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8 Essential Life Changing Tips

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

8 Essential Tips to help you Manifest the Life of your Dreams


A quote I once heard “the most important time to meditate is when you are too busy” is so true. Taking even a few minutes to quiet your mind, even a walk in nature, can be so beneficial. Meditating helps to reduce stress, anxiety and increase productivity. Everyone else around you benefits too, as you achieve a calmer perspective on things. Any time is a great time to meditate, it can be are on waking; when you retire for the night or throughout the day, whenever everything becomes overwhelming or when you can take the time.

Negative Thoughts

Being conscious of all negative thoughts, words and behaviours, facing them and then releasing them, is very healthy for our mind, body and soul. Positive thinking is wonderful, but  not possible 24/7 with all that life throws at us, it is about how we deal with the negativity that counts. Work on not letting the thoughts hang around, change thought patterns and habits. Our thoughts really do  create our world. Deepak Chopra has scientifically proven that our bodies’ cells react to what our brain thinks. 'Be careful what you wish for', springs to mind!

Dealing with Energy Blockages

When you have an ache or a pain, investigate the emotional blockage attached to it. For example; a Sore throat can be; Holding in angry words and feeling unable to express oneself; Lower Back problems relates to fear of money or lack of financial support. Regular Reiki Sessions  can help you to work on clearing old trapped emotions, to give you mental, physical and emotional clarity and reduce stress and anxiety.

Healthy Eating & Regular Exercise

Something we all know but it takes time to put into practice. One way can be to remove one unhealthy habit a week, you do not have to change everything at once. Nourishing your body helps with mental clarity, ‘illness’ and energy levels. Part of the fun is experimenting with different ingredients and incorporating food, drinks and habits that benefit us as a whole. Any activities, walking, running, yoga, Pilates, playing sports or whatever suits you works miracles!

Daily Affirmations

 "Affirm what you want from this life, all day, every day" Louise Hay. Reading, intoning and repeating positive words and carrying them with you or posting them on your desk or wall at home, as reminders, can really uplift your mood & your whole day.


Along with the Affirmations, of what you want, with whom and where you want to be, it helps enormously to visualise that you are already there. That you are already in the new job, at the level of health you are looking to achieve or anything that will make you happy! Doreen Virtue mentions in one of her videos that we need a 'Buttoctomy'. Meaning we need to extract the word 'but', to stop making excuses and go be who we want to be now and to fulfil our hearts desires.

Daily Mirror Work

This takes time to achieve as you learn to love and trust yourself & forgive yourself and others more, over time it will become second nature. There is a lot more information on this in Louise Hay's range of books: click here. One of my favourites is 'You Can Heal Your Life', we covered it in our March Book Review blog post, very highly recommended, not least for the medical 'Dictionary' in the back that relates aches & pains with our emotions, showing that it something we can change, if we choose to.


Forgiveness deserves a whole blog post dedicated solely to this topic, we will follow up with this soon, watch this space! Suffice to say, holding onto negative thoughts, emotions and perceptions only damages you, your thought process and your health.  

Often negative situations and people remain in our life until the full lesson has been learnt. The more aware situation and people that harm our mental health, the sooner we can walk away or change what needs to be changed or let go of the negative habits.

It is possible to take chances and manifest dreams by changing thought patterns and subsequently our lives. We are conditioned by childhood and society by so much, especially, that we have to work 9-5, only holiday once or twice a year and constantly wish tomorrow will come. Learning to live in the present moment can greatly assist our dreams in manifesting.

I have been on an amazing personal journey for 15 years, life changing and enlightening although the learning will continue on forever. I am lucky as I can Self-Reiki, I also, meditate, run and do yoga, all of which have helped in the healing process, my personal growth and insight. There are thankfully a lot of people now on their own spiritual path and together we can all make the world a better place, one day at a time. Trusting our intuition plays a big part in life, rather than our egos, that can de destructive and full of fear and worry. 

There is a great book by Bronnie Ware, who worked in palliative care, about The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying. In summary, people wished they had the courage to live a life true to themselves and not what others expected; that they had not worked so hard; had the courage to express their feelings; stayed in touch with friends and let themselves be happier. Let us not wait until it is too late, being on this world is a miracle, and happiness is a journey now a destination. Take it one moment, one day at a time, you can heal, you can achieve and you can follow your dreams.

Have an amazing week


+44 (0) 208 892 4627

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Dr Wayne Dyer

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