It is a great idea to cleanse yourself & your space regularly. We take on the negativity of others and this can then be released into our space, whether at home or at work and lower energies can stay behind after visitors leave. Reiki is awesome for cleansing your space, for modern day alchemy when combined with sage or incense.
Negative energies can be caused by past events in a room, arguments, negative thought patterns or behaviour; absorbing energy from another and Past Life Blocks. If you find yourself easily irritated or drained in your own space then that can be a sign that you need to clear yourself and your surroundings.
#1 Get into a comfortable position for you - sitting in the lotus position on the floor, standing or on a chair in the centre of the room. Clear your breathe, breathe in & out deeply 3 - 5 times and relax.
#2 Set your intention & invoke Reiki energy:
"I clean my space and restore peace, love and joy to the room. My room is now clean of all negativity accumulated from others; from astrological changes and internal emotional challenges.'
'I ask that I am a channel for unconditional love & Reiki Healing for this space. May Reiki's wisdom go exactly where it is needed most & for the highest good of all. May we all be empowered by Love & Light as I cleanse this space of all negativity & low energies.'
Use your intuition to guide you as you imagine the white light of Reiki filling & sweeping the entire room - walls, ceiling, floor & windows. Visualise the negative energies dispersing and leaving the space. As with a Reiki Treatment, work more on the areas that you are drawn too, where the energy can be particularly stagnant.
#3 Burn White Sage or Incense beforehand or as you work the space.
#4 Draw a power symbol on the door, the walls & the windows for protection.
#5 As with Reiki Sessions, work with the Reiki Symbols that you are drawn too use throughout the space.
#6 After particularly heavy energies entering a room then I will place a ball of Reiki Healing energy into each corner. Do whatever you feel guided to do, reiki is not limited by time & space.
#7 Set a closing intention: 'This room is now protected and filled with love & light and the spirit of peace lives here.'
#8 Ground yourself
#9 If the area still feels negative then de-clutter anything that is not being used or that is further blocking the energies.
If you are not attuned to Reiki, you can at least open any windows, perhaps throughout the area to get a new flow of air and let in the sunlight. Burning incense often is very beneficial too.
N.B. It is key for you to be relaxed when working on the space so you can 'tune in' to any problem areas. Enjoy the experience and make a date to repeat the process in a few days / weeks or months, whatever you feel drawn to.
I perform space clearing ceremonies with Reiki & if you would like your space cleared then do get in touch. The cost is based on the size of the space, travel time & level of cleansing required.
Next week I will go into more depth about Smudging Your Space, both at work & home with White Sage. You can purchase Sage here, in the Shop.
I can come to your home & smudge / reiki / cleanse your space, prices depend on size of the property & travel time. Email to book.
Have an amazing week