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Services (26)

  • Children Innerdance Group Online

    Children Innerdance Group Online - Weekly Group Sessions Online via Zoom, by energy alchemist Emma Hands, to anywhere in the world & discounted to £33. Reset neural paths, regulate the nervous system, and provide structure to the brain. Achieve new levels of balance, and relief, from behavioural + attention issues, releasing trauma and attaining calmness, peace and grounding. The unique souls amongst us that have been labelled with Autism, ADHD, ODD, attain a greater understanding of themselves via the subconscious mind, discovering a renewed sense of peace and clarity. Sessions help hypersensitive, empathic souls with issues of anger, learning difficulties, neurodiversity, confidence building, communication and relief from growing pains. Teaching the nervous system to deal with chaos in a calm manner, thinking beyond who we are. Clearing of emotional, physical + mental blockages, a conscious meditation, generating renewed perspectives on everything. A dance that happens inside of us, not a physical dance. Lay on the floor, close the eyes + immerse oneself in the music + energy transmissions. Message me with any questions & see you online soon, I love helping you heal yourselves. More info: No prior experience or understanding is necessary, trying Innerdance is the best way to truly know the magic on offer.

  • Private Online Innerdance Activation

    Private Online Innerdance Energy Activation with energy alchemist, Emma Hands, via Zoom. Innerdance is not a physical dance, it is a dance that happens inside of you, it is an energetic sound & sensory healing journey. Energy activations to fire up your Kundalini Energies, clear & face all that no longer serves you & achieve, over time, a magical state of nirvana. Some people have visions, past life memories, release trauma, a magical lucid waking dream state. Each session is an immersion of energies to cleanse your soul of the past & welcome more ease into your daily life. Online via Zoom, for the regeneration + healing of your mind, body & spirit, awakening more of your latent DNA 🧬. Working with your Kundalini energies, to amplify your Pineal Gland, THE distributor of light (Energy) through the body, that tells your brain how to run your body’s systems. It is hidden knowledge that can upgrade you to a great level of self-mastery with each session. A wonderful experience, awakening the power of your Kundalini, accessing higher states of consciousness + opening your heart and mind to infinite possibilities, as you immerse yourself in the music & energy activations 🐍 Are you ready to evolve further, in a supercharged way? 💫 . More info: **Select either the x 3 Sessions = £255 or 1 x Session £111 at checkout**

  • Innerdance Kundalini Activation Online

    Innerdance Kundalini Activation Online - Weekly Group Sessions via Zoom, by energy alchemist Emma Hands, to anywhere in the world & discounted to £33. Innerdance is an energetic healing journey, a dance that happens inside of you, not a physical dance. Lay on your mat, cover your eyes + immerse yourself in the sound + energy activations. We go into the space where no language exists, deconstructing yourself to restructure yourself, a rebirthing of you. Activating visions, past life memories & trauma releasing, in a lucid waking dream state, bringing your mind, body & soul into full coherence. Everything we need is inside of us, lets embody the new earth energies & shine, it is your time. Each session brings up that which you most need to fix in your soul’s vessel to awaken new dimensions of consciousness. Opportunities to connect with your most authentic essence, an expansion of your consciousness as boundaries of perception dissolve, and you explore deeper aspects of yourself. An incredible tool to aid your personal growth, healing and the evolution of humanity, as you improve yourself, the frequency you emanate aids those around you. The playlists are a symphony for healing, the sequential music brings about memories, activating the sympathetic (fear, anxiety, excitement) + parasympathetic (trust, rest, digest) nervous systems. The morphing of knowledge, a conversation of energy with your soul, to access higher states of consciousness, as you embody a greater mastery of YOU and creating a pathway for more cosmic energy to flow through you, strengthening your connection to the oneness of the Universe. Message me with any questions & see you online soon, I love helping you heal yourselves. More info: Preparation: The desire to fully surrender to the music + energies for accelerated healing. No prior experience or understanding is necessary, trying Innerdance is the best way to truly know the magic on offer.

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Blog Posts (400)

  • Why Innerdance - Be-cause.

