The next Full Moon is on Monday 9th March at 17:47pm (UK) and will be the first Supermoon of 2020, exciting! We are in need of a huge energy shift after the emotional turbulence many have been experiencing these last few weeks. The highs and lows are going to continue to make themselves known but the March Full Moon is welcoming the opportunity to breathe fresh air into your whole existence, encouraging a restart, like the renewal of nature that Spring provides.
New beginnings are usually associated with New Moon cycles but it is a further reminder that we should not assume anything, or take stuff for granted. Nothing is going to be quite as you expected in 2020. As I predicted, I am seeing more clients begin to fully awaken to spirituality and investigating what their dharma is, their life purpose, and how they can help themselves and others thrive instead of just surviving.
Aptly known as a Worm Moon, it is no longer going to be suitable to worm your way out of doing what you truly love. It is time to face yourself head on, sitting in front of a mirror can help and ask some probing questions. Big adjustments are forecast, be sure to take the action to reach your goals. The life changing shifts began at the beginning of 2020 and we almost need to follow the lead of January's Wolf Moon and go out into the great outdoors and howl, releasing any emotional imbalances, as we navigate our way through the interesting challenges this year is supplying.
It is important to keep grounding yourself, embracing that which makes your heart sing and doubling your learning of new ways of being in this physical form. Constant change is happening and so the more 'tools' we can arm ourselves with, the easier the journey will be. This can be reading a life transforming book, doing that one thing you have been putting of again and again, or simply reconnecting with people you have not seen for a while.
Crystals for March 2020
Green Calcite - stone of transformation, excellent for manifesting
Moonstone - new beginnings, inner strength and growth
Clear Quartz - stone of power - amplifies energy and intention
Jasper Kambaba - great for overcome your fears once and for all
Carnelian - stimulates creativity, motivation & mental clarity
(Drop me an email, if any of the above sell out before you get to them in the shop online)
All the events showing up this month are a stark reminder to live in the NOW, to grab life with both hands, take risks and watch the miracles unfold. It is vital to make lists of everything that angers you, upsets you and discombobulates you, and follow the ritual, so that you can leave the past right where it belongs, in the past! Then set an intention and recite your mantra for the day/week/month. Use words that really resonate, one example: 'I have sabotaged myself for the last time. I am worthy of more. I am here for a reason and today my life changes.'
I would love to do an Intuitive Reading or aid your healing journey with Reiki, Coaching or teach you any of my Courses. All are available at a distance, via Skype, email or phone or In-Person in East Twickenham. Do email or WhatsApp with any questions and to book your life changing appointment. I am open 8am - 8pm Monday - Friday & 8am - 5pm (last booking 4pm) Saturday & Sunday.
+44 (0) 7949089265
Monthly suggested Full Moon Ritual
As always, allow your intuition to guide you:
Preparation Tools
Sage, Frankincense, Incense, Palo Santo, Oils, a bundle of herbs or any combination of your choice
Sound chimes or a sound bowl; Candles + Lighter or matches; Pen & Paper
A selection of your favourite Crystals, pick those you feel most drawn to on the day and that represent where you want to get to, what you want to let go of and all you are now manifesting
The Process:
Light the candles & smudge the area where you are performing the ritual & yourself
Ground - by feeling the earth under your feet (even if you are not outside).
Visualisation is key; visibly shake of any tension from your body before you begin.
· Write down all that needs releasing
The pages should be burnt and released into a river/ buried into the ground within 48 hours of the ceremony
**Remember to cleanse, charge & activate your crystals with the intention you have chosen for this full moon cycle**
