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Services (24)
- Distance Quantum Energy Healing
Distance Quantum Energy Healing (5D Advanced Reiki) Treatments fully remote & intuitive guidance, sent afterwards, with information of the clearing that took place & any guidance that arises for you during the session. Remove stress, anxiety + depression; ignite your immune system, balance the nervous systems + hormones, increase your energy levels, build confidence & strengthening your body's own healing abilities. Dis-ease, causes a breakdown in the bodies energy system, we clear the energetic imbalances, allowing for true healing to occur. A Global transmission to cleanse your soul, clear your mind, + aid the healing of your physical form. Energy Healing works with the physical, emotional and mental aspects of your mind, body & soul. Energy is not limited by time or space and so you do not have to be physically present to receive the healing, allowing sessions to be conducted from anywhere to anyone, event or situation. For Coaching assistance; discount when booking both services: www.handserenity.com/service-page/distance-quantum-healing-coaching Let's get your immune system boosted and working at its optimum level, help you destress, thrive during life's challenges + remove the past. Required: 40 minutes when you can relax + post/zipcode - for the energetic connection + a recent image of yourself : emma@handserenity.com. In-Person available on request drop me an email or WhatsApp +44 (0)7949089265.
- Coaching & Mentoring + Quantum Healing
Coaching & Mentoring + Quantum Healing ~ Book per session or a Program. Are you ready to commit to your self-restoration? Our goal: To break free from limiting patterns. Obtain mastery of your mind, unlock deep understanding of self & transform patterns to elevate your life. A 6-session journey to reshape your thoughts, your perceptions & outdated habits. ~ Weekly 1 hour Zoom Calls +BONUS 25 minute Quantum Energy Healing - Ongoing Email Support ~ Choose Your Start date ~ Select Your Preferred Times (via website calendar) Relearn all you are capable of and that which you are creating in your world ~ Thoughts Become Things. BONUS Sessions - remote Quantum Energy Cleanse - after each call. To release the energetic blockages stagnating your growth, aiding the detoxifying of your system, trauma releasing and ignite your immune response. This multi-dimensional reset, works on the mind, body, and soul, advanced 5D+ Reiki. Aligning your chakras, both within and beyond the body, addressing the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of self for deep healing. Discover more: Handserenity.com/coaching PLEASE share with anyone you sense could benefit & tag @handserenity.com
- Intuitive Coaching 30 mins via Zoom
Intuitive Coaching via Zoom 30 minutes by energy alchemist, Emma Hands, to help you reach your highest potential, ensuring fear & worry are no longer part of your day. Working on thoughts and feelings that can be holding you back from achieving your dreams. Teaching you new ways to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and any challenges that affect your emotional wellbeing. Guidance to assist you with the integration of light as we move into higher realms. The changes can appear overwhelming, but there is nothing to fear, we are here to live in heaven on earth, so let's work on any feelings that arise. Drop me a message with any enquiries: emma@handserenity.com
Blog Posts (435)
- Leo Full Moon Energies
The approaching Full Moon energies are calling for us to step into a new level of freedom, energetically, figuratively and literally. Super strong positive, supportive energies. For those still questioning their inner strength and abilities, it is important to clear subconscious thoughts of suffering, lack and scarcity. I set the mantra of 2025 as ' I Am Comfortable with the Uncomfortable' , an undeniable theme this month. When you are not consciously aware, feelings of unworthiness and undeserving can take hold of your thoughts. Pulling you down into a mind field of insufficiency and sadness. Remember these are old stories, old programs you told yourself. They are old nervous system dysregulations that want to feed off the destructive narratives you hang onto within. This can stem from a misconstrued sense of 'safety' or a deep-seated fear of 'having it all,' embedded within you, making it not always obvious to your waking state. You sense there are energetic blockages preventing your ultimate expansion, yet the fear of letting go of the outdated you seems too scary, too impossible. The increase in light, the upgrade in the quantum energy field of you, and Mother Earth, is reinforcing your ability to change all of this now. We prepare for this Full Moon by writing down everything ~ the pain, upset, and confusion ~ ready to be burned in Wednesday’s transformative energies. Day by day, we consciously detach from insecurity, doubt, and worry, redefining ourselves with each breath. We nourish ourselves with mindful breathing, time in nature, uplifting words, and soul-nourishing foods, and people, whilst embracing deep self-love. We can move through this together, please don’t ignore the red f lags. As I repeatedly emphasise, I have witnessed incredible results with my online Innerdance, Quantum Energy Healing and Coaching Sessions. The soundscapes, combined with the energy cleansing of the former, hold profound power in their ability to deprogram and reprogram the brain’s neural pathways, freeing you from outdated subconscious patterns. Innerdance is used throughout the world and we have seen amazing results, one new project is within the rehabilitation programs of 400 prisons in America. We are very grateful souls are