We have big surges of energy shifting throughout this week as we head to the next Full Supermoon on Sunday and it is a massive opportunity for new beginnings, in conjunction with the world opening up, and for releasing any habitual negative thinking and self-talk that you are holding onto. The changes began last weekend with the Spring Equinox in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac and the start of the astrological year. Aries is a leadership sign with wonderful warrior energies encouraging us to be the change we want to see in the world. On 28th March, the Full Moon shifts will be invigorating with the Supermoon in Libra at 7.48pm (UK), 11.48am (PDT), 2.48pm (EDT) and 5:48am on 29th March (AEDT). This is providing all of us with the opportunity for a symbolic ending as this Supermoon is the culmination of a six month phase of energies that are now bringing a chance to start afresh, with a clean slate, so write down, visualise and believe in your heart that you can manifest all you desire.

When you constantly self-sabotage it is a good idea to look at 'why' as it stops you becoming fully enlightened and completely happy with yourself. Allowing yourself to succeed at your goals can actually be harder than failing because of the ingrained negative self-worth and negative learned behaviours. If you 100% want to alter a part of your life then know you have the power to do so, once you believe it fully you can manifest anything. Decluttering your home and your mind are essential in this process as you transform into the amazing being that you have always dreamt of becoming.
Turn off the news, step away from the imposing 'rules' and carve out you own destiny. The stunning mermaid energies of Salacia, the mythical wife of Neptune, are here to help. You can heal when you work with the energies that surround you, as so many of you have proven by coming forward to learn Reiki Energy Healing and are now practicing it daily and seeing amazing results, wonderful. Well done to you! I taught a record number of souls the principles of Reiki (Level I), the power of using the symbols with Level II and the strengthening, empowering Master Level last week and it warms my heart.
I am super grateful large numbers of you are opening your heart, minds and souls to spiritual growth, clearing negative thought patterns and improving your lives. We are all being upgraded energetically, including your DNA, and it is the perfect time to truly discover your dharma (your life-purpose, if you have not already). A time for standing up for all you believe in, all you are and everything you want to experience. This is a period of massive upgrading of consciousness, realising that you create your reality and that you can truly control your life and make it so much better than you ever imagined. You may well find yourself making totally different decisions about your life journey, your future and those in your life as the week/year unfolds. It is all part of the upgrading of human nature, take the action and let life flow to your rhythm. What you give out you get back; what you believe you will achieve.
There is a suggested ritual here: Full Moon Ritual but as always trust your intuition, just be sure to burn the words you have written about all that annoys/unsettles/blocks you and be grateful for the process. We are ever closer to information being uncovered and truths coming out. The predicted volcanoes are erupting, China's strength is growing (unfortunately) due to the issues in other countries, such as the US, and a large percentage of society are challenging the untruths that are being feed to us. People are restless and are striving for radical improvement to life on earth. We are seeing the technology initiatives appearing and there will be more breakthroughs. Personally, there is no rush to get things done, it is just about consistent positive action. Tap into your intuition repeatedly, trust all you think and feel in your heart. There are more of you waking up to your natural psychic abilities too and understanding the power of intentions and working with the energies. Your Third Eyes are awakening and spirituality is the new normal, which is awesome. Remember, we are all here for a reason, the biggest one being to laugh often, love muchly and frequently help ourselves and others.
Please enjoy today, learn new ways to remove fear and worry and love yourself and others unconditionally. If you want guidance we can do a Spiritual Coaching Call to set you on your path; a Distance Reiki Session or I can teach you how to apply Energy Healing daily yourself. I am taking bookings for April, as the rest of March is beautiful busy with helping so many of you ignite your own abilities to heal. House Cleansing is once again crucial, as well as Animal Reiki, your pets have taken on the stresses of the last year, especially with everyone at home 24/7 and I am grateful I can help them at a distance too. Partnerships, relationships and other unexpected collaborations are showing up with some wonderful good news for you. Be open to all opportunities, do the mental, emotional and physical cleansing ritual and know how amazing you are!!!
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