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Parenting Tips for 5D+ New Earth Ascension

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Oct 28, 2024

For the amazing young souls in your world (no matter their age, even pre-birth, they pick up on everything), why not normalise knowledge of their own energy field, hugging a tree + fortnightly tuning into, and working with the moon phases, to clear and reset their energies, guiding them to set intentions and releasing words, feelings and upset held within them? Teaching them that they are in control of their destiny, not anyone or anything else, no teacher, no societal construct, them.

Educating them on how to live in the present moment, cultivating time to think about what they truly desire, and what is possible outside of the perceptions of societal norms. Practicing New & Full Moon ceremonies, writing down and visualising objectives, even if they constantly change. Teaching them to not worry about what they feel they cannot control ~ the future ~ then when they feel in chaos by life's challenges, they have an end destination to continue to work towards.

Doing your healing, so you are not projecting old wounds and traumas on to them, is a big leap of transformation. Deepening your perception of self, to prevent attributing your issues onto your angels, inadvertently, helps both of you. I have a previous blog that talks directly about nurturing an empathetic child.

Focusing on our ultimate desires, not being concerned with the 'how,' or any fear or apprehension that arises, resets the inner programming and the daily operation of us all. Children are particularly susceptible and sensitive to energies, especially at this pivotal time, and so I have expanded my offerings ~ Weekly Innerdance Group Classes; 1:1 Private Sessions, where adults can be present, if it does not hinder the young soul opening themselves up ~ it is preferable one to one for their growth and relaxation levels. Distance Quantum Energy Healing, fully remote, where they lay down & relax in an undisturbed space for 40 minutes ~ these have often taken place just as children awaken (early morning) or as they retire for the night. I accommodate different time zones for these too, if you do not see the time required on my booking page, drop me an email/WhatsApp. I teach Children's Reiki Level I via Zoom, that has seen those previously getting into 'trouble' at school because they pick up the feelings of others discovering how to process the situations in calm, compassionate ways and not take on the problems of others as their own.

Spending time with them, or encouraging them to do it on their own, to think about what they truly desire to do/be, and what requires clearing from them is priceless and a monthly full moon ceremony can be the perfect stepping stone. It triggers the release of stored anger, frustration and misunderstanding, that they may have experienced, showing that how they feel towards another can improve, can be caused by a certain perspective, that they have learnt from a parent, a TV show, video game and so on. Screaming at a notepad can be cathartic, especially if expressing it to another out loud would not be a positive outcome, or if it is not possible in the circumstances, generating further understanding it is ok to express how they feel. My old full moon ritual is here, the biggest thing is to release the ashes in a river, park or the ocean, not in your rubbish, because that = holding onto the words/the blockages. I saw a video of a son asking his Mum if he could join her in sending cold energies to dissipate the recent manmade hurricane, it made my heart sing.

I highly encourage you to ask them what it is they would like to be, to do ultimately, this will change as they grow, yet understanding what they feel inside is the correct compass to follow and will be ingrained within them. Heart led living is the new earth energies, the connection to our heart/mind has been severed by what we were told to eat, be, & do, now we change all that.

Promoting pursuit of whatever it is your angels would love to do will enhance their talents, their gifts and aid the journey of conscious education, amplifying what and who they are - this is how it will be going forwards. No pressure of exams, degrees and enforced 'education' that actually suppresses a lot of their talents. Every child is divinely individual, and improving the way they see the world is a massive part of developing their innate gifts, their awakened, enlightened souls.

Words Are Spells, Be Consious of What You Cast Onto Others

What they consume impacts their total existence and breaking any mislearned habits when they are young will improve the trajectory of their whole world, & that of mother earth. We do not need the food levels previously imposed on us, so much of what is sold contains toxins, slowing causing disease and mental health issues. Video games are a tool of satan, the easiest way to describe it, being hooked to the television, the EMF's, the revolting competitiveness + the destructive programming content. Just like films, music & the news, video games are a very simple way for them to program your child. Some competition is good, just the types and quantity needs a rethink.

Young children are not in their ego, it is cultivated over time with the competitive nature of the old construct, and so it is a perfect opportunity to begin nurturing a filter of truth and trust, enhancing their intuition, living in their heart rather than the over thinking mind or not oppressed by societal constructs that say they should do or be a certain way. In time there will be no separation, no division based on wealth - it will be redefined to mean how much a soul can stand in their authenticity, living in joy, not hurting another or themselves.

Is being forced to go to school 5 days a week for the whole of their key growing years truly a good idea? I know home schooling is not an option for many, although communities are coming together throughout the globe to share schooling and activities for their development. Pi (founder of innerdance) recently took his son from mainstream schooling and the expansiveness of his learning in a short time has been incredible.

Parenting Tips for 5D+ New Earth Ascension contains my thoughts and learnings from the work I do, as we know every child is unique and therefore requires their own set of processes to thrive. We are one, we bleed the same colour, we stem from the African genome and life is upgrading. This is one blog I will continue to add to, as we evolve more and more, our goals is to keep the crystalline children awake, with a greater understanding of all they see, sense & feel and can achieve in this lifetime.



+44 (0)7949089265

**The fallout from the full moon has been intense, yet I will continually take breaks from social media as the fake, dramatised articles are becoming a platform for the false light to push their agenda out into the mainstream. I am still posting on my Youtube channel, that only shows subscribed feeds to me :-). Use spiritual, heart led, discernment whenever you are listening too/ reading anything. The increase in fake 'spiritual' teachings is something to be very aware of...many made up stories to self promote their bs, you know best within you, every time.

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