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Energy Update, New Moon Manifesting + 6:6:6 Portal

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

The magical light code energy downloads (DNA improvements) of transformation that 2022 is producing continue every day and we have two big surges approaching, with the next New Moon + the 6:6:6 Portal. This New Moon and the energies, up to and afterwards, are a turning point in our evolution and the coming together of soul family, those that resonate at the same frequency as you. Are you feeling/recognising the alterations to your mental, emotional and physical form? Are you taking risks, so that your world can be all that you desire? Are you aware of the synchronistic signs showing up with key lessons for your personal growth?

The lessons are happening each day and I had a perfect example occur on Tuesday. I have upped my protection work, activate my Merkaba light body each morning, and ensure I follow my inner guidance, above all else. On a trip to Brighton, on meeting my friends friend, spirit insisted on channeling through me, with messages for them. It is interesting how guidance is showing up, I am just going with it as it feels impossible to ignore.

Exceptions to this are when I know the recipient is closed off to anything outside of the 3D Matrix, so I shut down/leave their energy field, although the emotions can still affect my mental state. Luckily the beautiful soul I meet, is a young, spiritually awake being and so, although the messages where tough, she is going to open up to that which most needs healing for her to move forwards in a big way. Healing hurts, but it is so worth it in the end (FYI - I am not sure there is an end...we will continue to experience lessons throughout our lifetime(s)). We are all becoming more sensitive to all that surrounds us, so we need to change our perceptions and ensure personal cleansing and protection is applied throughout the day.

The reminder lesson for me being: to slip away, take time to re-anchor and ground my soul, to cleanse and reconnect with myself immediately afterwards, so that any feelings of negativity, sadness or anger, are not embodied within me for the rest of the day, affecting my mood, energy levels and positivity. I must not wait until I am out of the situation to come back to my full authentic self. As we are all opening more, such incidences can cause a drop in your confidence, that is why it is important to get into habits that maintain your soul's balance. What lessons are showing up for you?

May's New Moon in Gemini is on 30.05.2022 at 12:30pm, London, UK; 04:30am, Los Angeles, U.S.A; 07:30am, New York, U.S.A & 21:30 in Sydney, Australia. Let's personify the key personality traits of Gemini, the relationship sign, their extroverted, playful and flexible nature so we are open to all the opportunities here for us. It is a time of no judgement, no one is beneath us, we are all equal and deserving of love. We must embrace people's struggles as lovingly as we embrace their successes, so we aid in the creation of a new earth and a whole new way of living.

Remember you can only 'plant the seed' and try and guide others, the ultimate choice has to be theirs to want to join this ride of ascension. On a personal level, it is a great idea to identify all that is holding you back and let go of old limiting beliefs so that you can manifest in a splendid way and achieve all you desire. The New Moon Ritual suggestion is here, do that which you feel most called to do though. You can burn your releasing writing, as with the full moon, write intentions and discover new ways to centre, ground and recognise your amazing qualities. It is a magical time of new beginnings, personal transformation and freedom for us to live, laugh and love more often.

We will still experience the challenging energies of Mercury Retrograde until 2nd June 2022 (+ the shadow period until 18th June) but we are consciously accepting the discombobulations, rising above them and enjoying the lessons. Mantra: I will not succumb to the negativity and allow the broken communication to unsettle me, we continually work to correct it.

On Monday 6th June, we have the 6:6:6 Portal of Light, the date = 6 6: 2+0+2+2=6, an energetic gateway to expanded states of consciousness. This presents us with fabulous opportunities to work with the extraordinary energies, to make huge shifts in our lives that are always for our highest good. To make the most of this day, tune in, anchor yourself, apply grounding + protection rituals and allow yourself to channel the energies so that you fully integrate the magnificence of the day. This can increase your strength, courage, confidence and ability to 'rise above' any b******t that you see, sense or feel. It is entirely your choice to consciously participate and encapsulate the rays of light streaming onto mother earth.

Crystals that help with the energies right now are: Clear Quartz (the master healer), Rose Quartz (unconditional love for self and others), Carnelian (motivation), Serpentine (aids the removal of energy blockages, wisdom growth and regaining past lives memories), Apatite (a reset of your appetite for life, to help you embrace the changes), Hematite, Selenite & Obsidian (for grounding and protection), Moonstone (new beginnings) & Leopardite Jasper (for self-reflection, awareness, strengthening your sense of self-worth & confidence levels). As always, select the crystals from your collection that you are most drawn to, as they are what you personally need now. Smudge your space too, if you want help, click here, I have more available in my little shop, so drop me an email if there is something specific you are after.

The phenomenal Summer Solstice, 21st June 2022, my Grandad's birthday, is heading our way too. I am super grateful I will be celebrating the powerful changes in the heart chakra of Mother Earth, Glastonbury. It is a reminder to get out and enjoy the longer evenings, soak in the sun's rays when you can and breath in the energies of nature and the ocean NOW. I have a list of book recommendation on a previous blog that can assist your healing journey HERE and if you want coaching, reiki energy treatments, distance energy healing, soul retrieval or any of my services then message me, the discounts are in place until 31.05.2022 and I have a couple of slots available.

It is very excited that we have chosen to incarnate on planet earth during the ending of one age and the beginning of another. Extensive challenges and lessons appearing, to aid our growth and to maintain our higher purpose and mission at this time. Let's grow through joy rather than suffering, the victim mentality is over (when it shows up for you, work to switch your mood, mindset and actions) and our hidden gifts and talents are emerging. Have a magical day/afternoon/evening, where ever you are in the world.



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