understanding the power, and need, of working with sound and energy to heal the mental, physical and emotional form. Please message me if you have any questions about how it can help you. The Leo Full Moon is on Wednesday 12th February 2025 at 13:53 London; 14:53 Madrid; 05:53 Los Angeles; 08:53 New York & 13th Feb at 00:53 in Sydney. The second week of the second month of this metamorphic year combined with the 2:2 Portal energies. Which remains open during this time, with us until the 22:2 gateway opening, providing a plethora of opportunities to do the necessary work. In order to live in greater liberation, it requires us upgrading, removing and retraining everything. The melodious energies of number 2 welcome greater balance, love ~ growth of relationships, and alignment with your true path. Leo's fiery nature will assist you in the death and rebirth of you, as you shed the mouldy skins this snake year. A celebration of you ~ projects peaking, new ones launching, new tribes forming. The trauma, anger, hurt and pain made you the amazing soul that you are ~ it does not have to remain with you in this present moment. We call on their other traits of generosity, leadership, creativity and ambition to fire us up this week. I hope you are all doing ok and are allowing for integration time. Every burst of renewed energies ~ happening daily ~ is altering you, as well as Mother Earth. We focus on leaping out of our comfort zone, welcoming an abundance of fun and laughter. The Leo Full Moon energies serve as a springboard for your evolution. March energies will be lighter, yet the strive to keep changing and moving forwards is vital in these vibrational recalibrations. Be your most amazing self this week, we are redefining our human selves daily. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265 emma@handserenity.com
- The Symbolism of the Ankh
The Ankh, the key of life, originates from ancient Egypt and predates the cross, a powerful protective talisman of divine power, immortality, and the union of masculine and feminine energies. Sacred symbolism that can aid our growth at this time of transformation on Mother Earth, where the energetic veils are thin, enhancing our connections to the cosmos. The Ankh is a bridge, for energy to flow between us and the higher planes, a mastery emblem of creation, fertility, spiritual transformation, and our soul's quest, strengthening our connection to the physical and spiritual realms. The top loop is a gateway to the afterlife, a representative of external life, and likened to a mother's womb. The feminine qualities are held within the top loop and the stem, whilst the vertical bar is our masculine attributes. It is our key to unlock spiritual knowledge and concealed mysteries, hence why it was replaced by the cross, to dampen down spirituality and keep hidden your innate powers and healing abilities. The Ankh embodies our vitality and the interconnectedness of all life-sustaining forces in the universe. An instrument for our spiritual growth and embodiment of true enlightenment, providing (& reminding us to be in) balance and harmony. An iconic hieroglyph character that reads 'eternal life' and has deep spiritual significance that transcends time and culture. We are all capable of helping others heal themselves, and most importantly, healing ourselves, and this is a energetic amulet that is a great addition to your rejuvenation tool kit. The rich symbolism of the Ankh and its regenerative, authoritative energies, serve as a symbol of the continuous cycle of existence. We are currently in the physical form and do not 'die', we transition to another form of life, which is exciting when you learn to accept this. It is connected to supreme spiritual forces and has the ability to influence the flow of life energy within, and outside of you. Goddess Isis is closely associated with the Ankh, as they align with the same qualities of protection, immortality and life-giving. She brought her husband Osiris back to life, for him to then go on to become the King of Egypt and together they created their son Horus. I work closely with the energies of Isis, and pull a card from her Oracle Deck every night for the messages from this divine goddess, assisting my path of potential, power and self-actualisation. I energetically charged my Ankh, to be my divine protector and carry it with me wherever I go. I have noticed an improvement in my capacity to ground and re-balance myself when out and about in less pure energies, in trust that it wards off demonic energies. We can sometimes let non positive forces into our energy fields, when we are less than centred, are troubled by an overwhelming issue, or not managing our vibration frequency of authenticity. This is when nothing outside of us will assist, we must cleanse, clear and reset our own energy fields. January's energies will continue with intensity, + the events being orchestrated around the world, please either book a Quantum Healing , an Innerdance Session or be super sure to balance and clear your energies constantly and manage your thoughts. We do not need to get emotionally involved in the pain and trauma, we can send healing, compassion and love and continue to upgrade ourselves, anchoring powerful light frequencies , which raises the health and wellbeing of others just by our presence. You can keep up to date with my daily energy updates on my Instagram , TikTok & YouTube Channel . Do get in touch if one of my services can aid your journey through the density, calamitous events and the transformative energies this month. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265 emma@handserenity.com Handserenity.com **If abundance is an issue & you would like my help do get in touch for further discounts.
