Super intense energies as we head to the Full Moon on Sunday, many souls are feeling exhausting, overwhelmed, and struggle to connect in with their inner gps system, their intuition, for mental clarity. All the self-healing tools you implement can help, but I have to say it is a tough one, and I would be lying if I said it is easy. We are being tested beyond belief, and asked to stand strong and protect our energy fields, more than ever. As we vibe higher and higher, and transform life to one of extreme joy and pleasure, the dark energies do not like it, and so try and step in and throw us off. You are incredibly strong, you are loved and supported daily - by your guides, angels and the galactic forces, even if it is not so apparent in the physical form.

The energies are triggering any unresolved inner child wounds, if you want to book help, do let me know - we are in this together! It is advisable to not be a 'people pleaser' right now, if you need to take 'time out', take it, if you feel called to rest, then do it. We need to keep our batteries firing on all cylinders, so we can rise above any 'unrest' the negative ones are trying to enforce on us.
This Full Moon is in Leo on Sunday 5th February at 18:28 London, UK; 10:28 Los Angeles; 13:28 New York + 6th Feb at 05:28am in Sydney, Oz. Let's plan our rituals, scream at a pad, burn the words and thank them for the lessons. We are going to burst out of this energy cycle so empowered, motivated and strong, that we are even going to surprise ourselves!!!
Leo is a sign of fearlessness and determination - some things we need bucket loads of, as more of the lies are uncovered and we realise, once more, that we have to question all that we have been told, taught, and previously believed. Intention: It is an exciting time, it is going to be worth the lessons and we are going to rise above the negativity, with such a clarity of how magical life is. A powerful, courageous and proud sign, as magnificent as the Lion that embodies it. Let's pull on the resources they provide us with, their compassion, generosity and tenacity too, we have got this!
It is definitely worth cleansing your home - burn sage or incense, chant mantras or prayers, declutter the shelves and cupboards, open the windows, and give away all that you do not need or use. Clutter is one of the biggest causes of sickness, relationship breakdowns and blockages that hold us back. Cleansing, charging and resetting our crystals is going to be so empowering this weekend too - time for change in all areas of our lives.
Today we celebrate Imbolc - the first day of Spring, the rebirth of nature, and ourselves, when we break down the blocks we inadvertently place in our way. Tomorrow we have the 2:2 Energetic Portal opening up for us, supplying us with further opportunities to activate our light bodies, to transform our worlds and celebrate all that is great about life here on Mother Earth. Super consciousness is the biggest key word of 2023, change is here, as scary as it can feel at times, it is also spectacular, and much needed so that we improve life for the young souls in our world. All the healing is going to be worth it, our ability to manifesting is on fire - especially as we are in the Waning Moon phase. Let's dig deep, believe in ourselves, and enjoy the creation of our soul communities - something that is going to expand exponentially this year.

Sending love and healing to you all, be kind to yourself, listen to your heart, and let's enjoy the energy shifts/growth on offer to us this week. Please know that any discomfort is often a sign of your growth, as you settle into the 'new' you. A new earth is falling into place, as more souls awaken to the power of the energies within and around them, we are creating a better world.
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