    A question I am often asked ~ Why Innerdance - Be-cause ~ the use of energy and powerful playlists, to activate the neural pathways of the brain, reawakening your forgotten self, amplify your healing journey, a re-remembering of the core of who you truly are. Discovering the cause of what is bothering you and potentially holding you back, any distress, ailments, self-doubt and much more. A dance that happens inside of you, not a physical dance, a regeneration of you, reawakening your latent DNA, bringing it back online, returning your 'forgotten' skills to you, stolen by the old ways of living, manifesting a return to your brilliance. The current systems on earth prevent the remembrance of us, the energies are upgrading daily, sessions activate the re-awakening of self. Innerdance is being used to reorder humankind. Pi Villaraza: "Earth, itself, was conducting its own playlist on my brain" during his, chosen, two year hermitage on an island in the Philippines. Visions, past life memories and trauma show up for releasing, which occurs in a lucid waking dream state, ushering your mind, body & soul into full coherence. The sessions are a concert, a symphony, for healing, the sequential musicality brings about memories, activating the sympathetic (fear, anxiety, excitement) and parasympathetic (trust, rest, digest) nervous systems. Generating a return to your brilliance, a rebirthing of you, awakening latent DNA, when you allow yourself to fully surrender. ​ Sessions create a frequency of energy vibration for language, linguistics, psychology, & the methodology of brain functionality reflecting the different histories of the world and all we need to clear to thrive. The core of each one of us is made up of language, thought, culture, the universe and the mind. We are activating the systems within you to help you to let go of control, to trust, relax and heal yourself. Allowing you to be afraid without being scared, clearing the anxieties from within. Rewiring the brain to function in greater levels of happiness, love and joy, working with the upper brain, the emotional, the ‘old’, the left and right, and reptilian brain. A new schooling system for seethe mind, body and spirit - becoming space and time - staying there - and then becoming time and space. Sessions awaken your natural abilities further, trigger anything that needs to be worked through, emotionally, physically and mentally, and upgrades your innate healing capabilities. Music and energy clearing can heal the wounds that medicine cannot touch, freeing your soul. You need to change your body, in order to change your mind, so surrendering to the power of the music playlists and energy activations, strengthens multiple parts of your life. Innerdance = re-wiring the brain, it is LIFE, a blueprint for oneness, not just a healing system. Getting to the root 'cause' of imbalances in your thinking, self-worth, health and wellbeing is the only real 'work' you need to be doing. There is actually no separation, when we strip away skin colour, language and financial status. No one is better or more capable than another, so much depends on our teachings, beliefs, and who we surround ourselves with. The body knows how to balance everything out, we must just listen and allow our own systems to guide us. Innerdance stimulates triggers, positive and negative, to help you re-wire your mind, body and spirit. I love this quote from Pi - Your room = your body & mind. Does your room need reorganising? Innerdance = the inner re-design of YOU, re-design is not just for your home, your external world. I listen to a playlist and apply energy healing to myself daily, on waking, to set me up for the day, so very empowering. As facilitators we activate you energetically, to enable control to be released, to trust fully in your own potential, power and untapped/forgotten expertise to heal yourself, and others. We aid you in confronting your fear, letting go of aggression and moving on from anything previously holding you back. Your Kundalini Energy is your crystalline energy, your Christ energy, a sacred oil, a plasma frequency, that resides at the base of your spine and it is dormant until we raise it. The taurus field outside of you extends up to six feet outside of you, as your magnetism strengthens, the depth of your quantum field expands. Your taurus field is like a donut shaped energy around our physical form, as the Kundalini oil rises up the spine, your chakra system begins to purge, over and over with daily practice, constantly flushing out your soul’s vessel. This is why some say it is demonic, because it energetically purges low frequencies out of your energetic body = you face your demons and they are purified by your Kundalini energy. You feel the energy rise up your spine, up your fascia, releasing any tension. The body can literally purge, causing feelings of nausea, vomiting, as big emotional releasing happens. Intense hot flushes, sweating, as the heat of your kundalini oil rises. The