- 2025 Energy Predictions ~ Part 2
Today we step into the regenerative energies of the Festival of Imbolc , celebrating the beginning of Spring , in the northern hemisphere, with the Swan Maiden Goddess, Brigid. The goddess of renewal, creativity, and fertility. On Sunday we enter the 2:2 Energetic Portal of opportunities, shining a light on your relationship with yourself and your reality. A lovely weekend of uplifting energies, helping us out of the energetically turbulent week! January was as energetically crazy as we predicted, and what unfolds for you for the rest of the year depends entirely on how you choose to manage your energetic frequency ~ especially your perceptions and your thoughts. It has been a challenging few days, lowering our vibrational energy fields, as we navigate the extreme changes within and outside of ourselves. We are battling with dark energies, spiritual warfare, which is leading to dips, and unprecedented highs, in our confidence and self-trust. We are on a sinking ship ~ the matrix - on our way to board the best voyage of our lifetimes. Let us call in, feel into, and visualise the massive shifts into our present physical existence. You have so got this! Energetically February & March 2025 are going to be just as pivotal for us, so let's keep working on ourselves, to permit more wonderfulness in. It really is about exiting from any negative thoughts, your lack of belief in yourself, that sometimes arises. With the gloopy energies this week it may well have risen up to the surface way too many times. The Lightworkers, Starseeds, and awakened ones, are the healers of the world and if you are struggling, you are encouraged to utilise their abilities to assist you right now. The concept of time is something we are moving away from yet these next 8 weeks are your chance to move deeper into your brilliance and the transformations you desire. The Lunar New Year of the Snake of death and rebirth, has begun and we all now have a snake totem guiding us throughout 2025. Supplying you with added power, discernment, and all the synchronicities to ignite your personal inner flame. Your kundalini life force energy has officially been tickled and will not be dismissed by you, no matter how hard you want to resist all that is coming up. Fancy a session with me soon? I would love to help you leap over the energetic hurdles with ease. Snakes have venom, and the energies will be 'drawing out' all the poisons held within you, you choose how to manage this process by selecting your energies. The toxins of your past have led you to this point. Your wounds are fully visible - take the necessary steps to release everything that no longer fits with who you are now. You are a divine sovereign soul, who is meant to live in freedom. Snakes demand your full presence and this is the medicine of 2025. We habitually pull ourselves back into the now, and the energy of the snake will ensure you remain awake to the truth of life. Helping you to harmonise your world, in divine timing, yet with constant nudges to return to your magnificence. My online innerdance sessions are all about surrendering, shedding the old, as you face and clear everything. Each class accelerates the embodiment of your kundalini life force energies, the healing of your masculine and feminine self. Most prominently, your root chakra, the home of your humanity ~ your creativity, sensuality and the foundation of your energies. Ready to start today ? Weekly sessions ** for the first 4-6 weeks will prepare you for all that is to come this year and regularity sees maximum results. Giving you no time for 're-hiding' from yourself in between experiences, no pushing down of any pain, trauma, distress or lack of self-worth. Do message me with any questions, as a collective we are in a little bit of a rush to get more souls fully in love with themselves. 