritual Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny by Robin Sharma. An inspiring tale that blends the timeless spiritual wisdom of the East with the cutting-edge success principles of the West. It has helped millions of people worldwide how to live with greater courage, balance and happiness.

Sergio Magana Ocelocoyotl - Toltec Secret - Discover the powerful dreaming techniques of the ancient Toltecs in this eye-opening read from a renowned Mexican healer

Oracle Decks by Alana Fairchild

The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian

Emma's Spiritual Growth Resources Recommendations

The Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter and Jill Bolte Taylor PhD

Michael.A.Singer - the Untethered Soul

Charlie Morley - Dreams of Awakening & Lucid Dreaming plus great courses too.

Shakti Gawain - Creative Visualization

Bronnie Ware - 10 Regrets of the Dying

Edith Wharton - The Age of Innocence

Simon Haas - The Book of Dharma making enlightened choices

Joseph S Benner - The Impersonal Life

Judith Orloff, MD - Thriving as an Empath

Elizabeth Gilbert - Big Magic & Eat Pray Love (made into a film starring Julia Roberts)

Brian L.Weiss M.D. - Many Lives, Many Masters

Multiple life transforming books, courses, talks, meditations, videos (too numerous to mention them all!) by:

Marianne Williamson - an incredible teacher of A Course in Miracles

Collette Baron Reid - Oracle cards + yearly Vision Board Challenge

Nick & Jessica Ortner - Tapping Solutions, books, courses & videos.

Gregg Braden

Lynne McTaggart

Rupert Sheldrake

Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way

Nancy Levin (those feeling 'stuck' in a marriage / relationship - her life journey helps)

Overcoming Addiction Specialists

Ideal if you know someone recovering from a previous addiction as they have first hand experience, look into the root cause of the addictive behaviours and teach how to survive and thrive.

Gabby Bernstein - numerous titles.

Ester Nicholson - Soul Recovery - 12 Keys to Healing Dependence: The 12 Steps for the Rest of Us — A Path to Wholeness, Serenity and Success

Books for Children:

Dr Wayne Dyer - Incredible You, Unstoppable Me

Louise Hay - I Think, I am

Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Beautiful Girl

Kirsty Larcombe - Milo Monkey's Mindset

Wendy O'Leary - It's OK - being kind to yourself when things fell hard

Sophie Learns - Be Brave

Berthe Jansen - Don't Kill The Bugs - how kids can be heroes for creatures

Sumi Loundon Kim - Goodnight Love - a bedtime meditation story

Please do comment with any suggestions you have discovered so we can all learn from each other.



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