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Scorpio New Moon & November Energies 2024

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Updated: Oct 29, 2024

The biggest question for us all this month is: Are you letting the JOY in? The most significant reason for doing the healing work is to allow yourself to be happy, beyond your wildest dreams. Re-conditioning your thoughts, feelings and actions to believe you are worthy of living your best life. You can do this, apply your daily self-care practices, ensuring sound & energy healing are included, and permit yourself to feel loved, safe and abundant. We are calling in miracles and the energies, our spirit teams, and God (in whatever form this takes for you) are with us.

November begins with the 111 Portal of Miracles + New Moon in Scorpio on the very first day, Friday 1st at 12:48 London, UK; 13:48 Madrid, Spain; 05:48 Los Angeles; 08:48 New York & 23:48 in Sydney, Australia. A pungent, potent shift in the energies, setting the course for you to have one of the most transformative months of your life. Whatever you have been wanting to change, the big risks you have been putting off, are manifesting for you. Be sure to listen to, and follow your hearts guidance and grant yourself permission to live out your dreams.

We have a rare addition to the energies of this moon cycle with the 111 Portal of Miracles, fling open the energetic doorways of your life. Unlimited potential, miracles, love relationships, a massive boost to your creativity and desire to succeed. This cosmic alignment, 1st of 11th month = 111, is already open, super powerful and asking that we get very clear on the intentions we hold within. Watch your thoughts, manifesting is fast, exciting and without boundaries.

The sting in the tail of the Scorpio is empowering you to make that leap, take those chances, and illuminating the fact that you choose. No pressure, yet why ignore yourself, your abilities, and the massive opportunity to press 'GO' on your new life? Energies of saying good bye to your old life, providing endings with magnificent new beginnings. A tip: embrace the scorpio traits of strength, impenetrability and high-spirited living, ensuring you stop fighting, criticising & judging yourself, & others, and continue to find peace in the chaos. Keeping your equilibrium in tact so you manifest all you deserve and don't low your vibration for anyone or anything.

'They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we are the seeds'

Some negative content: I am grateful the activities of the dark ones (such as celebrities, politicians, musicians, military forces, priests, freemasons) has now filtered into the mainstream. It is tough to assimilate all that is finally being disclosed openly, and although it was consuming knowing this alone, I know it is the leverage for an uplifting shifting in humanity. Give yourself a hug and the time to deal with the 'new' knowledge, it takes time to absorb, and accept. The SA abusers are all being called to get on stage and promote the K candidate in the US, if this does not wake people up to the amount of sickness they do, have planned and create, then I sense those supporting her will remain stuck in the 3D reality of death, destruction and control.

I AM blog by Emma Hands

Demonic souls, completely severed from source, who complete satanic rituals in our faces daily, selling their souls for fame and money. It is revolting to know they have been filtering this through their music, films, everything, for our whole lifetimes. So much of it seems 'unbelievable', to realise the AG concert slaughter was a ritual, along with so much, words. They do the yucky stuff to sustain the demonic energy grids on Mother Earth, hence why many grid workers are travelling the planet to restore the positive energies and boost the healing of earth. We recently did global meditations for the activation of the Pleiadian Portal of Uluru in Australia (the Solar Plexus of Mother Tara) it was enlightening.

My mission is to assist in the healing of the young ones that are set to be uncovered, freed and finally able to live, I am calling in the resources. Know that as we continue to upgrade, that the visions of all you are here to do, be, and achieve, appear thick and fast. Whenever I do an activity for my healing, the foresight is strong, not pleasant, yet confirming of my path. It has been stronger for the last few years, and lately it is more magnified than ever. You are no doubt experiencing similar journeys, sensing, seeing and knowing why you are here. To enhance this for you, take on exercises that support you ~ I apply energy healing and an innerdance soundscape before getting up every day, otherwise I may have fallen too far down. Although I know I am meant to be here and so are you, when your thoughts drop, contact someone, talk to another, please know you are not alone. We realise now that when we turn off the physical form, we carry on and you are needed here, now.

The 11:11 portal almost requires no explanation; you all see angel numbers ~ this is one of the most compelling signs from our guides. It is a huge gateway for you, a portal of energetic opportunities, let's be sure to take advantage of these energies. I have written about the power of the monthly portals in previous blog articles on my site.

The final two months of this life resetting year of the dragon is your gateway to thrive and revamp you and your world. As always, do you, whatever you are drawn to do, setting yourself impressive intentions, decluttering your home, and your mind, and reforming your perceptions once more is my recommendation. We rise above the demonic souls and catastrophic incidents occurring, keeping our vibration high, our energies cleansed, and our hearts pure, to assist the permeation of love energies. Remember you are a divine sovereign being and the viruses of humanity are healing, evolving and being cleared.

Tune in to your higher self, be authentic 24/7 and the present moment is a lovely gift we should cherish. Be strong, confident and look after the young souls in your world to new heights. Any red flags need to be acted upon, not so nice souls are popping up everywhere, big love to you all. The Scorpio New Moon November 2024 teamed with the 111 Portal of Miracles will be a remarkable shift in the energies for us individually, collectively, and for Mother Earth's healing journey. How the shifts affect you depend on your want to rebuild, reform and reset yourself every two weeks to upgrade your vibration, communicate with your higher self and live by your intuition.



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