2025 is the shedding of ancient skins, rubbing of the scales to renew you. Managing our ego, closing the parts we do not want and building on our creative energies is a big theme. You are rebirthing a new chapter and regenerating. The energies of February and March may call you to rest, to not push hard against something that is not working out, yet insisting you take inspired actions towards your magical future. It is all about balance. We edit the wardrobe of our thoughts, recategorising and decluttering, so we become whole, to hold the torch for others. New beginnings and opportunities to redefine life. To my fellow lightworkers, we regularly increase our energetic vibration to maintain the collective energies, as many freak out. They are kicking and screaming, refusing to obtain energetic sovereignty. You are the most adaptable version of you, the compassionate witness for others awakenings, staying calm as they overreact. We hold nothing personally; we demonstrate to them how beautiful life can be, while ensuring the highest care for ourselves. 2025 is a highway of adaptability. We are willing to take action, to learn all that is required, and undergo a metamorphosis into our divine butterfly selves. Major changes are happening external to us, hence the urgency for us to reform, regroup and rebirth as communities. The next two months are for internal clean ups, letting go of grief, sadness and forgiving ourselves. An unavoidable revolution is opening up, our abundance is reevaluating, as what is dear to our hearts evolves. You are allowed all you desire, you are worthy of the life you want, let it in! During the later part of the year, it is paramount that you become aware of what is yours to do/deal with, and what is not yours. Where we share our energies will be heightened as the mass global shifts take hold. Your higher consciousness, your sovereign spiritual self, the god within you, is your protector, activator and guide this year of the snake. We are multi-dimensional; we welcome the support and intuitive guidance of our teams and open our hearts and minds to the new. I wish I could type this paragraph to disappear once read ~ there will be an attempt at a form of lockdown. My intention: humanity will refuse to be passive and rise in response, meeting any challenges head on. One big reason I want you all doing the deep healing work now , so you are in your personal strength for the second half of the year. The clock is ticking. I am excited about my 2025 Energy Predictions ~ Part 2 blog helping even one of you remove those limiting patterns forever. We live as our authentic selves, co-creating, and living in our mastery. There is no room for doubt, fear, or judgement. You know what to do - let's get on with the task in hand and review everything that is potentially blocking our path, so it can leave, for good. You are a butterfly, a catalyst for the transformations, a diamond in the heart of Mother Earth. Namaste Emma +44 (0)7949089265 emma@handserenity.com It am going to be added some longer videos ~ energy lessons, more free stuff, to my YouTube this month - see some of you over there Handserenity YouTube **Many discounts when purchasing more than one session ~ click on explore packages
Other Pages (45)
- Innerdance | Quantum Energy Healing | Coach | Handserenity Energy Alchemy | Global Online + Remote
Energy Alchemist Emma Hands offers multi-dimensional quantum healing, Innerdance, and intuitive coaching. Experience energy restoration, nervous system regulation, and quantum treatments worldwide via Zoom Welcome to THE QUANTUM EVOLUTION OF YOU Master Energetic Sovereignty Multi-Dimensional Attunement of Your DNA ~Transmute Pain ~ Evolve Trauma ~ Embody Your Kundalini Power Vibrational Energetic Light Technology ~ Online 2025: THE YEAR OF THE SNAKE ~ KUNDALINI RISING Emma Hands ~ Energy Alchemist BOOKINGS Emma's sessions support you in elevating your consciousness with ease, allowing you to embody your Christ Consciousness. Devoted to light body restoration, crystalline DNA embodiment, and your highest expansion, she works as a multi-dimensional Innerdance facilitator, quantum energy master, coach, and mentor ~ elevating your mind, body, and soul. With heightened awareness of energies, Emma acts as an advanced conduit, working within the quantum field to illuminate your gifts. Through energy alchemy, she supports your evolution, empowering you to master your energy, thoughts, and perceptions while cultivating an unshakable belief in your personal power. Appointments available worldwide QUANTUM ENERGY HEALING REVIEWS COACHING INNERDANCE