energies rise up into your pineal gland, your crystalline DNA energy is activated and a reality/matrix purge occurs – Your lens of life adjusts to a higher frequency. People fall away, food tastes improve, old vices are rejected by the body, a human software update. Your connection to the Universe is strengthened, a cosmic orgasm. Innerdance initially helps you find a way to shut down the linear thinking process, the noisy brain. With so much information pumped out into the world is creates confusion, stress and uncertainty. When you do not know who to believe, it lessons your power with confusion. Now this is all transposing, we are evolving into who we came here to be. We are divine, sovereign beings, here to live in freedom, love and joy. Pi + the many facilitators, have got Innerdance being used worldwide within Schools and onto the curriculum of the schools in the Philippines. In addiction clinics, prisons; companies; eco-community; as a training modality for practitioners in the medical, psychiatric and therapeutic fields. Innerdance provides links between the energy process and the medical scientific fields, it is growing exponentially. In Pi's words: "Innerdance is an ever-growing conversation on how rehabilitation and insight might emerge from collective journey spaces. Learning how the energy process might find application in places that crave for depth, flow and deep listening." Pi was in a dark place when he stepped away from his status, friends and the control systems, and found true joy, peace and happiness, living on an island for two years, eating only coconuts, and receiving how to bring the magic of Innerdance to the world. Opening his heart and mind to the power of healing with energy and music frequencies. Innerdance creates the opportunity to become what you can become. Every playlist is the circadian rhythms of the earth, creating certain combinations of brain states that bring about an earth frequency. Earth was conducting the playlist on Pi Villaraza’s brain during his time in isolation. An assimilation that he conducts, an initiation process, Mother Earth is the one who IS. A mantra: I AM..the universe, it is with me, I am my own healer, guru and judge. What I say think and do is under my full control. The branded activations, who will remain nameless here, have playlists that are on a 'loop', way too similar, causing an 'addiction', a need, preventing people maintaining their strength to bring themselves into harmony, love and peace themselves. Again, believing they need something outside of themselves to exist and thrive. Nothing outside of you is needed to be your magnificent illuminated, whole self. As Facilitators, we are the placeholders for the music and energies but YOU are healing yourself. We help you face, cleanse and clear the old, to become the new, awakened you. As Pi says, 'to be healed is to be seen', are you ready to access higher states of consciousness and reset your nervous system to live a life with more ease? Listening to a playlist daily, I have found the personal transformations magnificent. All you have to do in a session is find a quiet place at home, lay on the floor, surrender your thoughts, cover your eyes and immerse yourself in the music and energy activations. Your brain is a synthesiser, innerdance is reverse engineering its functionality, for greater healing, hence why it works so well with extreme illness, mental health issues, any level of discombobulation in the human soul. A natural stimulant for healing, bringing context to something that is complex, repairing the intelligence of the world. Children achieve new levels of balance, and relief, from behavioural and attention issues, releasing trauma, and attaining calmness, peace and grounding. The unique souls amongst us that have been labelled with Autism, ADHD, ODD, attain a greater understanding of themselves via the subconscious mind, discovering a renewed sense of peace and clarity. Sessions help hypersensitive, empathic souls with issues of anger, learning difficulties, neurodiversity, confidence building, communication and relief from growing pains. Our destiny is to have Innerdance on more of the curriculums/home schooling schedules throughout the world, mental health institutions, hospitals, everywhere, to improve healing and teaching practices. Innerdance is open to everyone, everywhere via Zoom, Worldwide: Bookings, Group or Private 1:1 Session, at a time to suit you or join a weekly class. Drop me an email with any questions, and let's get your healing journey advancing, to match the wonderful energy upgrades streaming into Mother Earth this 2024. Innerdance has the ability to take the poo and make something beautiful out of it, turning darkness into light. The energy you need is always inside of you, healing naturally, and successfully is your dharma, you are immortal, when you believe it to be so, new earth is forming and huge change is upon us. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265

