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New Moon Magic Approaching...

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

A wonderful expansion and upgrading of the energies are on the way with the next moon cycle. I am excited for us all, as this eclipse season has been heavy, hard work and emotionally draining, yet exhilarating too, all much needed for our growth. The revelations and realisations that showed up for many of us, now that we have worked through them, are allowing us to close out 2022 with a bang, with a renewed sense of purpose, power and belief in ourselves. The energies are welcoming in impressive opportunities for new beginnings, a real rebirthing of our souls. I have said it before, and will surely say it again heehee, but do the work and reap the rewards. If you continue to put off your healing journey then it is a form of self-abuse, that not only hurts you, but those around you. Everything we is a choice, our thoughts, actions and reaction so let's getting upgrading ourselves.

The next New Moon is in Sagittarius on Wednesday 23rd November 2022 at 22:57, London, UK | 14:57, Los Angeles, U.S.A | 17:57, New York, U.S.A & on 24.11.2022 at 09:57 in Sydney, Australia. We are being called to empty out our emotional closets, face up to anything that has been 'tucked away', or that we thought had been worked through enough, so we can remove destructive thought patterns and habits that are still dragging us down. One big area is the inner child work, reviving our carefree, trusting, unsuspicious selves so that we can have more fun. We shut down our inner child when upsetting events occur and allowing him/her/they/them to return restores our innocence, increases our level of happiness and aids the further opening of our hearts.

I recently completed a Soul Retrieval journey on myself to restore a lost part of my soul that departed through a childhood traumatic event, and I am enjoying the greater levels of contentment, clarity and freedom in each moment. We work through stuff and think the healing is concluded, but more clearing and restoration of the inner child is often needed to fully move into a new level of awareness, pleasure, and understanding of our make-up. I apply self-reiki daily, meditate, walk in nature, and helping others heal themselves, heals me too, I am very grateful.

Each Reiki session 'peels back the layers of emotions' and as I am upgrading constantly, the sessions I offer are elevated, and so too is the clearing when applied to myself, treatments certainly help with the lucidity around what requires focus/further work. I am blessed and thankful and would love to help more of you with treatments, in-person or at a distance, or to teach you how to perform self-reiki (we only need 3 hours via Zoom or In-Person). Regular treatments are paramount for our cleansing, healing and balancing to move into the changes we are experiencing in the world with ease and grace. I know that may sound like a paragraph of sales pitch but my dharma, what fires me up, is helping more of you wake up - it is the very words at the centre of my vision board for 2022.

It is also perfect that this New Moon is in Sagittarius as their key traits are exemplary for this part of our ascension. Their free-spirited nature, optimism, spontaneity and honesty are the boost we need to evolve and ascend to higher planes. We are here to live in heaven on earth and reset the way we teach our children, what we consume and how we function daily.

Ascension symptoms are exaggerated at this time, being 'forgetful' is one - remembering what we need to, at the time we need to, but the 'overview' of stuff seems hazy. Please know the 'pains', 'aches', 'signs' are all part of the process as we are energetically upgrading our mental, physical and emotional form. We are listening to ourselves, altering our self-talk, upgrading our perceptions, and parenting ourselves to transform and remove our limiting beliefs. Gratitude for all we have, all we have achieved, and everything that is coming our way allows more magic to show up. It can be small steps or massive changes all at once, it all depends on you and the healing you are open to.

The new beginnings on offer to us with each New Moon supply us with the opportunity to set clear intentions for all that we desire to manifest, be sure to aim higher this month. As with the cycles over the last few months, if you are feeling called too, then do a burning and releasing ritual (usually reserved for the Full Moon cycles). I for one shall be, as a result of the healing I have been doing, my pad is filling up ready for the fire! Do get in touch with any questions, let's end 2022 with the strongest and healthiest version of ourselves yet, we can do this. Working at the quantum level of healing increases the results



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