EMMA'S ODYSSEY Innerdance A conversation of sound & energy with your soul, merge with your higher self, achieve a greater mastery of YOU. Elevate your heart-mind connection & rebirth yourself Harmonise your brain + nervous system through immersive sound and energy work. Release & evolve trauma, fears, phobias, and addictions as your kundalini life force energy comes into resonance. Reveal and dissolve emotional blocks through conscious meditations that cultivate deep self-love and healing. Surrender to the experience, amplifying your inner wisdom and deepening your connection to source energies for profound insights and deep relaxation. BOOKINGS LEARN MORE “Wow! It was SO powerful!!! What a journey, full of love, release, light, emotions, sound healing and had visualisations of animals, sacred geometry...I recommend 100% don't miss innerdance session with Emma 🤍 " — Alma, Innerdance Session 2025 “After each coaching session with Emma, my life improves almost immediately and my beliefs shift for the better. She has helped me build new perception of my life. Whenever I invite her advice, magic happens. I would highly recommend working with Emma as she is direct, caring, and gave me a lot of tools of how to be my own support. I will be forever grateful " ~ Natalia Energy Healing, Psychic Surgery + Coaching You are limitless You are limitless You are limitless Ascension is the MASTERY of your energetic vibration & all aspects of this earth life Quantum Energy Healing & Intuitive Guidance Release energetic blockages that stagnate your growth ~ clearing anxiety, depression, worry, stress, and fear. Detoxify your system, release trauma, ignite your immune response, and cultivate confidence. Sessions include distance energy transmissions, with personalised guidance emailed afterward. Enhance your healing with coaching to reset negative thought patterns, preventing recurring issues. This multi-dimensional cleanse works on the mind, body, and soul, advanced Reiki, aligning your chakras, both within and beyond the body, addressing the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of self for deep healing. DISCOVER MORE Purify The Golden Cosmic River Of Light Running Through You. BOOKINGS RESHAPING YOUR REALITY Intuitive Coaching + Mentorship Programmes by Emma Hands ⚛︎ mental ⚛︎ emotional ⚛︎ physical ⚛︎ spiritual ⚛︎ energetic ⚛︎ Let’s talk Let’s talk Let’s talk Master your mind, unlock deep understand and transform patterns to elevate your life and thrive Learn How To Get Out Of Your Own Way Coaching to help you master your mind and break free from limiting patterns. Understand the impact of your thoughts and ego ~ an ally, yet not your guide. Shift outdated habits, take control of your reality, and unlock the power of your subconscious. Rewire your perception, open the doors to success, and step into a life beyond fear ~ where peace, joy, adventure, and love flourish for you and those around you. BOOKINGS LEARN MORE REWRITE YOUR STORY REWRITE YOUR STORY REWRITE YOUR STORY NEW Six Week Program ~ Coaching, Mentoring Six Week Program ~ Coaching, Mentoring Six Week Program ~ Coaching, Mentoring & Quantum Healing Transmission by Emma Hands & Quantum Healing Transmission by Emma Hands & Quantum Healing Transmission by Emma Hands A 6-session journey to inspire your commitment to self-restoration. Reshaping your thoughts & mastering your mind, body & soul Are you & the young souls in your life empaths? Coaching to master your mind Emma's Blog Weekly Energy News, Ascension Updates + Moon Cycles 3 days ago Full Moon Leo Full Moon Energies 39 Feb 1 Energetic Sovereignty 2025 Energy Predictions ~ Part 2 29 Jan 30 The Sophia Dragon Tribe The Sophia Code 29 Energetic Imprint Removal BOOKINGS Cord Cutting Ceremony to release negative etheric cords, implanted from energy vampires ~ sexual encounters, trapped earthbound souls, & astral entities, when your energy was inadvertently left open. Remote Sessions = 45 minutes Become 'unstuck', release the hooks & free yourself from negative entities. Cancellation Policy: Please provide 48 hours notice if unable to attend your appointment. We will endeavour to re-arrange the treatment within 7 days. Cancellations within 48 hours will be charged at the full rate.