  • Energy News + Full Moon in Scorpio April 2024

    The Eclipse energies have sent emotions spiralling, one minute we are on top of the world, the next we feel like everything is crashing down, which it isn't. A collection of ripe energies that we need to allow to mature within our physical, emotional + mental form. As we pull ourselves back into gratitude, and appreciate the transposing of Mother Earth, balance is restored. If you are feeling unable to stabilise your energy field, stuck in the gluppy, old fear-based doubt and confusion, then double your self-care habits. I ensure to listen to an Innerdance playlist, apply quantum energy healing restoration and practice my daily rituals, otherwise chaos ensures. Find what works best for you, it is all part of the integration process of the new energies, the new atmosphere, and surges of positive energy waves. Keep hope and love in your heart, strive to keep grounding, remaining focused and optimistic. Talk to others who are potentially feeling the same way, and striving to better life but feeling confused, this will help build your community too. April's Full Moon in Scorpio is on 23rd April 16:48 Los Angeles; 19:48 New York + 24th April at 00:48 London, UK; 01:48 Europe; 09:48 in Sydney, Oz. The Scorpio sting is being felt already, manage your energies so you don't remain 'fighting' yourself, judging + criticising self and all that is occurring, rather than seeing the bigger picture. Let's be enigmatic, vibrant, strong and determined, the main Scorpio traits, regardless of what else is going on. Emotions will remain in overdrive for a few more days, as we approach the moon shifts and mercury retrograde ends, both on 24th April. We are sensing a real split in ourselves - 'who am I? Why am I here? I thought things would be easier by now?' then 'life is amazing, I am enjoying the upgrades and new energies, I get this'. Totally contrasting emotions, testing us to believe in magic, the evolution of humanity, and our own intuitive guidance. Dial into your inner gps, tune into the energies of your higher self, and call-in adventures, laughter and ease of living, instead of stress, doubt and worry. Prior to the next moon phase, + adding to the feelings of 'a storm is brewing', we have the astrological 14 year cycle of Uranus and Jupiter conjunct, this Sunday, 21st April. Uranus is aptly the ruler of revolutionary change, genius and liberation, and Jupiter is the boss of expansion, growth and good fortune - so perfect to have these energies combined at this time! Allow these power houses to get you excited, their wild, unpredictable, even eccentric vibes are coming to uplift the energies, clear the air, and open the doorways of your heart wider! Let's have some fun with this and forget about the boring, mundane stuff seeming harder to get motivated to complete. May embarks with the energies of Beltane on 1st May 2024, which originates from the Celtic Sun God 'Bel' or 'Bellenos' + 'tene' meaning 'fire = 'The Fires of Bel', starting May on a high, upping the power of the energies unfolding. So although it feels 'challenging', please know the air is clearing and planning a ceremony on the 1st is a wonderful idea for those looking to bring a new soul into the world - be that in the form of a child or a new version of themselves. Then on 5th May 2024 we have the 5:5 Portal of abundance, opportunities and energetic windfalls, which will surge our decision making capabilities. The veils between the worlds are super thin right now and this day highlights this, so be sure aware of your thoughts, actions and emotions. Each monthly portals open a window of energy, to help us ascend further, expanding our consciousness and the connection to our higher self, when we are open to it. Although we have talked about mass awakenings, everyone has free will, and that is the same with every energy upgrade, YOU decide to transcend or not daily. This portal is in the best sign (biased much heehee) of Taurus, an expansion of our perceptions, chances to manifest and reap the abundance we all desire - in whatever form that takes for you, friendships, relationships, money etc. A day to release any guilt, shame, fear or unworthiness - you deserve all that you are calling into the here and now. Time for a party, a walk in the park or swim in the ocean, whatever transports you into calmness, peace and excitement. Our sensitivity is on fire, constantly removing the demon/negative entities + energies from your soul's vessel, will ensure you vibe high, no matter what. As always, I am here to help, as a conduit for the quantum energies, be that via Online Innerdance Kundalini Sessions - Private + Group; Intuitive Coaching - talking through + retraining your thought patterns, to match your increased energetic vibration; an Online Reading via Zoom, to review your life path; Distance Quantum Energy Healing - fully remote with a follow up email of all I sense from the session; Cord Cutting/Energetic Imprint Removal Ceremony, again fully remote. To secure your spot: Bookings Online. The Full Moon in Scorpio April 2024 provides a beautiful chance to write down, burn and release all that has come up for you since the Eclipse. Making time for a ritual is a divine way to call in the next stages of your life path. Sending oodles of compassion, love and excitement your way, you have got this and were born to shine brighter than you ever imagined. This video explains how your vibration aids so many other souls, all who you interact with or just pass by, Maps of Consciousness. Be your strong, magnificent self, enjoy + trust in the processes of change, I love you. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265 Celebrating my 400th blog with this post - donations for this FREE guidance are greatly appreciated - the DONATE button can be found at the bottom of the page on mobile, top right on desktop - thank you, thank you thank you.

