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July's Spiritual Prediction

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

July is going to be an amazing month of mental stimulation, increased conversation and spiritual growth for so many. It will be a volatile month for some, as they let go of old thought processes/habits and make way for the new growth plans. The feeling is for a very exciting month ahead, please be sure to follow your intuition and inner guidance and hand over thoughts of confusion, doubt or fear to the universe. We are all in the right place, at the right time and although this can seem incredibly difficult to stomach sometimes, at other times it can be a real source of encouragement and enlightenment.

There are some things that are just way beyond our control and worrying never changes the outcome, our future is already set. This is why I encourage people to perform a future life regression on themselves, once they are trained to the Level of Reiki Master & Teacher. If you do feel drawn to learn Reiki then my new training dates are online, I have an evening workshop for Reiki Level One starting next Wednesday, 5th July, or we can organise one at a time to suit you, see here: Workshop dates.

The moon cycle change on 9th July is known as the Full Buck Moon or Thunder Moon, as it is the time of year the Buck Deer start to grow there new antlers. Thunder Moon is in reference to the large thunderclouds that appear on the American plains during this summer month. For us it is going to be at it's fullest at 5.07am in London/ Dublin/ Manchester and while be a great time for review. Do remember to perform the full moon ritual, if you so feel drawn too, see my previous blog: Full Moon Ritual

All signs indicate that there will be no major events occurring in July, fingers & toes crossed that this is correct. We have certainly experienced enough trauma and tragedy in there he UK recently, again showing how resilient we are in extreme times. I have read a couple of reports to the contrary BUT it is time for an outpouring of positivity to override the negative energy in so many parts of the world. All of us who work with the universal energies for healing should most definitely send out healing each time they 'tune in'. We can change the world one day at a time, lets enjoy this ride we call 'life'.

A mantra/ affirmation for July: 'My great work needs to be supported & I welcome that support fully' by Gabrielle Bernstein. Personal, I want the ability to give large sums to charities, to those less fortunate, so that I truly feel I am going good work in this world. Money is currency and currency is energy, today I work on manifesting the success we all desire. Set your mind to the positive channel as often as possible and watch your goals, dreams & desires unfold. Other ways to look into your personal charts & goals is through regular tarot readings or numerology reports. Some are free online, based on your date of birth.

The image is of two very beautiful pieces recently purchased for my sister's birthday. It was very hard to let the OM go, they are both stunning! These are by Krasendom & the full purchase details can be found by clicking the brand name. They are most definitely on my wish list & shall be in my world very soon. 

Have an amazing evening



+44 (0)7949089265

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