Life throws us curve balls that arrive to teach us what we need to know at this time. These can be fantastic, less wonderful or out of this world. It is how we deal with the challenges that occur that make our lives easier.
We need to live positively, think positively & imagine any problems are resolved or goals are achieved. Not always easy to do, bringing yourself back to your centre, taking time for yourself & continually learning new positive habits all help us to accomplish this.
Mindfulness is a life habit, takes practice & is more frequent in our mindset when we learn the art of forgiveness, to ourselves, others & situations. A fabulous book that I highly recommend is the 'Wings of Forgiveness' by Kyle Gray, an angel medium who is so inspiring.
"I Am..." is one of Dr Wayne Dyer's life principles & when you precede positive affirmations with these two words you will experience a shift, a greater connection with your higher self & rapid changes in your world. Everything comes to us as we need it, at the right time. We are brought up with limiting beliefs, to a certain level or ordinariness BUT you are capable of creating anything that you want in life.
Do not 'settle' for less, every day is a new day & failure is there to re-direct our path or our thought processes.
Daily Affirmations, such as, "I am abundant", whether this be the relationship you want, financial or anything. Another is "I am powerful" or, should you not be in optimum health, "I am pain free". Any positive words are perfect! Mindfulness activities assist you on this journey, like Angel card readings, looking at your life path or Reiki, restoring balance within or yoga, meditation or any self-centred practice that calms your inner core.
"I am......" make this your daily routine & watch your goals manifest. Visualise them having been achieved & enjoy the journey.
Have a stunning weekend, life really is what we make it. Be grateful for what you have & I will be back next week.
Bright Blessings