  • Natural Remedies For Upgrading Your Physical Form

    Re-sharing, as I constantly update the content with new findings for upgrading us. We are being called to question all we have been told once more, I know it can feel hard/confusing, that others think you are some kinds of crazy. Certain members of my family think all I say is an attack on them, a trigger that needs healing that they do not want to work through, and that the 'system', the 'science' is right not the actual truth. It was upsetting (past tense), we cannot help everyone, only those living in their heart, not their mind, or in the controlled agenda. Those realising the lies are all part of the plan to control us, causing sickness, mental struggles, and heart ache, are healing themselves beautifully. The aim of this blog is to share some of the knowledge I have gained, that has aided my energetic journey of transformation, changing my physical form. The emotional and energetic healing needs to be done, but there are many natural remedies we can consume and place on our bodies. Time to fully release victim mode and take ultimate responsibility for ourselves. This then makes it easier to stand in your power and vibe higher moment by moment. By emanating a frequency of love, compassion and non judgement, you are helping the world heal. Eating a big breakfast, smaller lunch and evening snack or fasting for a period of hours and eating twice in the day has ground breaking effects on your soul's vessel, on your energy levels and mental wellbeing. I choose to be vegan, gluten, dairy & sugar free, consuming a little natural sugar and sourdough bread, with my avocados for breakfast - so any wheat content is easily digested during the day and does not drain my energy field. When I went out for one, of the two, evening meals whilst away recently, I had a vegetarian moussaka and the small amount of cheese I ate, lead to a very disrupted sleep and bloating. The same happens with sugar, the ability to sleep peacefully is denied, hee hee. I rent apartments, when away, so that I can prepare and make my own foods, have my daily cacao, and take snacks for my day, it works so well and my body, mind and soul but we are all unique amazing beings, so you do you. Cacao dilates our arteries by 40%. It is all up to you, everything is a choice, I stopped eating meat in 2014, as they are hung upside down to crossover, and I refused to put this negative energy in my body, same with dairy. My journey with fish and eggs ended at beginning of 2022, after an astral travel journey to activate my Merkaba, leading to the soul's of the meat and fish communicating with me about the awful life they experience in order to end up on the shelves/plates of humans. I am very grateful for this, my soul's vessel has improved and my healing abilities increased, thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the messages I see, sense and feel. One excellent guide, available on TikTok, removed from other platforms, and written about on Google as bad, because she is helping so many heal naturally and thrive, is Barbara O’Neil and all her training videos, ~ Her journey: ~ Why you shouldn’t drink milk ~ Dairy Alternatives ~ Cough Syrup: ~ Not such thing as catching a cold: - just that vitamin D levels drop, hence why the sun is our biggest healer ~ Flu cure ~ Onion Poultices for Feet & Ear Ache: + ~ Healing Arthritis ~ Aspirin - brain bleeds ~ Iron deficiency - ~ Bone Health ~ Root Canal ~ Blood pressure ~ Our skin care products can contain damaging shite too, an example: & there are so many more to help you raise your vibration, to heal naturally, without feeding the pharmaceutical industry, and further lining the pockets of the corrupt souls. ~ Blood Sugar Levels - stop blending fruit ~ Toxic Free Toothpaste: by a soul who was a dental nurse for 14 years & is now enlightened about the poison that is fluoride ~ Fluoride toothpaste we know is bad - a good explanation about the dangers of the ingredients of Colgate: ~ Mercury poisoning - how to stop needing to pee all the time - adding more potassium to your diet: ~ NO Tap Water or Bottled Water Smartwater is made by Coca Cola 🤦‍♀️ ~ Natural cold remedy ~ Cleaning your home without adding toxins to the air ~ What not to put in the fridge & why eating clean is important - food has DNA: I say often, here is more proof, re the corrupt 'doctors' & legal drugs given out freely, causing people to believe they are sick, manifesting more sickness. Gary Brecka, also on TikTok, has many helpful videos to assist the opening of your eyes to the truth: Illness is not Genetic ~ SSRI's: ~ Alcohol consumption hurts you, like sugar, made as something to be desired/needed to survive: ~ Parenting Jamie Lee Curtis Woody Harrelson Meat 'alternatives' need to be investigated too, one of the biggest ones, Beyond Meat is owned by 'that man' and full of dangerous shite. EMF's are severely damaging our souls, please don't 'wear' their products on your physical form, turn off your Wifi, electricals, & phones at night. This also aids with not picking your phone up on waking, or during the night, the blue light is hurtful to you, and the info you see can effect your sleep and dreamtime. Another healthy phenomenon that many of us are benefiting from is organic, hexane free Castor Oil. I use it as moisturiser, rubbing into the belly button at night leads to a deep, restful sleep and it assists with so much. TikTok is again the source for this info, this lady has multiple examples of its power the main stream would rather we feed the beauty industry and further line their pockets, up to you, as always: Conscious Shopping Cleaning Your Home Naturally Natural Eco-Friendly Products: Peace With The Wild Bamboo Toilet Roll + Tissues: The Cheeky Panda Organic Vegan Skincare: Nourish Cosmetics Accessories, Vegan Ranges - Dr. Martens + Immaculate Vegan + Adidas Bags Matt & Nat These are all suggestions/examples...if you feel triggered by anything I, or anyone else, shares then please look into why, to heal and grow as an individual. Dis-ease is manmade, we DO NOT have to live this way and the more souls that can take this onboard, incorporate healthy living into their lives, then the world WILL change. It is all part of the process of the evolution of Mother Earth. Sending LOVE to you all, we are all one and are going through massive personal growth journeys to step outside of the 3D Matrix. Releasing any fear, is paramount to ensure we do not call in the shite they are trying to bring into form. To book guidance, healing or my teachings then do get in touch. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265

