Full Moons shine the light into the darkness and this is very much the theme this week as we remove the denial from our consciousness and open ourselves up to exciting changes. It is extremely important that you spend this week decluttering your thoughts, your inbox and your surroundings so that you can increase the energetic light that shines in your world. Recognise signs and synchronicities that appear before you and do not be put off by the simplicity of the message. Your angels and spirit guides want your attention, when a sign shows up be sure to take note and investigate the message being highlighted to you. If you want help then get in touch and we can get you booked in for an Intuitive Reading, to review your life path; a Distance or In-Person Reiki Treatment to remove emotional blockages; one of my Courses so that you can practice at home, a Shamanic Drumming Journey to restore the fragmented parts of your soul or Coaching Sessions to provide you will the tools to thrive during the expansive energy shifts.
The energies are lifting us out of our comfort zones, increasing our manifesting beliefs and abilities and opening us up to new limitless possibilities. Please realise we all have healing abilities within us to repair and remove emotional, physical and mental obstructions that can be holding us back. You hold all the answers to discover your destiny, it is imperative that you listen to your intuition and learn your hearts true desires. We are a product of all we say, watch, listen to and read, choose wisely so that you can bring yourself back to calm even in chaos, confusion and when healing from issues. Your actions can actually fuel anxiety, stress and depression, time for alterations to perception, habits and thoughts.
The moon is at its fullest on 23rd July at 7.37pm - PDT, 10.37pm - EDT then on 24th July at 3.37am - UK & 12.37pm - AEST. It is an Aquarius and Buck Moon that will illuminate the summer sky whilst the buck deer grow out fresh new, velvety antlers during this time. In some parts of the world Jupiter and Saturn will be visible, appearing to follow the Moon westward, as it passes them when fully illuminated. Warrior goddess Eris is in Aries and she is a powerful truth seeker and female awakener aiding many of you on your journey of spiritual growth. She will help integrity to win out as we receive truthful information around all that has been occurring. Potentially we will be drip fed the details as articles will continue to appear and then be removed online/in the news. Exciting times are approaching and I am enthralled how many of you have stepped into your power, are working on connecting to a greater level of consciousness and living a more joyous, stress free existence.
The Aquarian traits are rebellious, free-spirited and upfront that is encouraging you to cultivate a new life view, highlighting new ideas and helping you to broaden your horizons. The enormous energy shifts occurring on Friday or Saturday, dependent on where you are in the world, are invoking transformation for those willing to open their hearts and minds. An emotional (& material clutter) detox is most certainly on the menu and will reshape your life. A wonderful time to allow strong imaginative and creative juices to flow as you go through your day.
To embrace the energies and maximise our potential this week a few of us are having a fire ceremony, releasing ritual and intention setting event. Plan a get together with those in your tribe open to moon cycles and enjoy! A sample ritual is available here: Full Moon Ritual and some key crystals for this week include: Rose Quartz for unconditional self love; Hematite for grounding; Clear Quartz, the master healer; Agate Dendritic for self-examination and removal of self-imposed limitations; Aragonite for strength and removal of anger; Labradorite for drawing magic to you! There are lots more suggestions in the Crystal Shop, you should always pick the ones you are most drawn too each and every day as that is the energies you need then. Remember to cleanse your collection and set new intentions for each as you place them on your altar and throughout your home

Happy cleansing, clearing and burning (the words not things!) all that no longer serves you.
+44 (0)7949089265