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Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Energies October 2023

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Oct 28, 2023

On Saturday 28th October 2023 we have a beautiful energy portal opening with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus at 21:24 London, UK; 13:24 Los Angeles; U.S.A; 16:24 New York, U.S.A + 07:24am Sydney, Australia. There is a density to the energies as we step into Full Moon week, it is truly the time to work on raising your energy frequency, moment by moment. You may be finding communication is off/challenging, remain as calm as possible, to retain your energetic power. Do not allow the negativity of others, your current circumstances, or what we are being led to believe is going on, to dampen your energies. We are being tested on so many levels, you have got this, things are improving daily. Thank each occurrence for the lessons, ask an energy worker to assist you if needed, raising your vibration allows you to integrate all that is on offer, as we expand our DNA, our consciousness and upgrade our lives.

We are at the end of a 26,000 year cycle her on Planet Earth, 2024 is going to see us fully manifest the improvements we have been working on for life times. Doing your own healing greatly assists the inner transformation of the earth, so we can evolve and live more graciously, happily, and in freedom. The earth is your house, it is being rebuilt, allow yourself to grow with the energy reformations and flow into sync with the wonderful growth ascension process. A new foundation is being built for Mother Earth and all who reside on her. Our bodies are going through circulatory upgrades, please know this will show up in a multitude of ways for you. Aches, pains, feeling cold, many things, but please understand it is your body releasing the stuck emotions, seek help from holistic practitioners, or know you can work through it yourself. Your body knows what needs to happen, give into it, listen to it, and best not to ignore it, as it will then manifest in other forms, YOU know best.

Ascension is such a subjective affair, unique to you, the characteristics (essentially activations for your expansion) each one of us are experiencing are super varied. Finding you want to consume different things, and perhaps only at certain times of the day; that what you used to listen too or watch no longer resonates with you. Discovering memory, and time, is heavily compromised, for some, even as recent as forgetting what was eaten today. Sleep patterns are all over the place, sleeping earlier, awakening earlier or later, do you, whatever your mind, body and soul require. Our powers of perspicaciousness are on fire, as we trust ourselves in stronger and stronger ways. Deconstruct all attachments, understand you were born to be free (I remember a film of the same name from my childhood heehee).

When you embody the fear, then you can get stuck in the 3D realm, until you have learnt all the lessons, and choose LOVE then the old habits will keep regurgitating. Uniting and evolving together is our dharma, it is going to sound crazy but we literally manifest the continuation of the shite when we remain in fear, worry and scarcity. For example, getting embodied in drama, or what might happen to the world, based on the lies being told to you. The alteration happens when you stop, wake up and emit positivity, like your life depended on it, it does! This 2-minute video confirms all I have been saying for years - when we emanate LOVE, we improve the frequency for everyone

Creative potential is all around and within you, when you widen your perception, cleanse your home, yourself and your mindset. Art, dance, writing, and the spoken word are taking on new meaning as we channel our energies into creating wonderful items, paintings, music, rhythm, whatever you are guided to design/produce/construct. See/be the person you have always wanted to be, we are coming home to ourselves, re-remembering all we need to, in order to power up the LOVE Energies and be the change we want to see in the world.

Intuition Is Your Highest Timeline

Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax, taking time for you, your loved ones, and little actions towards your dreams. Don't beat yourself up if you are having a slow day, if motivation is missing, and you just want to be. The energy shifts are having a huge impact on our mental, physical, and emotional form so hug yourself and just be. Whatever your intuition guides you to do.

The high-powered Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse October 2023 energies provide us with wonderful opportunities to refurbish your intentions (day by day); perform rituals of writing + burning anything we feel is mentally blocking our path; decluttering again, and dreaming soooo big we almost scare ourselves. Our manifesting abilities are growing rampantly ~ think it, see it, believe it, and it will appear. Be you own magician this week, synchronicities are our best friend, you are far more powerful than you realise. Keep 'feeding' your present reality with all you desire; we are effectively holograms after all. Authenticity is a more powerful energy than LOVE, which is saying something. Just be your authentic self, what you radiate out WILL aid the New Earth into is HERE. Living by your inner compass is all you need, trust, love, and have an amazing time.

Taurean traits to embody this week are their steadfast commitment to aiding the evolution of mankind, born through their 'stubbornness' in knowing we ALL deserve better. Their stability, resourcefulness, and strong values of freedom, reliability and unending love will strength your journey over the next few days.

We are giving birth to your authentic selves on a whole new level, we are reclaiming the parts of ourselves lost through trauma, abuse, stress, anaesthesia etc, to complete our soul for the growth journey that is happening. We can lose parts of us when we are not living our truth, when we keep interacting with people that don't match our frequency, energies that challenge our mental health, wellbeing and ability to believe in ourselves 24/7. You can reclaim them or do get in touch and we can do a Soul Retrieval, with the consultation via Zoom, the journey at a distance or fully In-Person, London, UK.

Please know you can fully heal yourself; you are a divine being capable of achieving everything you put out into the world. Where your attention goes, your energy flows, every thought, action and intention improves everything for everyone. I have just been on the beautiful island of Kos for 10 days, with 1,000+ other souls, assisting the transformation of the energies for Mother Gaia, and all who reside on her. We permeated strong LOVE energies out into the world daily, the shifts where quiet magnificent on personal and collective levels. We are uniting together to actualise the upgrades we wish to see in the world, know you are not alone.



+44 (0)7949089265

Mantra Ideas:

Life is Easy

I embody my abilities fully to be the change I want to see in the world

I deserve all that I am manifesting

I feel....

I think....

I shout out loudly...

Kundalini Innerdance Acitvation Online via Zoom Worldwide
Kundalini Innerdance Acitvation Online via Zoom Worldwide

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