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Other Pages (39)

  • Certified Reiki Courses | Handserenity Energy Alchemy | London + Worldwide

    CERTIFIED REIKI ENERGY HEALING COURSES EVERY JOURNEY BEGINS WITH THE FIRST STEP 1:1 Training At A Time To Suit You - via Zoom Certified Usui Reiki I, II & Master/Teacher Level Workshops, Upgrade your life, learn to work with the energy within & around you in a stronger way. Boost your immune system, remove stress, anxiety and depression and live happier + more relaxed daily. Reiki is an amazing energy healing modality that ignites the bodies own self-healing abilities. More details on the benefits of Reiki: HERE, FREE Distance Attunements included with the training. BOOKINGS WORK WITH EMMA Level I Certified Usui Reiki Level I Step 1 on your energy healing journey, where you will discover how it works, daily benefits, it's history & develop skills to perform self-reiki sessions. You will receive the Reiki Level I Attunement, leading to 21 days of personal healing. ​​Level I is an initiation into Reiki, is open to everyone, we all have Reiki energy within us. Sessions 1:1 or Group Training & In-Person (London) + via Zoom Learn new tools to remove stress, anxiety + depression Contact Emma Level II Certified Usui Reiki Level II This module will give you a great understanding of Reiki & how to prepare your Reiki Space. Examples of other areas covered include: Methods of how to perform Distance Reiki; How Reiki can be used to empower your goals & solve problems & How to combine Reiki with other Healing Disciplines. Rei, meaning Universal or Higher Power – omnipresent – present everywhere Ki, meaning Life Force Energy – the essence of the soul. Keeping the flow of Ki energy high & unencumbered leads to a healthy and happy life, full of enthusiasm. For anyone feeling drawn to learn Reiki please email with any questions. One-to-One training, In-Person or via Zoom. "The touch of Reiki dissipates anger, soothes worries & inspires us to do our best." Emma BOOKINGS Certified Usui Reiki Level I + II Combined Combine Level I = Self-Practice, Level II = Become Attuned to the Symbols + Work on Others. Teaching is 1:1 Via Zoom or In-Person, Richmond, London, UK. 5 hours = £350 Message me for more details Master Level Workshop Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Level BOOKINGS Mastering Reiki is a lifelong journey, we receive healing each time we perform self healing or treatment another. 2 x 3 hours of teaching via Zoom or In-Person. The key is to practice and learning will continue as you perform & work with the amazing healing energies. You are under no obligation to go on to teach others, it depends on your journey entirely. Advantages of the Master Course include: ​Receive another Attunement = 21 days personal healing; Connect to a higher energy frequency; Learn advanced healing techniques. 1:1 training, In-Person or via Zoom. Each Course Manual will be supplied in advance, on payment of the deposit. Courses are Online, via Zoom with short multiple choice quiz for the Certification. Self-Reiki Treatment Example Reiki Treatment Example "Reiki is a powerful tool for transforming your life and creating a deeper sense of calm, even at difficult times" Emma Energy Alchemist, Emma Hands An empath, intuitive and natural caretaker of others, who adores helping you become the best version of yourself and follow your life purpose. Teaching the art of reiki - inviting new levels of happiness into everyone's world, so that we can all live more mindful, peaceful lives. A Certified Usui, Crystal & Animal Reiki Master & Teacher, Certified Crystal Healer, Intuitive Reading + Shamanic Journeying with diplomas in Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Nutrition + Certified in Akashic Records. Being on a spiritual journey has really changed my life, my outlook, my health & my view of the world. Especially through the Reiki energy, practicing daily on myself, is so amazing, healing and insightful and aids our personal growth. I would love to help you improve your life further! My Journey REFRESHER COURSES Refresher Courses are available upon request for all Levels, I, II & Master / Teacher. A great idea to build confidence and receive training in the latest techniques. If you learnt Reiki sometime ago then this option is an perfect, refresj your skills. Email for more information and availability. CONTACT EMMA Cancellation Policy: ​Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate. Certified Reiki Level I via Zoom Available Online Learn to heal yourself from within... Learn More 3 hr 155 British pounds £155 Book Now Certified Usui Reiki II via Zoom 1:1 Available Online Learn tools to improve your world + those around you Learn More 3 hr 175 British pounds £175 Book Now Certified Reiki Master/Teacher via Zoom Available Online Upgrade your energy transmissions + self-healing abilities Learn More 4 hr 15 min 355 British pounds £355 Book Now

