As we are all unique, when creating a self-care plan, it is best to find what works for you, fits into your schedule and can be done without causing additional stress. The whole point is to reduce your fear and worry levels, not introduce more but trust your intuition instead. Here are some suggestions:
Set an Intention
Daily intention setting will see you manifest more of your desires in 2020. Be sure to track the moon cycles and complete the rituals for releasing (Full Moon) and goal planning (New Moon),
Gratitude Journal
Keep a journal, or say to yourself, at least 3 things every day, either morning or night, that you are grateful for. Gratitude for all you have helps to balance your mood and builds appreciation for where you are, in the here and now.
Carry Crystals With You
The healing energies of natures crystals are becoming more and more widely know and documented which is very exciting. My monthly Crystal recommendations for 2020 can be found here: Blog. Always go with what you are most drawn to when selecting and purchasing them. I have an Introduction to Crystals Workshop, if you would like to learn more.
Daily Self-Reiki
Applying Reiki daily ignites your immune system, over and above what your body naturally provides, therefore it is excellent for maintaining health and wellbeing throughout your body, mind and soul. If you feel drawn to learn more, it takes one day to learn Reiki Level I and we can get you booked in. You can also take my online course and study at home, in your own time and it includes a free distance attunement.
Daily is recommended and when you are 'too busy' meditate twice, because you are no doubt experiencing more stress and worry! I prefer to listen to a meditation and there are many free resources online, via Podcasts, Youtube and via author's individual websites. You can meditate anywhere, at anytime (except when driving!).
Pull an Angel / Oracle card
For those that own packs of cards, picking one can supply guidance to help you work through decisions and the direction you are taking on your life path. There are many Apps that you can use for this too or book in a full reading with me.
Exercise / walking in nature
As with all the suggestions, find what works for you. I highly recommend Betty Rocker, for working on your fitness at home and I started with her free 30 day 15 minute daily challenge and the body shape changes have been amazing: (love the name of it too!). It is about getting your metabolism activated daily, so that it works for you even when you are sedentary for maximum results.
Full Moon & New Moon Management
Mark the dates on your calendar, read up about the energies of each one, and what you should focus on for each moon cycle. This ensures you thrive, no matter what is going on 'outside' of you, and allows you to work on key areas that are affected by the shifts in energies. 2020 Dates for the Releasing & Goal setting Rituals are here: Moon Calendar.
Perform An Act of Kindness
This can be as simple as opening a door for another or smiling at a stranger. What we find is that when we give we receive, boosting our mood and manifesting abilities. One of my clients collected presents for some local homeless people, instead of buying presents for family members who already have ample possessions, so lovely!
Sleep is a very important 'tool' for your health, wellbeing and mental state. 7 - 8 hours are recommended and if this is not possible nightly, find at least 3 nights where you are able to get the maximum amount.
Take Time Out
When you are feeling overwhelmed make a plan to take a break from social media, phones, computers or negative environments.
It is so important to make time to look after YOU, over and above everyone and everything, even just 15 minutes a day can be highly beneficial. Be sure not to worry about what you have done yesterday and work on where you are now. Most important of all is to remember to BREATHE, especially when you feel challenged. There are some good examples in my video here: 5 Energy Breathing Exercises.

+44 (0)7949089265
**Special Offer: Sign up for my monthly Reiki Treatment Direct Debit Scheme today, SAVE £5 PER treatment (total saving of £60 per year). For those joining in January 2020, I am offering an additional free session (minimum 3 paid first) to use at a time to suit you, when the energies are having a greater effect on your mood and wellbeing and you want extra help to balance and release (Quote SC01), excellent self-care, for sure!**