Intuitive Readings
with Angel Tarot + Oracle Cards
Readings allow you to see where you are going based on your current thought processes and the energies that surround you. Each session helps you see YOUR future potential and if you don't like what the cards show then you can change your thoughts and ultimately your life! Sessions provide guidance from your spirit guides, about what you need to work on/alter in to get to where you want to be. Session via Zoom or In-Person, pricing is based on the length of the reading + format. Do get in touch with any questions emma@handserenity.com.
50% off Dec 2024 ~ ONLY £44
Identify Your Next Steps
Intuitive Reading Vouchers
A unique, personalised, gift for birthdays, Special Occasions & a celebration. The recipient can book at a time convenient to them. Add your personal message at checkout. Vouchers can be email or posted to you.

Cancellation Policy: ​Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate.

Guided Ritual for Cutting the Cords of Negativity.
A guided ceremony to cut the etheric cords from your energy, barriers of fear, the past, stored anger or resentment, to people and situations, anything that can be preventing you moving forwards. With all relationships, friendships & interactions energetic cords form and attachments need to be cut and released.
Frequently releasing negativity that builds up within, allows us to strengthen our energy and build on the goals, we are manifesting. Every minute of every day we share and pick up energies from others - this can be electronically, as well as in-person, email, phone calls etc. Cutting cords recharges your energy field, helps you to feel more peaceful, free and open to new opportunities.