  • Quantum Energy Healing | Innerdance Kundalini Activation | Handserenity Energy Alchemy | London

    The Journey To Your Powerful Authentic Self Expands Here. Quantum Energy Healing Advanced Energy Healing allowing you to connect into the energies in a more powerful wa y, for the ultimate restoring of health + wellbeing. Quantum Healing works with the energy centres within + outside of the body, to balance your nervous system + hormones; remove mental frustration, stress, anxiety + depression + pain & increasing your energy field. Sessions build confidence, restore health + with coaching , you learn how to flow easily through life's challenges. Awaken your physical form to a magnified level of being, to allow yourself to assimilate the improved light codes & DNA growth open to humanity at this time. You Are Meant For More Innerdance Kundalini Activations Innerdance is an energetic sound & sensory healing journey, not a physical dance, it is a dance that happens inside of you, a wave of energy movement. 1:1 or Group Sessions - Online via Zoom or In-Person to upgrade you to a new level of self-mastery. BOOKINGS Intuitive Coaching Coaching for helping you reach your highest potential, ensuring fear & worry are no longer part of your day, working on thoughts and feelings that can be holding you back from achieving your dreams. BOOKINGS Distance Quantum Healing I tune into your energy & energetically place myself in your location, allowing sessions to be conducted to anywhere in the world. BOOKINGS Soul + Earth Star Activations Activating your higher chakras allows you to hold more crystalline energy, within + through, your light body than ever before, helping you to evolve into a powerful being. BOOKINGS Quantum Energy Healing Quantum Healing works with the energy centres within + outside of the body. Balancing your nervous + immune system + hormones, removing sickness; mental frustration, stress, anxiety + depression & pain; increasing your energy levels + building confidence.. BOOKINGS Intuitive Readings Life Path Review - Readings allow you to see where you are going based on your current thought processes & the energies that surround you. With Angel Tarot & Oracle Cards. In-Person or via Zoom, Phone + Email. BOOKINGS Certified Reiki Courses All Levels 1:1 Training for Level I, II & Master/Teacher Online via Zoom or In-Person . Change your life & that of those around you as you learn to work with the energies for ultimate success, health + happiness.. MORE INFO & a t a time to suit you. BOOKINGS House Energy Cleansing Ceremonies Super important to reset the energies within your space, as stagnant energies have detrimental effects on the mental, physical & emotional state of all the occupants. BOOKINGS Energy Healing For Children Energy Healing is amazing for young people, toddlers + babies, they are very intuitive & receptive to energy. ​​Treatments relieve stress + anxiety; help with personal development, such as learning difficulties; mood swings, temper tantrums, unexplained fears, sleep problems, injuries + pain BOOKINGS Psychic Surgery A non-invasive energy healing process that, when combined with mindset coaching, can see your health and wellbeing transform. All our problems are within our ability to solve. BOOKINGS Soul Retrieval Journey For collecting & healing the fragmented parts of you lost through trauma, shock + life events. ‘I feel like a part of me is missing’, let's replace it for you... BOOKINGS Past Life Regression Therapy Session To unlock past life activities that can be blocking your path in this lifetime. Do email me with any questions: . BOOKINGS Cancellation Policy: ​Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate. It Is Time To Deeply Own Who You Are + Why You Are Here.

