There has never been a better time to learn the art of Reiki Energy Healing so that you can practice daily on yourself. It is a vital tool as human consciousness upgrades and we begin to live without the stress, fear and worry that was previous taught so that we could feel successful in life. Everything that is around and within us is made up of energy, and as energetic vibrational beings what we emit we attract back. Life experiences distort our perception and thinking so it is therefore vital to regularly clear the emotional energy blockages that have built up within the body from destructive events, so that we are not living in a state of fear, negativity or dread. Learning how to clear emotional stress patterns is life altering and improves your overall health, wellbeing and happiness.

Right now, the degrees of stress in society are at the highest ever and this causes the nervous system to fire ridiculous amounts of times a day. Stress is a skill we need when in certain situations, such as out in the wild and come face-to-face with a black bear so that we go into ‘fight or flight’ mode and get out of there (safely). It is not something we have to accept as a daily habit and it is highly advisable to find tools that radically reduce your levels now, before it causes massive issues in your world. A very high percentage of disease and illness is emotionally based.
Energy is shared with each interaction:
- If both parties are happy with the encounter, then there is a neutral exchange of energy
- If you become angry, then the other person steals your energy
- If the other person gets angry at you, then you are stealing their energy. This means that you can take on the negativity and broken parts of another soul, often unwittingly. If you find yourself drain by a communication with another, it is extremely important to visualise 'throwing away' anything you may have picked up. Reiki Treatments can help cleanse you plus burn sage within your home.
Reiki Energy Healing is an emotional drainage system for the blockages that occur as a result of past traumas, challenges and learned behaviour's. It is a natural method of self-improvement and healing that reduces stress, anxiety and depression; helps to build self-confidence; improves mental clarity; alleviates sleep issues; removes pain; aids with learning difficulties, such as ADHD and autism; aids fertility, pre and post birth; promotes relaxation and assists the body in healing from copious physical ailments. It is excellent when looking to restart as you begin your personal growth journey, increasing your awareness, and spiritual awakening. The process of transformation is further aided by the additional time and effort you are able to apply in-between sessions, to retrain your thought processes that have been blocking your growth.
Each session works to restore emotional, physical and mental balance to your body, mind and soul by igniting your body’s natural healing abilities (above their normal levels) and, with additional consultation sessions, teach you how to get out of the habitual negative thought patterns that you have learned throughout life. We are not here to be stressed out 24/7; we are here to enjoy all that life has to offer, even the simple things.
To explain simply: there are seven main chakras in the body that are ‘wheels of spinning energy’ and negative emotions, trauma, stress and much more, collect here and so they need to be cleared and brought back into rhythm, so we can be the ‘super’ humans that we are intended to be. Life choices, challenges and each interaction with others, mean energy is shared, whether it be negative or positive, you take on others anger / stress / negativity causing the flow of energy within you to be stifled, these internal blockages and emotional build-ups need removing to prevent illness and diseases. Clearing constantly with regular treatments gives you the tools to live more positively daily, further preventing illness and disease so book your appointment today. Humanity worked with nature on much greater levels years ago and the changes in the medical professions and society in general have meant these practices were ‘lost’, until now.
Life choices, challenges and each interaction with others, mean energy is shared, whether it be negative or positive, so you take on others anger / stress / negativity causing the flow of energy within you to be stifled. Humanity worked with natural healing on much greater levels years ago and the changes in the medical professions and society in general have meant these practices were ‘lost’, until now.
The medical and pharmaceutical industries are just that ‘industries’ with shareholders that want to make maximum profit from societies ill health. We require the medical industry for physical ailments, like accidents, to repair the outer body, but pumping people with drugs unnecessarily must stop. Prescribed drugs, like antibiotics, destroy the gut and kill far more bacteria than is necessary to heal from the sickness they were prescribed for. Far too often your nutrition, habits, thought patterns and life choices are not considered, rather 'drugs' are given and you are sent away. This is wrong, we need to discover, and work with, the root cause of diseases, the stress / trauma / emotional imbalance that put your immune system at risk of infection and disease. By clearing and balancing the body, and brain retraining to remove old ways of thinking, then natural healing can occur. Changing your thoughts and removing negative blockages, that have manifested over time, you can then change the chemistry of your body.
Some illness happens as a ‘wake-up call’ to cause you to slow down and re-evaluate what you are doing and ask yourself questions such as ‘Am I truly happy?’ ‘Is it enough to keep putting off resolving that problem / changing that job / relationship’ and so forth. We all need rest and repair time, mentally as well as physically, and we must plan Reiki Sessions, or whatever energy healing modality you are called too, into our daily lives NOW. Do not wait until you are ‘burnt out’ or receive a horrid diagnosis.
Main benefits of Reiki:
· Relieve stress, anxiety and depression
· Build confidence and self-esteem, aiding personal growth
· Ease aches and pains
· Promotes relaxation
· Strengthens overall health and wellbeing
· Helps those with learning difficulties: Autism & ADHD
· Alleviates sleep issues - insomnia & chronic fatigue
· Aids Fertility, pre and post birth
· Extremely grounding
· Addictive behaviour's i.e. eating disorders
· Physical ailments i.e. migraines, sciatica, big 'C', Parkinson's, MS, arthritis, tinnitus, asthma, menopause, allergies
· Mental Clarity & increased awareness
· For grief and palliative care (people and animals)
· Reiki is excellent when looking to restart after a trauma, a life change, injury or on going issues. There is more information on the reiki pages.
Science finds measuring energy and the successes of treatments difficult to quantify, there are no 'pills of energy' that can be given but Reiki Energy Healing Treatments are a great life and health benefit because they work to stimulate and ignite the immune system and your own ability to heal, restoring balance, it is performed in hospitals and treatment centres throughout the world, such as on the Children at Great Ormond Street in London, Macmillan Cancer Centres and within the NHS.
