Here we go again...massive energy shifts in-coming, that are upgrading our soul's vessel, our perception, and how we integrate with Mother Gaia. The Scorpio Full Moon + 5|5 Portal Opportunities + Beltane May 2023, all occur next Friday, and this one has a sting in its tail, because IT IS TIME for the change we have spoken about for many years. It is a very exhilarating, enlightening and lovable journey that we are on.
Please remember EVERYTHING is a choice, who you hang out with, who you communicate with, how you express yourself and how you treat yourself. A humongous refurbishment of life on earth, as we finally allow ourselves to wake up to: 'Life is easy', 'I AM... (Fill in the blanks), 'I trust myself implicitly'...'My internal antenna is switched to full, high vibrational mode', 'I am ecstatic NOW, the past has been released & the future is a paradise awaiting my arrival.'
The Scorpio Full Moon is on Friday 5th May 2023 at 18:34 London, UK; 10:34 Los Angeles; 13:34 New York & 6th May at 03:34 Sydney, Australia. This is combined with the opening of the opportunity portal of 5|5, so let's burst out of the bubble of our old selves and be the change we want to see in the world. We are still experiencing Mercury Retrograde but it is how you conduct yourself that decides how it affects you, I felt it came Easter weekend and the main pressures have subsided, thankfully!
Enjoy further clearing your mind, body and soul with these energy shifts. We 'bury' feelings alive within us, causing them to resurface when required, to assist us in evolving, both positive and negative. We need the darkness to ensure we embrace the light in a more magical way, so we challenge ourselves to achieve greater things, to help others reshape their lives and ignite the easy, happy vibes we know are our birth right.

You can tell the big transpose of energies, people and our thought patterns are unsettling the old matrix, the dark ones...those that USED TO be able to control everyone. Keeping them small, sick, hating work, hating life and constantly running on the hamster wheel of their continuous feed of BS, fear, worry, anxiety and utter terror. The lies are magnifying, the phone alarm is one such example - check your Location in settings is turned off, if that is your preference, as many that had their phone on found that they automatically turned your location services on + paid millions of taxpayers cash + thousands of pounds a day to maintain it going forwards. Anyway, enough about their dark does not touch us, bother us, or stop us from vibing so f**king high, we exist way above their stories. Happy manifesting your best life, the time is NOW.
We also have the peak of the Beltane celebrations on 5th May 2023 - I met a Druid whilst in Glastonbury recently who gave me a calendar of their 2023 celebrations - the dates slightly alter on some of the occasions each cycle. Beltane comes from the Celtic Sun God 'Bel' or 'Bellenos' + 'tene' meaning 'fire = 'The Fires of Bel', upping the power of the transformations on 5/5/2023!!! Anyone looking to bring a new soul into the world (be it a child or a new version of themselves), then planning a celebration, a ritual, a ceremony that embodies all you desire would be a fantastic idea.
Ritual ideas here: Full Moon, but as always 'do you', whatever you are guided to do this moon phase, do it. Some will be burning the words they screamed at their pad, whilst others will be setting super pumped-up intentions and cleansing their homes, their crystals and themselves. Trust your intuition and allow your spiritual community to expand, the LOVE energies are on fire right now. Beautiful new love and friendship relationships are forming and the greater we come together as a community, the stronger the energies we emanate as a collective.
April has been a catalytic month of physical, mental and emotional improvements for so many of us, it has been truly beautiful. Personally, I feel the changes both internally and externally, an upgrading of how I see, sense and feel my world and the collective as a whole. It is all very exciting as we create the new earth, just by our thoughts, presence and the rejuvenation of our mind, body and souls. I have undergone a further purging of the past, closing off the old me, and making greater advancement in my abilities to help you all. I recently learnt a new breath technique, that I mentioned in my last blog, and I have created a page to aid the commencement of your journey to higher states of elevated consciousness. More Info here: Quantum Still Point Breathing guidelines. We are all one, LOVE is in the air and we have the power, individually and as a collective, to transform life as we know it TODAY.

As always, if you want to book any of my services, drop me a WhatsApp, email or contact via the website. I am OPEN Bank Holiday Monday, 1st May, have some space on the 2nd too then I have appointments available from 12th May 2023. Sending healing vibes, love vibes and oodles of laughter you way.
+44 (0)7949089265