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2023 Moon Calendar

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

During 2022, we have made massive steps towards raising the vibration of humanity, improving how we live, and how we perceive life on planet earth, and this is set to magnify in 2023. It is super important that we work with the Moon Cycles, so that we tap into the external energies and benefit from the wonderful opportunities that open up for us each month. Mark the dates on your calendars, and plan rituals to coincide with the peak of the energy shifts to maximise your results. As you increase the frequency of positive energy you put out, then the collective as a whole cannot help but be boosted, and your chances of manifesting all you desire is escalated.

The foundations are: To set clear Intentions with the new beginning energies of each New Moon; Write down and release (burn!) any thoughts and feelings that have upset your emotional cart with the Full Moon. This pattern is not set in stone though, if you feel called to set new intentions during the Full Moon, do it, and the same for the New Moon...burn those emotional blockages with either cycle, so that we can get you firing on all cylinders and achieving greatness for your personal world and everyone around you.

I purchased a Handmade Calendar at a special wytches market whilst I was in Glastonbury for equinox, you can purchase them here: - as posters, cards etc. It triggered the realisation that the New Moons fall a day earlier each month in 2023, forming a clear pattern of change, that is going to be huge.

Full Moon Cycles - 13 in 2023

6th January 2023 Full Moon in Cancer

23.09 London, UK | 15:07 LA | 18:07 NY | 7th Jan - 10:07 Sydney

5th February 2023 Full Moon in Leo

18:28 London, UK | 10:28 LA | 13:28 NY | 6th Feb - 05:28 Sydney

7th March 2023 Full Moon in Virgo

12:40 London, UK | 04:40 LA | 07:40 NY | 7th March 23:40 Sydney

6th April 2023 Full Moon in Libra

05:34 London, UK | 00:34 NY | 14:34 Sydney | 5th April 14:34 LA

5th May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio

18:34 London, UK | 10:34 LA | 13:34 NY | 6th May 03:34 Sydney

4th June 2023 Full Moon in Sagittarius

04:41 London, UK | 13:41 Sydney 20:41 LA | 3rd June at 23:41 in NY & 20:41 LA

3rd July 2023 Full SuperMoon in Capricorn

12:38 London, UK | 04:38 LA | 07:38 NY | 21:28 Sydney

Two Super Full Moons in August

a) 1st August 2023 Full *SuperMoon* in Aquarius

19:31 London, UK | 11:31 LA | 14:31 NY | 04:31 Sydney

b) 31st August 2023 Blue Full *SuperMoon* in Pisces

02:35 London, UK | 18:35 LA | 21:35 NY | 11:35 Sydney

29th September 2023 Full SuperMoon in Aries

10:57 London, UK | 02:57 LA | 05:57 NY | 19:57 Sydney

28th October 2023 Full Moon *Eclipse* in Taurus 21:24 London, UK | 13:24 LA | 16:24 NY | 07:24 Sydney

27th November 2023 Full Moon in Gemini

09:16 London, UK | 01:16 LA | 04:16 NY | 20:16 Sydney

27th December 2023 Full Moon in Cancer

00:33 London, UK | 16:33 LA | 19:33 NY | 11:33 Sydney

Waxing Moon Cycles - when the light of the moon gradually expands and grows, serving as fuel for bringing your desires into fruition. It is when the seeds you have planted during the New Moon sprout, bringing clarity and life to your intentions. During this phase it is a good time to boost your motivation, commit to your dreams and take the action required to see positive results. Be honest with yourself, realistic yet reach for the stars so that magic can unfold. A magnetic time for nurturing your dreams and transforming your world as you overcome hurdles, build on your energy field and experience breakthroughs in your healing, growth journey.

