It is a very good idea to mark your diaries/calendars; to prepare for and perform the rituals; and set intentions to allow miracles to unfold in your life. 2022 is set to be a stunning year for those spiritually awake, working with the energies that surround us, and allow ourselves to step into the other dimensions of energy opening up for us.

The general rule is to set intentions with the New Moon and to burn and release emotional thoughts and feelings blocking your path at the Full Moon. This does all depend on the energies each month, sometimes we are called to do both during a cycle, to maximise the benefits we receive from each phase, as the energies shift.
New Moon Cycles
January 2022 * Super * New Moon in Capricorn
2.01.2022 18:33 (London, UK) | 2.01.2022 10:33 (LA) | 2.01.2022 13:33 (NY) | 3.01.2022 05.33 (Sydney)
February 2022 New Moon in Aquarius
1.02.2022 05:45 (London, UK) | 31.01.2022 21:45 (LA) | 1.02.2022 00:45 (NY) | 1.02.2022 16:45 (Sydney)
March 2022 New Moon in Pisces
2.03.2022 17:34 (London, UK) | 2.03.2022 09:34 (LA) | 2.03.2022 12:34 (NY) | 03.03.2022 04:34 (Sydney)
1st April 2022 New Moon in Aries
01.04.2022 07:24 (London, UK) | 31.03.2022 23:24 (LA) | 01.04.2022 02:24 (NY) | 01.04.2022 17:24 (Sydney)
April 2022 Black New Moon *Eclipse* in Taurus - 2nd one in a month
30.04.2022 21:28 (London, UK) | 30:04.2022 13:28 (LA) | 30.04.2022 16:28 (NY) | 01.05.2022 06:28 (Sydney)
May 2022 New Moon in Gemini
30.05.2022 12:30 (London, UK) | 30:05.2022 04:30 (LA) | 30.05.2022 07:30 (NY) | 30.05.2022 21:30 (Sydney)
June 2022 New Moon in Cancer
29.06.2022 03:52 (London, UK) | 28.06.2022 19:52 (LA) | 28.06.2022 22:52 (NY) | 29.06.2022 12:52 (Sydney)
July 2022 New Moon in Leo
28.07.2022 18:54 (London, UK) | 28.07.2022 10:54 (LA) | 28.07.2022 13:54 (NY) | 29.07.2022 03:54 (Sydney)
August 2022 New Moon in Virgo
27.08.2022 08:16 (London, UK) | 27.08.2022 00:16 (LA) | 27.08.2022 03:16 (NY) | 27.08.2022 17:16 (Sydney)
September 2022 New Moon in Libra
25.09.2022 22:54 (London, UK) | 25.09.2022 14:54 (LA) | 25.09.2022 17:54 (NY) | 26.09.2022 07:54 (Sydney)
October 2022 New Moon *Eclipse* in Scorpio
25.10.2022 11:48 (London, UK) | 25.10.2022 03:48 (LA) | 25.10.2022 06:48 (NY) | 25.10.2022 21:48 (Sydney)
November 2022 New Moon in Sagittarius
23.11.2022 22:57 (London, UK) | 23.11.2022 14:57 (LA) | 23.11.2022 17:57 (NY) | 24.11.2022 09:57 (Sydney)

December 2022 *Super* New Moon in Capricorn
23.12.2022 10:16 (London, UK) | 23.12.2022 02:16 (LA) | 23.12.2022 05:16 (NY) | 23.12.2022 21:16 (Sydney)
Full Moon Cycles
January 2022 in Cancer
17.01.2022 23:48 (London, UK) |17.01.2022 15:48 (LA) | 17.01.2022 18:48 (NY) | 18.01.2022 10:48 (Sydney)
February 2022 Full Moon in Leo
16.02.2022 16:56 (London, UK) | 16.02.2022 08:56 (LA) | 16.02.2022 11:56 (NY) | 17.02.2022 03:56 (Sydney)
March 2022 Full Moon in Virgo
18.03.2022 07:17 (London, UK) |18.03.2022 00:17 (LA) | 18.03.2022 03:17 (NY) | 18.03.2022 18:17 (Sydney)
April 2022 Full Moon in Libra
16.04.2022 19:55 (London, UK) | 16.04.2022 11:55 (LA) | 16.04.2022 14:55 (NY) | 17.04.2022 04:55 (Sydney)
May 2022 Full Moon *Eclipse* in Scorpio
16.05.2022 05:14 (London, UK) | 15.05.2022 21:14 (LA) | 16.05.2022 00:14 (NY) | 16.05.2022 14:14 (Sydney)
June 2022 * Super * Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius
14.06.2022 12:51 (London, UK) | 14.06.2022 04:51 (LA) | 14.06.2022 07:51 (NY) | 14.06.2022 21:51 (Sydney)
July 2022 *Super* Full Moon in Capricorn
13.07.2022 19:37 (London, UK) | 13.07.2022 11:37 (LA) | 13.07.2022 14:37 (NY) | 14.07.2022 04:37 (Sydney)
August 2022 Full Moon in Aquarius
12.08.2022 02:35 (London, UK) | 11.08.2022 18:35 (LA) | 11.08.2022 21:35 (NY) | 12.08.2022 11:35 (Sydney)
September 2022 Full Moon in Pisces
10.09.2022 10:59 (London, UK) | 10.09.2022 02:59 (LA) | 10.09.2022 05:59 (NY) | 10.09.2022 19:59 (Sydney)
October 2022 Full Moon in Aries
09.10.2022 21:54 (London, UK) | 09.10.2022 13:54 (LA) | 09.10.2022 16:54 (NY) | 10.10.2022 07:54 (Sydney)
November 2022 Full Moon *Eclipse* in Taurus
08.11.2022 11.02 (London, UK) | 08.11.2022 03:02 (LA) | 08.11.2022 06:02 (NY) | 08.11.2022 22.02 (Sydney)
December 2022 Full Moon in Gemini
08.12.2022 04:08 (London, UK) | 07.12.2022 20:08 (LA) | 07.12.2022 23.08 (NY) | 08.12.2022 15:08 (Sydney)
Some of us are very affected the week prior (and up to 5 days after) the Full or New Moon. Which phase challenges you emotionally, physically and mentally, depends on when you were born, where you are on your life path, and your spiritual journey. Also, things like pregnancy can see your bodies sensitivities alter completely, so you may have always been unsettled by the New Moon, but after the birth of your angel it can be the Full Moon energies that impact your world. It is super interesting how the changes in our life affect how we resonate with the world's energies.
Mercury Retrograde (MR) - we should always be aware of a shadow period with MR, at least 5 days afterwards, to be sure of success with new projects.
14th January 2022 - 3rd February 2022
10th May 2022 - 2nd June 2022
9th September 2022 - 2nd October 2022
29th December 2022 - 18th January 2023
Equinox & Solstices
Vernal (Spring) Equinox - 21st March 2022
Summer Solstice - 21st June 2022
Autumn Equinox - 22nd September 2022
Winter Solstice - 21st December 2022
Recharge, reset and program your crystals - 1st in the sun to cleanse; 2nd in the moonlight to recharge and then reprogram them by setting strong intentions for each one, around what you are focusing on and therefore need their help with.

2022 is going to be as amazing as you want it to be, your thoughts and beliefs create your world, so be mindful of all you tell yourself, and how you perceive people, situations and your reactions. It is never too late to reinvent yourself and manifest your wildest dreams into fruition. Do get in touch if you want to book some guidance; treatments; readings or one of my courses to aid your healing journey.
+44 (0)7949089265