The Ankh, the key of life, originates from ancient Egypt and predates the cross, a powerful protective talisman of divine power, immortality, and the union of masculine and feminine energies. Sacred symbolism that can aid our growth at this time of transformation on Mother Earth, where the energetic veils are thin, enhancing our connections to the cosmos. The Ankh is a bridge, for energy to flow between us and the higher planes, a mastery emblem of creation, fertility, spiritual transformation, and our soul's quest, strengthening our connection to the physical and spiritual realms.
The top loop is a gateway to the afterlife, a representative of external life, and likened to a mother's womb. The feminine qualities are held within the top loop and the stem, whilst the vertical bar is our masculine attributes. It is our key to unlock spiritual knowledge and concealed mysteries, hence why it was replaced by the cross, to dampen down spirituality and keep hidden your innate powers and healing abilities.

The Ankh embodies our vitality and the interconnectedness of all life-sustaining forces in the universe. An instrument for our spiritual growth and embodiment of true enlightenment, providing (& reminding us to be in) balance and harmony. An iconic hieroglyph character that reads 'eternal life' and has deep spiritual significance that transcends time and culture.
We are all capable of helping others heal themselves, and most importantly, healing ourselves, and this is a energetic amulet that is a great addition to your rejuvenation tool kit.
The rich symbolism of the Ankh and its regenerative, authoritative energies, serve as a symbol of the continuous cycle of existence. We are currently in the physical form and do not 'die', we transition to another form of life, which is exciting when you learn to accept this. It is connected to supreme spiritual forces and has the ability to influence the flow of life energy within, and outside of you.
Goddess Isis is closely associated with the Ankh, as they align with the same qualities of protection, immortality and life-giving. She brought her husband Osiris back to life, for him to then go on to become the King of Egypt and together they created their son Horus. I work closely with the energies of Isis, and pull a card from her Oracle Deck every night for the messages from this divine goddess, assisting my path of potential, power and self-actualisation.

I energetically charged my Ankh, to be my divine protector and carry it with me wherever I go. I have noticed an improvement in my capacity to ground and re-balance myself when out and about in less pure energies, in trust that it wards off demonic energies. We can sometimes let non positive forces into our energy fields, when we are less than centred, are troubled by an overwhelming issue, or not managing our vibration frequency of authenticity. This is when nothing outside of us will assist, we must cleanse, clear and reset our own energy fields.
January's energies will continue with intensity, + the events being orchestrated around the world, please either book a Quantum Healing, an Innerdance Session or be super sure to balance and clear your energies constantly and manage your thoughts. We do not need to get emotionally involved in the pain and trauma, we can send healing, compassion and love and continue to upgrade ourselves, anchoring powerful light frequencies, which raises the health and wellbeing of others just by our presence. You can keep up to date with my daily energy updates on my Instagram, TikTok & YouTube Channel. Do get in touch if one of my services can aid your journey through the density, calamitous events and the transformative energies this month.
+44 (0)7949089265
**If abundance is an issue & you would like my help do get in touch for further discounts.