  • Innerdance Kundalini Activation | Quantum Energy Healing | Coaching | Handserenity Energy Alchemy | Ibiza | Global Online + Remote

    QUANTUM EXPANSION OF YOUR POWERFUL AUTHENTIC SELF. HEALING & COACHING, FOR INTEGRATING THE NEW ENERGIES & YOUR REAWAKENING ABILITIES. BOOKINGS Purify The Golden Cosmic River Of Light That Runs Through You. ONLINE + REMOTE SESSIONS WORLDWIDE INNERDANCE KUNDALINI ACTIVATIONS SPACE ENERGY CLEANSING SELF-MASTERY COACHING CERTIFIED REIKI COURSES 1:1 QUANTUM ENERGY HEALING INTUITIVE READINGS Regulate Your Nervous System; Remove Stress, Anxiety + Depression, Release Toxins, Disease + Trauma; Build Confidence & Have Fun. Our mantra: Life is Easy, everything we need is already inside of us It is time to deeply own who you are & why you are here Meet Emma: Quantum Healer & Self-Mastery Coach Guidance in embodying your authentic self, shine bright like the star that you are. I am a high vibrational intuitive, energy alchemist, here to assist your upgrading & rebalancing journey. An empathetic, clairsentient soul, who has under gone extensive personal healing, to be a more powerful energy conduit, you heal yourself through me. I love to share all that I continue to learn, to help humanity advance & live more consciously on Mother Earth. Providing conscious-based energy medicine globally, treating & teaching clients worldwide, at a distance + via Zoom. EMMA'S JOURNEY My passion is to guide you to rebuild yourself & live in your authenticity, from the inside out. Innerdance Online Weekly Sessions Lay on the floor, cover your eyes + immerse yourself in the playlists + energy activations. Via Zoom - Access higher states of consciousness, reactivate neurons of your brain, release fear, phobias, unhide the hidden emotions blocking your life + embody a greater mastery of YOU. DISCOVER MORE BOOKINGS A dance that happens inside of you, a form of conscious meditation, reclaim your true identity Let's Put The Puzzle Of You Back Together ~ Namaste Emma Client Testimonials Online Innerdance Kundalini Activation "An Amazing online Kundalini Activation with Emma and I'm cozy in my own home. It's easy to forget how powerful distant healing is until you do it. Can't wait for my next one" Evelyn Read More The ability to heal & evolve is already yours Emma's Blog Weekly Energy News Articles, working with the moon cycles Why Innerdance - Be-cause. Emma Apr 22 279 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Energy News + Full Moon in Scorpio April 2024 Emma Apr 18 123 0 Post not marked as liked Natural Remedies For Upgrading Your Physical Form Emma Apr 11 307 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 WE LIVE IN HEAVEN ON EARTH Cancellation Policy: ​Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate.

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