- Emma Hands | Handserenity Energy Alchemy | My Story
Meet Emma Hands – Multi-dimensional Energy Alchemist, Innerdance Facilitator, Quantum Healer & Coach. Align with higher consciousness, clear blockages, and heal trauma, stress, and fear. Global sessions via Zoom Emma Hands ~ Energy Alchemist A Facilitator of Energy, Consciousness & Innerdance Emma is highly aligned with raising consciousness and anchoring an expansion of light into the world. Her heightened awareness of energies, enable her to serve as an advanced conduit—activating your soul's gifts, downloading intuitive guidance, and supporting your expansion. Through her, you empower yourself to heal, unlock your abilities, rebuild confidence, and live authentically, no matter life’s challenges. She works within the quantum field of energies, offering multi-dimensional healing, chakra and kundalini activations, intuitive readings, spiritual coaching, space clearing & cord-cutting ceremonies, and energy management courses. Her sessions guide you in transcending into higher states of Christ consciousness. Trigger and clear energetic blockages from trauma, anxiety, stress, fear, and worry. As a multi-dimensional healer, activator, and teacher, Emma elevates your soul's vessel, enabling you to live with greater ease and joy. A Blue Ray Starseed, initiated and working with Saint Germain, the Sophia Dragon Tribe of Goddess Isis, Green Tara, Archangels Michael and Metatron + Sanat Kumara. Appointments worldwide. "Growing up, I was often told, 'You are too sensitive.' I didn’t know that I could feel energies, another’s pain, emotions, and a gut sense of what was about to unfold. I desire to help others better understand themselves—and their children—by recognising all that we naturally see, sense, feel, and pick up from others. This is especially important when people are not in alignment or speaking their truth, so we can live in soul resonance as one." Emma Step into your power, your authenticity, and shine bright like the star that you are. Emma has undergone extensive personal healing~energy work, past life regressions, awakening my kundalini fire, astral travel journeys, activating my Merkaba, bio-locating + tuning into the galactic energies. I choose to live in the present moment, with my intuition & higher self, selecting my timelines and communicating with my spirit team. I adore sharing all I continue to learn, to help humanity live more consciously on Mother Earth. Emma is a conduit for energies, you heal yourself, you have all the skills and knowledge within you. If you are looking to clarify your soul destiny, a mentor, clear the past and live in alignment with your quantum energy field, then get in touch. You are here with a purpose, with a purpose, we will be reborn ~confidence, health and abilities. Worldwide appointments, sessions via Zoom + remote energy healing. The energies are providing high frequency healing rays of light, upgrading your divine self. A multi-sensory empathic, clairsentient soul, intuitive coach, here to guide your upgrading. I am super grateful for my life path, treating & teaching clients throughout the world and love helping others heal themselves. We are evolving exponentially, the time for healing is now, so we relearn all we were taught, remove everything blocking our growth and see the world with new eyes. Healing hurts but your commitment and determination produce amazing results. Open the doorways to your life path, your divine destiny, the dharma of your soul. I studied Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy while working in corporate roles, before Energy Healing entered my world. This allowed me to understand the power of working with the energetics of the mind, body, and soul, clearing mental, physical, and emotional blockages. I have a wide spectrum of experience from working in various industries, gaining skills that support my present journey. I also spent many years volunteering, notably 4 years as a telephone helpline counsellor, directing callers toward positive outcomes, + 6 years helping to create one of London's largest free outdoor events. Being on a spiritual path has transformed my life, my health, and my perception of everything. Energy healing is incredibly effective when we understand that we can fully heal ourselves There is always more to learn & heal, a lifetime of growth and self-love. I would love to help you. Handserenity Energy Alchemy is here to assist your soul's mission, helping you live in freedom & sovereignty. I am an Innerdance Facilitator, Kundalini Activator, Self-Mastery Coach, Intuitive Reader, Certified Reiki Teacher, Certified Sound Healer, Crystal Energy & Angel Guide, Past Life Regression Therapist, and Soul Retrieval Journey practitioner, with a global client base. I have studied numerous holistic disciplines, and interestingly, my father was born on the same day as the founder of Reiki. Following a past life regression, it was clear I was a healer in a past life, a truth I uncovered when I saw myself burned at the stake—my dharma My passion is to help you rebuild confidence & live in your authenticity from the inside out. BOOKINGS "We are here to live freely, in full health & joy, let's upgrade your life, forever" Happiness is an inside job, a daily choice. Positive thinking, dealing with, & clearing, stored negative energy blockages + loving yourself unconditionally makes life easy. We will heal the world, one day at a time! Any questions: Contact page or Social Media MEMBERSHIPS + ACCREDITATIONS Introduction To Spirituality Course BOOKINGS Private 1:1 & Group Classes covering the basics of Spirituality to help guide your awakening, self-healing journey. To understand your innate power, how energy works, protection tips, spirit team communication + more
