Eclipse season is upon us and the portal is well and truly open, we have the impending Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon in Taurus on 19th November and a super powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon on 4th December 2021. Today (1st November) the powerful 111 portal has opened, until the 11th, meaning you can continue to manifest like never before. The phrase that springs to mind is 'hold onto your hats' as the energy ride we are experiencing has phenomenal, eye opening and permanently life-altering opportunities, provided you take the action required. Each moon cycle provides amazing opportunities for manifesting the life of your dreams. The sure-fire way to succeed is to be grateful, visualise what you want as here and now and truly believe in your heart that you are worthy and then let the universe provide that which you need most. The next New Moon is in Scorpio on 4th November 9.14pm (UK), 1.14pm (LA, USA), 4.14pm (New York, USA) and on 5th November 7.14am (Sydney, Australia).
Please take time to cleanse (in water or the sun), recharge and program your crystals; complete a Ritual and set a strong list of intentions (you can start today). Time to step outside your comfort zone, clear up any triggers that arise from the reactions of others to life and know we are upgrading our DNA for a new life on planet earth. The changes are much needed so that nature can thrive on a whole new level as we become healthier and happier by consuming more plant-based foods and removing (or greatly reducing) dairy and meat from our diets and learning to stop stressing about the big and small stuff. We were never meant to be governed by negative thoughts and behaviour's, life is supposed to be fun.
Do not allow another to make you feel inferior, no matter your beliefs, it is their perception of the world and therefore not your issue, remember we are all amazing beings that have been on our own life journeys. When you are triggered by another's actions then you need to review your perception, the relationship it has to your past and clear out your emotional closet. Know that we teach people how to treat us by our own self-talk, it is about not seeing things as they were but redefining ourselves and our actions going forwards.
The fear narrative from governments, mainstream media and those not awake is set to go through the roof until Winter Solstice on 21st December 2021. Avoid watching the news to not let the skepticism of what 'might happen' enter your consciousness. When you are fearful you compromise your immune system, and open yourself up to infection and disease, you always have a choice. Believing all that is being put out as 'truth' is the biggest issue amongst many. There is so much that we should be questioning about what Is happening on Earth right now, and not least, if the vaccine works so well why are boosters now needed? Who owns these companies etc…
On a positive note, expect the unexpected and enjoy the challenges, each one is a lesson towards our growth. You are a unique being with unique talents, constantly upgrade the story you tell yourself so that you permit your struggles to develop into your strength. Success is the peace you find inside, do not be put off by the simplicity of the messages your heart tells you and do not allow the external storm to affect your mood. Working with your intuition in a more profound way is life-changing, throw out your ego and open your heart and mind to new ways of living. Learn to recognise when a thought is untrue, impure, aggressive or lazy so that you have a greater trust in the flow of life. Everything happens for a reason and as it should, no matter how horrid or harsh. Remember that no one can make you angry without your consent, when you decide not to react the power returns to you. Call on your angels, ancestors, dragons (yes, your dragons!) and power animals daily. They are by your side waiting to assist you, you just need to ask.
A time of personal rebirth when you can discover that the greater the work you put in to redefining who you are, the greater your success will be. Raise your vibration, your frequency, and closely manage what you put out so that you can remain calm, centered and tuned into the magnificent energies that surround you daily, no matter what others are doing. To join my Ascension Mastery Tribe, a community of like-minded souls with exclusive blogs, webinars and discounts, sign up here: Tips for Your Greater Spiritual Awakening. Have a stunning week and if you want a New Moon Intuitive Reading (via Zoom or In-Person); a Treatment or to learn Reiki then do get in touch. Wonderfully, House Cleansing is my busiest service right now as many look to cleanse, reset and recharge the energies within their homes before 2021 is over. 2022 is going to be an amazing year, as we evolve and expand our consciousness to ensure life changes forever, nature is being cared for in a whole new way and we become less stressed, more carefree and laugh lots. Happy New Moon Manifesting, I still very much work at a distance, for those not nearby, or In-Person in Richmond by the riverside.
+44 (0)7949089265