Energetically on 19th January 2025 we unequivocally entered the Age of Aquarius. I sense it has been a 'soft launch' since 19th November, allowing us time to prepare for the wonderment now emerging. How has the cosmic reboot been for you? The channels of light within us are opening further, bringing more of our divine Christ Consciousness crystalline selves online. You may have noticed enhancements to your physical form, reflecting the profound shifts occurring both internally and externally.

We are witnessing monumental transformations within the energetic templates of all existence and our sacred Earth. Energies of excitement, clarity, and trust are strongly present, amplified by the incoming alignments with the New Moon and the Chinese Lunar New Year. We keep our heart/mind energies open, trusting, with firm boundaries and ground practices throughout each day.
We have a multitude of opportunities to work on self, our ego connection, and all that we are allowing to enter our lives. First with the Planetary ParadeĀ on 25th, an undeniable repositioning of the energies on Mother Earth and within us. The powerful energies of the Chinese Lunar New Year & the New Moon in AquariusĀ coincide onĀ 29th January. The Moon energies peak to atĀ 12:36 London; 13:36 Madrid; 04:36 Los Angeles; 07:36 New York & 23:36 Sydney.

This month is undoubtedly proving to be the catalyst for the improvements to life that I, along with many others, sensed would mark the beginning of this magical year.
Aquarius, an air sign and the water-bearer, symbolises the flow of divine energy within you. Water represents the God within. The key personality traits of Aquarius, their truthfulness and pure intentions leave no room for shady business, for those fully aligned with their magic.
The Aquarian Age is introducing greater levels of intellectualism, innovation, freedom, and balance, as more souls elevate from 4D living into the 5th dimensions and beyond. A large collective of souls are embodying their awakened spiritual selves, as the elevation of energies strengthens, amplifying their impact on improving life for everyone.

The Year of the Snake is most certainly going to ignite your kundalini energies, so let's harmonise them together with an online innerdance kundalini session. The, previously, coiled serpent of energies at the base of your spine is rising up, activating an expansion of your skills, abilities and inner knowing. Please be mindful of these transformations, nothing to fear, only integration time required as we upgrade our world. A magnification of your power, resilience and divine trust in your purpose here on Earth. My sessions can help you define your life path, if confusion exists for you.
Our telepathic capabilities are increasing, the more we feel into our hearts, listen within and ensure we consistently cleansing our energies, so our radar is clear and open. It is why some are finding tastes are altering, our bodies requiring the consumption of different items to fire up our inner magic and connection with the cosmos, our etheric teams and ourselves.
It is a time for radical self-expression, truly trusting and believing in yourself, and all that you see, sense, and feel. You are not 'making it up'~ your inner knowing is spot on and your greatest guide for the next steps on your path. Please listen to your inner channel, your intuition, the voice of your higher self, it is here to guide you moment by moment.
One way to know you are 'talking' to your higher self, is when you have a conversation within your heart/mind connection, your inner voice. What used to be invisible is coming to the surface, enhanced psychic abilities, our sensitivities and trust is deepening, as more of ourselves come back online.
We are aligning as one, accepting that we are mirror reflections for each otherās expansion, notice the lessons and learn from them. This then prevents the same episodes occurring over and over, they wonāt leave you until you acquire complete understanding, love and unity with yourself.
The energies are working with you, your etheric support team never leaves you, the bond is ālostā when we choose to go into stress, fear, worry and self-doubt. Time dilation is powerful, as we decide we have all the ātimeā we need to get things done. When your energetic vibration rises, it feels as though a ātaskā is done almost immediately, without effort. Encourage divine peace to wash over you, even when you call in challenges for your growth.
Spring begins with the energies of the Imbolc Festival 01.02.2025 ~ renewal & resurrection. Then the 2:2 Portal of Divine Unity will usher in powerful energies to solidify the union of us, we take inspired action, allow new relationships to arrive and permeate the vibrational frequency that we want to receive back. Super important that we tune into the energies, strengthen our self-care practices and accept our personal power wholeheartedly.

I have an Online Innerdance Kundalini SessionĀ on 29th January, my aim is to empower you to become a true connoisseur of frequency, something we build with each session. This one will be particularly potent with the Aquarius New Moon & Year of Snake January 2025. Attendance is limited so please book in advance: Book Online~6PM GMT 10AM PST & 1PM. We can do Private Sessions earlier in the day too, especially whilst my calendar is still free, I am so very excited for all of us. Change is upon us. Discount code: NEWME Ā£11 off valid until 24.01.2025.
Please be sure to ground your souls vessel, walking barefoot on Mother Earth, visualising your energetic roots merging with the earths core. We protect our quantum energetic fields, love ourselves unconditionally, permit ourselves to thrive and vibrate super high, above any dense, destructive forces. No fear, no doubt and with the assurance we are in the 5D high vibrational energies 24/7. I love you.
I invite you to explore this event too: Sophia Dragon Tribe Lunar New Year Ceremony by Kaia Ra 9pm GMT, 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern, especially those of you who have started to read The Sophia Code, we upgrade together. It will be recorded, to watch when time is more aligned with us.
