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Vital Mercury Retrograde Tarot Prep

Writer's picture: EmmaEmma

Mercury Retrograde (MR) impacts all of us, sometimes in a uniformed way but it is vital to look at what YOU can expect from this period. A simple way to do that is with a Angel Tarot Reading, looking at what needs finalising before it begins, what you can expect to experience based on your current thought processes & anything that needs adjusting before it starts NEXT WEEK!! 

It is a time of change that affects the conveyance of information & communication and the more prepared we are, the greater our levels of survival & success during these times will be. In 2018 we have 3 Retrograde periods this year:

  • March 23 to April 15

  • July 26 to August 19

  • November 17 to December 6

Mercury Retrograde affects all types of communication; speaking, listening, reading, researching, negotiating, editing, selling and buying and rules formal contracts and agreements. It is best to go through a planning period, for the new contracts, not signing any during Mercury Retrograde. It is paramount we stay aware of each phase; I have them written on my calendar, along with the Full & New Moon cycles.

Below is the Angel Tarot Reading Preparation for you all, be sure to do this as soon as possible, so that you can feel full prepared and with necessary plans completed. 

Image courtesy of Brittany Correia 

Retrograde Prep Card Layout Explained, No 1-5:

1. Signifies how you can best prepare for Mercury Retrograde (MR) NEXT WEEK!

2. The theme of this MR Period - what you need to learn / what you will experience

3. What needs completing BEFORE MR begins, as we cannot sign any contracts or finalise projects during this time

4. This card is the focus of your power during the next Retrograde

5. What you need to do to make sure your communication is clear throughout this time

If you feel drawn to pull cards from more than one deck then go right ahead! As always, follow your intuition! 

Three or four times a year Mercury speeds past the Earth and this is when we go into the retrograde cycle. The turbulence it creates can affect what we feel in our daily lives up until it has passed. These phases do not have to be negative; there are just a few 'rules' to follow to maintain positivity throughout the cycle. 

  • Be sure to finalise projects before the start of each retrograde

  • Do not make important moves during this time

  • Ensure clear communication, be meticulous and correct any misunderstandings immediately, to avoid confusion. Double check any written work, social posts, emails, anything so that everything is described in a clear, concise way. Do not jump to conclusions & be sure to achieve clarity where there would appear to be confusion. Thinking clearly is challenging whilst we work through these times

  • Back up your work, be sure to save everything & back up computers, phones and important documents. 

  • To avoid important messages being lost, send them multiple times, in different formats and ask for receipt confirmations, to make sure they have been received.

  • To prevent being taken by surprise be aware that miscommunications will happen and use tactics to recover. Breathe deeply & act calmly and concisely to achieve resolution. Meditation, Yoga & Reiki can all help restore balance & calm.

  • Things happen fast, apply quick thinking and explore all possibilities, use reasoning and rationality to acquire answers on both physical & psychological levels.

  • For projects that started pre Mercury Retrograde but are taking to long to complete, push them through & encourage their finalisation.

  • Areas that can seem to spin out of control include computer coding, transportation, shipping & travel. Maintain control or ride the wave & ensure positive, determined results.

  • When travelling whilst we are in Mercury Retrograde, double check routes, maps & transportation, label luggage clearly and triple check everything

  • Personal travel is recommended though, so you get away & relax

  • Be conscious of forgetfulness Do not launch any websites, advertising campaigns or magazines or new endeavoursDo not sign any contracts or shake hands on new agreements, written & verbal alike

  • Do not buy anything expensive, houses, cars, computers and so on, as you can expect problems later.

  • It is also recommended to postpone surgery, unless it is an emergency, then go right ahead!

  • It is a great time for reorganising wardrobes, files and drawers, anything feeling cluttered & in need of an overhaul. It is exciting what you can find that you thought had been lost forever or you had forgotten you had

It is an energising period that can see an increase in productivity, just be aware things will be changeable, go with the flow! Keep summarising what you are told, to be sure you have correctly understood. If retrograde occurs in your zodiac month, frustrations can be pronounced for you so double check everything & assume nothing.

It is true to say nothing ever goes 'wrong', it is there to teach us a lesson, show us the next path to take & to enhance our existence. If you cannot put off decision then remember to be flexible & accommodating. Mercury retrograde is at its strongest on the first & last dates of each cycle so allow 2 days minimum (2 weeks is better!) after Mercury moves ahead before initiating changes, projects or purchases.

For your Personal Angel Tarot Reading via SKYPE, Phone, Email or In-Person in East Twickenham, call me & we can get you booked in. SPECIAL OFFER £5 off each of the prices & we can incorporate further questions into the readings.



+44 (0) 7949089265

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