Learning to work with the energies, within & around us, is super empowering, removing stress, fear & worry, should it arise, & healing the body naturally
Certified Reiki Level I - Children
Online via Zoom + 1:1 In-Person, London, UK
Reiki is a wonderful energy therapy that is already within us all, the attunements realign us to this inner divine knowledge & power. Discovering the basics allows the removal of emotional, physical & mental imbalances. I would love for every child to learn how to heal themselves, the impact on the world would be phenomenal. Practicing Self-Reiki builds self-esteem, removes anxiety, aids with life's tensions & the challenges of growing up + increases the belief in their ability to achieve their goals & dreams. Sessions are either two sessions of 1.5 hours or 1 x 3 hours.

Reiki is amazing for babies, toddlers + teenagers, they are very intuitive + receptive to energy healing. As we are all born with these abilities within, the Course Attunements show us how to 'tune in' to the universal energy, like tuning into a radio station. Sessions work to relieve stress + anxiety, aid personal growth & development, such as learning difficulties, temper tantrums, unexplained fears, sleep problems, injuries + pain. Working on clearing emotional blockages greatly aids those who show signs of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) or Autism - the children of the future, we should be learning from.
Energy Healing helps after experiences of trauma, abuse, depression + behavioural issues. Reiki helps children to transition through the stages of life, puberty, adolescence, into adulthood reducing stress, anxiety + fears. It is a good idea to either perform self-reiki, or have a treatment, prior to exams to remain calm, reduce fear + worry.
Further Benefits
Self confidence + communication issues
Balancing emotions, feels of anger, sadness, anxiety or shyness
Regulating hormones & the nervous system, ideal when going through Puberty
When taking Exams or life tests, such as Driving Lessons
Relationship problems
Discovering their Life Purpose
Reiki is used in hospitals throughout the World, most noticeably within the UK at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. Learning self-reiki provides excellent grounding, coping & relaxation skills for life. As everything in the world is now so accessible, it is vital children learn ways to manage their emotions & energy field. Constant 'bad news' is thrown at us, causing fear reactions & unnecessary worry. We all have the ability to make the world a better place, one day at a time and in our own way.
Encouraging children to have regular treatments or learn Reiki removes/ prevents the build up of emotional blockages within the physical form removing dis-ease + illnesses. To Book click HERE or call 07949089265.

Benefits of Reiki for Young People
Syllabus - Level I
Reiki Principles
What is Reiki + how to use it
How is works
How much fun & benefit can be gained from positive thinking + apply Reiki in daily life
An introduction to energy + exercises
A brief history of Reiki
Explanation of the 7 Chakra's
Learning how to perform Self-Reiki & breathing techniques
Hand positions for self healing
Attunements explained & the ceremony for each of them

"The touch of Reiki dissipates anger, soothes worries & inspires us to do our best." Emma
Certified Usui Reiki Level II
This module will give you a great understanding of Reiki & how to prepare your Reiki Space. Examples of other areas covered include: Methods of how to perform Distance Reiki; How Reiki can be used to empower your goals & solve problems & How to combine Reiki with other Healing Disciplines.
Rei, meaning Universal or Higher Power – omnipresent – present everywhere
Ki, meaning Life Force Energy – the essence of the soul. Keeping the flow of Ki energy high & unencumbered leads to a healthy and happy life, full of enthusiasm. For anyone feeling drawn to learn Reiki please email with any questions.
One-to-One training, In-Person or via Zoom More info: Reiki Courses
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