Needed to mention yesterday's events. Whenever an unpleasant event occurs throughout the world, it makes me even more determined to help people live without fear, worry or anger. Today’s bomb in Bangkok saddens my heart and again stuns me that people think this is their life purpose, their goal to hurt others. Sending angel prayers to all those involved.
My most frequent visitor lately has been Archangel Raziel (besides Archangel Michael of course, who is always around!). He is here to help manifest our dreams and to align our energies with the universe. Archangel Raziel helps us turn our knowledge into practical wisdom and to feel more at ease with spiritual understanding.
From all that I have read, I believe he is here to provide guidance with one of my current studies, A Course in Miracles. I refer to this as the ‘Spiritual Bible’, a comprehensive guide to obtain and practice a vast understanding of the universe, our souls and discovering our life’s purpose whilst here on earth.
From Kyle Gray’s awesome Angel Prayers; ‘Knowledge is learned, whereas wisdom comes from within’
The prayer Kyle recommends for welcoming Raziel’s energy into our lives:
‘Archangel Raziel, the divine magician,
Thank you for opening up my mind and heart to spiritual knowledge.
I feel so connected, knowing and understanding the universal laws so that I can create the life I deserve.
Thank you for blessing my aura with your intelligence, so that I can understand myself, and my life even more.
Thank you for reminding me of my spiritual function and purpose.
It is good to travel through life with your knowledge
And so it is!’
Enjoy your day, Namasté
(Thank you to Doreen Virtue & Kyle Gray for your wonderful descriptions of Raziel in your many writings.)