- Forum | Handserenity Energy Alchemy | Emma Hands
Members Forum – Join our spiritual community and unite as one. Together, we heal, grow, and thrive in the quantum energies of the new earth. To test this feature, visit your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Forum Welcome! Have a look around and join the discussions. Create New Post General Discussion Share stories, ideas, pictures and more! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 6 Follow Questions & Answers Get answers and share knowledge. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow New Posts Emma Nov 25, 2024 2025 Preparation Offer General Discussion 6 x Private Innerdance Kundalini Activations = HALF PRICE SAVE £333 ~ select 1st date & pay, then subsequent days when you are free. A commitment to your healing, self understanding & expansion of all that you are 🌟 Like 0 comments 0 Emma Oct 22, 2024 We Are Being Tested General Discussion Hola, this is a week of drastic ups & downs, for us personally & for the matrix agendas. Please remember your worth, why you are here & hug yourself, & your kids constantly. The energies are upgrading every moment, take Cate of your core being. We know what to do, so we don’t have all the answers, yet we breathe through it & trust the present moment is all we need. If you have 40 mins or 1hr 30 mins, then let’s do a session. I don’t get up until I am in balance, the ‘easy’ thing would be to crumble yet we thrive in troubled times, don’t we? Sending love & healing vibes your way. Let me know how you are doing & going forwards when I take a break from social media I will be sure to touch base with you all on here Namaste 🐉✨ **I saw this image yesterday, the care & attention to detail is a reminder of upping your self love - you are amazing 🤩 Like 0 comments 0 Emma May 10, 2024 Energy Update General Discussion Strong energies today, be mindful of your ego getting in your way! Fighting ourselves needs to stop, if your thoughts drop or overwhelm kicks in, go do something pleasing to your heart or do nothing. There are multiple systems of these energies: breathing issues; purging; fatigue; unusual pain. Please know it is as your body is adjusting to the powerful surges of energies, nothing ‘medically’ wrong. Let’s make the most of each day, a bit like saving the best dress of China - let’s stop ‘saving’ things & use them now. Mantra: I am open to the changes U am bringing to the world. I was drawn to add the info here as I am doing the social media blackout today in protest of the atrocities. Sending healing vibes, full of patience, abundance and love. Namaste Emma 🐉 Like 0 comments 0 Forum - Frameless
Forum Posts (6)
- 2025 Preparation OfferIn General Discussion·25 November 20246 x Private Innerdance Kundalini Activations = HALF PRICE SAVE £333 ~ select 1st date & pay, then subsequent days when you are free. A commitment to your healing, self understanding & expansion of all that you are 🌟002
- We Are Being TestedIn General Discussion·22 October 2024Hola, this is a week of drastic ups & downs, for us personally & for the matrix agendas. Please remember your worth, why you are here & hug yourself, & your kids constantly. The energies are upgrading every moment, take Cate of your core being. We know what to do, so we don’t have all the answers, yet we breathe through it & trust the present moment is all we need. If you have 40 mins or 1hr 30 mins, then let’s do a session. I don’t get up until I am in balance, the ‘easy’ thing would be to crumble yet we thrive in troubled times, don’t we? Sending love & healing vibes your way. Let me know how you are doing & going forwards when I take a break from social media I will be sure to touch base with you all on here Namaste 🐉✨ **I saw this image yesterday, the care & attention to detail is a reminder of upping your self love - you are amazing 🤩000
- Energy UpdateIn General Discussion·10 May 2024Strong energies today, be mindful of your ego getting in your way! Fighting ourselves needs to stop, if your thoughts drop or overwhelm kicks in, go do something pleasing to your heart or do nothing. There are multiple systems of these energies: breathing issues; purging; fatigue; unusual pain. Please know it is as your body is adjusting to the powerful surges of energies, nothing ‘medically’ wrong. Let’s make the most of each day, a bit like saving the best dress of China - let’s stop ‘saving’ things & use them now. Mantra: I am open to the changes U am bringing to the world. I was drawn to add the info here as I am doing the social media blackout today in protest of the atrocities. Sending healing vibes, full of patience, abundance and love. Namaste Emma 🐉001