I recently discovered another powerful ancient mandala that is perfect for the base of crystal grids, for use with Reiki Treatments and for placing around the home. The mystical sacred geometry symbol Sri Yantra, also known as Shri Yantra or Shri Chakra, is formed by nine interlocking triangles that radiate from the central point, known as a Bindu. Yantra means 'instrument' or 'machine' in Sanskrit and represents the union of masculine and feminine divine energy. It is an auspicious symbol for prosperity, as you focus your energies and desires for manifesting. Each level corresponds to a mudra, a ritual gesture that encompasses the whole body and is performed with the hands and fingers.

Its focus is wealth and will aid your spiritual and material abundance and the ability to change your life forever. The Bindu point represents the nectar of life and the universe, the central point at which creation begins and our consciousness awakens to a new degree.

We also have a central point within the body a Bindu Chakra - The Fountain of Youth, Vitality and Health, located at the back of the head, where the bones of the sides and back of the skull meet and is linked to the third eye, the home of spiritual awakening. It is a great aid for increasing your spiritual path and practice, an important centre for our health and wellbeing. This Chakra is one of the least talked about yet most mysterious and remarkable energy centres in the body. When I practice Reiki, I am always very much drawn to work on the whole of the back of the head for all my clients. Click HERE to read my previous blog on the topic.
The Sri Yantra will support you in solving problems (vital this Mercury Retrograde!) and assist in the release of negativity in your world. I have constantly predicted many more people are going to fully 'awaken' and embrace spirituality into their world in 2020, this mandala allows you to achieve a higher level of consciousness and a whole new reality, far beyond anything you have imagined. It is time to move beyond our own self-imposed limitations and ingrained fear to thrive now.
If you feel drawn to book a Reiki Treatment with a Yantra Crystal Grid go to www.handserenity.com/contact / email or call me. Time to clear the emotional 'fog' that is stopping you from manifesting your true dreams and desires. The Sri Yantra promotes positive vibes and has a strong pure magnetic cosmic energy. Enjoy exploring more and let me know all you discover. Time for us to thrive, achieve a greater conscious life and push our creativity to new heights.
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