Soul Retrieval Journey via Zoom
‘I feel like a part of me is missing’ is a very apt saying for when retrieval journeys are needed.
Service Description
Soul Retrieval Journey via Zoom, for collecting + healing the fragmented parts of your soul lost through trauma, shock + life changing events. When traumatic events occur we ‘lose’ some of our essence, a piece of our soul, as it becomes separated from us. This can be through emotional events such as loss of loved ones, abuse or separation and physical events i.e. accidents and anaesthesia. It is totally understandable and natural that this occurs, as it is a self-preservation method. We can also give away parts of our soul through difficult circumstances or complex life choices that are not for our highest good resulting in ‘I left my heart in…’, ‘I want my life back’. Emotional dependency, Acute Anxiety, Addiction or Depression are all examples of us trying to fill the missing void by looking for that missing part in others or in a bottle of drink.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy: Please provide 48 hours notice if you are unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate.
Contact Details