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A Brief Lesson in Self-Healing

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

We have to go through challenges & change to get to a far better place. Today’s blog is a brief lesson in remembering to be kind to ourselves & others, no matter what. Speaking & acting through love is an incredible way to live. Anger, sadness & anxiety only hurt YOU.

Self-belief & self confidence will allow you to get what you want, you have got this! Stop being scared you can achieve, realise your dreams & live the life you imagine - YOU CAN DO IT! It is about throwing away the self-sabotage thoughts & allowing more miracles into your life & living your life purpose. Stop limiting yourself, "I am not worthy", "I am unlucky" There is no 'luck' we create our own destiny. Watch your thoughts & watch miracles unfold.

One of the biggest regrets of the dying is “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” Let us fulfil dreams & stop waiting for 'tomorrow'. "I will do it tomorrow", "tomorrow I plan to change, release & grow" why wait? Now is your time, you have got this!

We are all entitled to miracles. It is paramount that we re-learn thought processes & create positive thinking habits. Be sure to ask yourself "am I willing to give that thought up? It is only a thought; throw it away, especially guilt, fear & worry. Stop focusing on that which frightens or distresses you, worrying really does change the outcome. Stop stressing over that which you cannot change.

Learning to trust yourself is key, release judgements you have of yourself & others. We almost need to 'get out of our own way', stop over thinking, take time for you & breathe. Some say “self praise in no praise”, this is utter rubbish, we all have to truly love ourselves before we can love another.

Allow a shift in perception to occur. Clearing negativity opens up our capacity to love ourselves & allows us to truly love another, unconditionally. Let everyone be free souls & we can all flourish side by side.

Open up your mind to new experiences. Don't be a people pleaser, giving & giving to others & not yourself leads to 'dis-ease' as all dis-ease is emotionally based. This is why the practice of self-love & healing is so important. Be patient & reconnect with yourself, we are all amazing.

Don't be a people pleaser, giving & giving to others with out also giving to yourself. Not caring & healing yourself leads to 'dis-ease' as all dis-ease is emotionally based. This is why the practice of self-love & healing is so important. Be patient & reconnect with yourself, we are all amazing

Challenges bring about a time of renewal, a time of cleansing & rebirth. We are only ever one thought away from a new life!

Daily affirmations to help:

I believe in ME!

I woke up

I release negative & destructive thinking.

Tip: Burning white sage to cleanse you & your home of negativity works wonders.

As a spiritualist I am not free from fear, stress, worry & self-doubt. It is about having the ability to re-centre with ourselves & starting over on the positive road. Our behaviour is not perfect and full acceptance of everything that is 'ordinary’ is part of the healing. 

We are responsible for the correction of your own minds. As soon as we put anger onto another it is time to look within.

Recognise your thoughts, change them & accept you can be wrong. Being wrong is only human, making mistakes too. Regret is a wasted emotion too. Do not worry what others think of you, remain a free spirit.

Small steps will lead you to your end goal.  Focus on one thing at a time, on one thing that you can change now. This brief lesson will let you 'come out the other side of the tunnel’; to no longer be 'stuck' in your own thought processes. Confront your fears & you will heal. There are no accidents, take that leap of faith. It is how we accept & deal with a challenge that defines us. We can always evolve & reinvent ourselves. We are all extensions of the universal life force energy, life is magic.

Be kind to yourself & have a beautiful evening.


+44 (0) 208 892 4627

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." William Shakespeare

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