15th January 2023 02:13 London, UK

13th February 2023 16:03 London, UK

15th March 2023 02.10 London, UK

13th April 2023 10:12 London, UK 12th May 2023 15:29 London, UK 10th June 2023 20:32 London, UK

10th July 2023 02:49 London, UK

8th August 2023 11:29 London, UK

6th September 2023 23:22 London, UK

6th October 2023 14:50 London UK

5th November 2023 08:38 London, UK

5th December 2023 05:51 London, UK

New Moon Cycles

21st January 2023 New SuperMoon in Aquarius

20:53 London, UK | 12:53 LA | 15:53 NY | 22nd Jan – 07:53 Sydney

20th February 2023 New Moon in Pisces

07:05 London, UK | 02:05 NY | 18:05 Sydney | 19th Feb – 23:05 LA

21st March 2023 New Moon in Aries

17:23 London, UK | 10:23 LA | 13:23 NY | 22nd Feb - 04:23 Sydney

20th April 2023 New Moon Eclipse in Aries

05:12 London, UK 00:12 NY | 14:12 Sydney | 19th Apr – 21:12 LA

19th May 2023 Black New Moon in Taurus

16:53 London, UK | 08:53 LA | 11:53 NY | 20th May - 01:53 Sydney

18th June 2023 New Moon in Gemini

05:37 London, UK | 00:37 NY | 14:37 Sydney | 17th June - 21:37 LA

17th July 2023 New Moon in Cancer

19:31 London, UK | 11:31 LA | 14:31 NY | 18th July – 04:31 Sydney

16th August 2023 New Moon in Leo

10:38 London, UK | 02:38 LA | 05:38 NY | 19:38 Sydney

15th September 2023 New Moon in Virgo

02:39 London, UK | 11:39 Sydney | 14th Sept - 21:39 NY | 18:39 LA

14th October 2023 New Moon Eclipse in Libra

18:55 London, UK | 10:55 LA | 13:55 NY | 15th Oct 04:55 Sydney

13th November 2023 New Moon in Scorpio

09:27 London, UK | 01:27 LA | 04:27 NY | 20:27 Sydney

12th December 2023 New Moon in Sagittarius

23:32 London, UK | 15:32 Los Angeles | 6:32 New York | 11:32 Sydney

Some of us are very affected the week prior, and up to 5 days after, the Full or New Moon. Which phase challenges you emotionally, physically and mentally, depends on when you were born, where you are on your life path, and your spiritual journey. Also, things like pregnancy can see your bodies sensitivities alter completely, so you may have always been unsettled by the New Moon, but after the birth of your angel, it can be the Full Moon energies that impact your world. It is super interesting how the changes in our life affect how we resonate with the world's energies.

Mercury Retrograde (MR) - we should always be aware of a shadow period with MR, at least 5 days afterwards, to be sure of success with new projects. There is further guidance here: Ways to Dazzle this Mercury Retrograde

29th December 2022 - 18th January 2023 in Capricorn

April 21st - May 14th 2023 in Taurus

August 23rd - September 15th 2023 in Virgo

December 13th 2023 - January 1st 2024 in Capricorn

Equinox & Solstices

Ostara Spring Equinox - 20th March 2023 9:24 PM GMT | 5:24 PM EDT | 21:24 UTC

Litha Summer Solstice - 21st June 2023 3:57 PM BST | 10:58 AM EDT | 14:58 UTC

Mabon Autumn Equinox - 23rd September 2023 7.50 AM BST | 2:50 AM EDT | 06:50 UTC

Winter Solstice - 22nd December 2023 3:27 AM GMT | 03:27 UTC | 21st Dec 10:27PM EST

Additional Portals of Energy

On the duplicate digits of each month - 11.01 | 22.02 | 03.03 | 04.04 | 05.05 | 06.06 | 07.07 | 08.08 | 09.09 | 10.10 | 11.11 | 12.12 with portals that open up to us to further aid our expansion, healing and ability to transform. There are so many opportunities for growth every month.


Recharge, reset and reprogram your crystals - 1st Cleanse - wash in salt water or use incense or place in the sun; 2nd Recharge- place them in the moonlight; 3rd Program them by setting strong intentions for each one, around what you are focusing on, and therefore need their help with.

Do get in touch if you want to book some guidance; treatments; readings or one of my courses to aid your personal growth journey.



+44 (0)7949089265

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