On 18th December at 8.35pm (LA) + 11.35pm (NYC) then Sunday 19th December 2021 at 4.35am (UK) + 3.35pm (Sydney) we have the final Full Moon of 2021. It is going to be a super powerful day and night of energy shifts to help you to realign your thoughts, feelings and intentions in preparation for the Winter Solstice on 21st December2021, and then the start of 2022. Full Moon's herald transformation and allow you to release negativity from your world. The ritual can be completed within 24 hours either side of when the moon is at its fullest, in order that you can go ahead around your busy schedule. It is a significant day whilst we are still experiencing the portal activations, the upgrading of human consciousness and many people finally saying enough is enough. You may be feeling the full surges of energy through your body as your kundalini energy awakens and enlivens your mind, body and soul as it goes on a rebirthing journey right now.
I do hope you are enjoying the upgrades in your life and are allowing yourself to be present and open to change. The growth of understanding amongst the population of the strength of working with the energies and regularly repairing your body, mind and soul has been heartwarming this month. The increase in men coming for treatments and to learn Reiki Level I, so that they can self-reiki daily, has been amazing. The masculine energies have been the dominate force throughout the world and it is time for the trajectory to alter. The feminine energies control the throat, third eye and crown chakras, the emotional centres, with the heart being both masculine and feminine. It is therefore lovely that men are becoming more in touch with their feelings and learning that they can express emotions, such as tears, even though it goes against what they were taught growing up.

We are here to live in heaven on earth and I commend all those of you who are working on themselves. Healing hurts but it is very beneficial to increase your energetic vibration and the enjoyment of each day. You always have a choice as to how you feel, how you react and how you perceive all that is being 'fed' to you by the government, media and your own inner negativity. The Winter Solstice is going to be a phenomenal event of ascension and healing for humanity (for those open to it) and I welcome the changes. Glastonbury is the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth and Australia the Solar Plexus, so as the people awaken the healing of the world will evolve further.
My Full and New Moon Calendar for 2022 will be LIVE next week so that you can mark the important dates in your diary. We should embrace the moon cycles as we do the conventional holidays so that we can thrive in 2022. It is going to be a wonderfully positive year, as we heal, release and move forwards after the chaos and negativity of the last few years. We have our first Mercury Retrograde on 30th January to 21st February 2022, take the time to finalise anything that you have in the works right now before it begins, so that you can go into a planning phase, as we embrace the energies it provides.
I have some Clear Quartz Crystal Points that I will be charging in the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth - Glastonbury - on 21st which you can pre-order via the website today (or message me) and I will post to you on my return. This then allows you to be on the train of change with the other Lightworkers of the world.
It is important to burn all that no longer serves you, begin to write it all down this week in preparation. You are very much encouraged to write down new intentions, usually a task at the new moon but key as the year comes to a close. 2022 is going to be a year of strong spiritual awakening for many more of you so that we live with my joy, abundance and happiness. Stand up for all that you believe in and do not be swayed by those in fear. Know your own strength and resilience, it is your world, your freedom and balance that are most important. I have a few appointments left for 2021, particularly between Christmas and New Year to get your ready for the New Year. WhatsApp or email me as soon as possible so that we can get you realigned
+44 (0)7949089265