Treatments with Crystal and Sound Healing
I intuitively build crystal grids and when sessions are combined with crystals and sound healing, the results are amplified. Vibrational 'medicine' (sound) locates issues and corrects them to the right frequency, for optimal health. We have 5 physical senses; see, hear, smell, taste & touch, of which, surprisingly, most people are only able to perceive 1% of the physical reality around us, Sound Healing increases aptitude to function at our highest potential. Tuning forks help by bringing the body back to our fundamental pulse and connect us to our life rhythm and provide instantaneous relaxation. I had an article published in 2017, read more: The Life Changing Benefits of Reiki about the benefits of incorporating crystals into Reiki sessions.
What happens during a treatment?
Most often great relaxation is achieved and with each appointment emotions that require clearing arise and the layers are 'peeled away' so you can face and release stored emotional blockages and truly restore your equilibrium to its natural state.
Healing Reiki can be transmuted through anything and as such sessions are performed fully clothed, on a massage table (the client can be seated, if laying is uncomfortable) and the practitioner will place their hands over the client’s body, in a series of hand positions. It is great for Men, Women and Children. Each treatment lasts 40-50 minutes with a brief discussion before and afterwards.
Post Session Advice: Be gentle on yourself for at least 24 hours post treatment, as the bodies’ ability to heal is heightened. It can also be advantageous to drink water for at least 48 hours after a treatment, to continue the release of toxins.
A little about me:
Hello, I am an award winning Reiki Energy Medicine Practitioner and Teacher, Intuitive Reader and Spiritual Advisor, Mentor and Coach based in Richmond, with a global client base. I am highly intuitive, empathetic and clairsentient and have been on a spiritual path for over 22 years, it began with crystals and crystal healing. I love to share all that I have learnt and continue to discover about living more consciously on planet earth. I am super grateful that I can treat and teach clients throughout the world with crystal reiki, distance healing, online courses and weekly guidance via the blog.
I studied Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Nutrition, whilst working full-time, initially aiming to become a counsellor but I did not want to send you home with a list of what to do, but remove the negative emotional, mental and physical blockages there and then. Then Reiki Energy Healing showed up and I have never looked back. Synchronicities began to appear, like my father was born on the same day as Dr Usui, the founder of Reiki, and my grandad on the Summer Solstice. Following a past life regression, it is clear I was a healer in a past life, that is my dharma, life purpose. I adore helping others to find inner peace, clear trapped energy blockages within the body and to achieve a more positive mind set. Handserenity Holistic Health is here to help as many people as possible live their truth, their life potential, without fear, stress or worry. More here: My Story.
Reiki Customer Reviews:
"Emma has turned my life around within 1 month. She has helped me leave the old believes and build new perception of my life. I have upgraded my job, finances, health and love life thanks to her guidance. We also had reiki sessions which had profound effect on my healing & helped me regulate my cycle. I would highly recommend working with Emma as she is very caring, gave me huge amount of knowledge and I will be forever grateful" Natalia Wilinska
"Emma is an Earth Angel that has rescued me more times than I can record. There is no end to Emma’s talents, whether you are new to this practice/experience or a total addict she tailors the session to be so personalised. She listens with genuine care to your issues and what you want to achieve or manifest from your sessions and you work together to make it happen. Her space is beyond magical, with such a positive, healing and angelic energy. After every appointment with Emma I feel the best version of myself, renewed and energised. We have had great success with making some personal dreams come true. She is realistic, honest, genuine and truly a magician at her craft. I have seen Emma for a long time for treatments and it gets better and better. She is just incredible." Elizabeth, Crystal Reiki Sessions, London
Reiki Energy Healing Treatments with Crystal Healing, Sound Healing available too. My Reiki Room/ Crystal Haven is in Richmond and I am open 7am - 8pm, first session is £95 with 30 minutes free coaching, more Details: Handserenity Reiki Treatments.
Distance Reiki Sessions allow you to enjoy Reiki from the comfort of your own home. Reiki is not limited by time or space, allowing for sessions to be conducted from anywhere to anyone and any event or situation. All you need to do is provide a photo, your location and set a date and time to receive an amazing healing, as you lay and rest and absorb the healing. I treat clients from all over the UK, Europe and Worldwide.
Animal Reiki - I adore helping everyone and to be able to assist animals with their growth and healing is wonderful. Animal Reiki promotes deep relaxation and enhances their performance, removes stress and anxiety and is very beneficial if animals have experienced trauma from abuse, loss, a move or they exhibit depression or behavioural problems, it is a very effective therapy for them.
With so many advantages of treatments, one of the most important is that Reiki ignites the immune system to restore optimum health and relieve pain. Animals can take on pain, stress and dis-ease from their guardians and owners, so it is an awesome tool to help them heal. It can be performed on animals of all ages and is great for palliative care for both patient and owner. It helps pets with removing any guilt, if they are not in optimum health, and needing to pass over. Often animals can be their guardian’s only companion causing guilt and stress at leaving them on their own. Allopathic Veterinary care works well alongside Reiki. Animals are very intuitive (as I am sure you know!) and are particularly receptive to energy medicine (Reiki). If they do bark, growl, or run away because they are in too much pain and discomfort, then distance Reiki can be used to help alleviate the pain and trauma. This can be done across the room or via distance visualisation.

Do get in touch with any questions or comments about Reiki, energy, and retraining your thinking to thrive.
Learning to work on a 5th dimensional level, alongside the 5 senses, is life changing and very much required with the changes we are experiencing.
+44 (0)7949089265