Super interesting energies as I write about the powerful month of August, the sky is a blanket of white, a snail (symbols of a fresh start) has attached themselves to the centre of my window, and there is a calmness in the air. On Tuesday 1st August 2023 we have the first of two SuperMoon's this month at 19:31 in London, UK; 11:31 Los Angeles; 14:31 New York and 04:31 in Sydney, Australia. An Aquarius Full Moon, which is perfect as they love to dig deep into the unknown, and right now, what is to come is unknown, unsure, purely because Mother Earth has never experienced such a dynamic upgrading of humanity. Their mystical, questioning minds can help us to unravel our true meaning at this time of great change.
A period of exciting transformation, no fear, worry or scarcity needs to exist within you, quiet the opposite. I have seen, what I considered high vibrational souls, talking in a manor that could be considered fearful but that just plays the game of the old matrix, a system we no longer reside in. You have nothing to fret about, believe in your own magic and lets have lots of fun.
The infusion of additional solar power entering our hearts (the true mind) with the Sirius Lions, every day firing us up, to fully recognise we are our own guardians, is sublime. You are pulsating with super radiance, which can irritate low vibrational souls, but please do not be concerned about anyone else. Our light bodies are receiving multiple activations, powering up our human energetics, old memories are unfolding, and we are aware of our heritage, our destinies, the reason for being here at this time. The veils between the galaxies are thinning further, we are all connected, love energies are here.
Aquarians love to be seen, heard and acknowledged, and so do all of us. Increase your connections with likeminded souls, open new doorways and step through them, the waiting time is done. Magical energy upgrades assisting us with our healing, accelerating our ascension, and filling us with high frequency energies.

Highly charged energies throughout August with the Sirius LionsGate reminding us the galactic lions are beside us, aiding our abilities to manifest abundance, calling in our deepest desires and metamorphosis our consciousness and spiritual growth. The peak, 8:8 Portal opening, will see the energy surges physically, mentally and emotionally aid the removal of any energetic sludge in the body. It is a day to ground yourself fully into the here and now, to open your heart and dream big. You are in control of your world, remove drama, negative talk, moaning, discouragement of any kind, so you can vibe high, no matter what is going on around you. A recalibration of our bodies is underway, so we can function easily with the improved light codes/energies available to us. Mantra: Life is easy, I welcome all that is to come.
The extreme weathers are causing displacement and upset, the media is trying very hard to throw us of course and, as always, focusing on, and exaggerating, negative lies, drama and nastiness. Please rise above anything outside of your life, call in laughter, love and happiness and, as always, stand in your power. Grounding and protection are simple ways to ensure you glide through any energetic muck that transpires.
We have the start of Mercury Retrograde on 23rd - perhaps set any new plans into place before then, as the MR season is a planning phase but know you can ride above the energy discourses. Every thought, feeling and reaction is a choice YOU make, love you :-). A New Moon follows on 16th in Leo, and we close the month with a second SuperMoon on 31st. A myriad of opportunities to cleanse, clear and reset your energy fields, your intentions and releasing the past, forever. We don't need to keep re-hashing the old, that is why I love the Innerdance Kundalini Activations, they show you the deep held negative blockages, so that you can work on removing them for eternity.
I want to be able to write about all the magic we are experiencing, all the fun we are having and the loving we are attracting going forwards so please vibe high with me, believe in your own magic, your ability to heal yourself and evolve NOW. I love you all, we are magnificent and deserve to live in Heaven on Earth. Until next time, have a stunning August, allow change to enter your life and let me know how magnificent it is. We believe we are healthy, wealthy, loved and here to have pleasurable moments, no matter what we are doing. Leave that job, that relationship, those friends, or anything that challenges your positive, high vibrational self to feel less than. You can literally brush off their energies, nothing sticks unless you let it, if you want help let me know. I am around for Online Group Innerdance Kundalini Activations; Distance Quantum Reiki Energy Healing, Certified Reiki Courses via Zoom, and some In-Person sessions of any of my services, over the next few weeks. A massive month for extra self-care, healing and happy days.
Non-judgement and neutrality are the most powerful tools for emotional alchemy. Accept what is happening, we need to experience the plethora of emotions being felt to aid our growth and upgrading. Performing a ritual on Tuesday, to clear thought patterns, is a great idea, but as always, you do you, trust your intuition. A guide is here: Moon Rituals, have a magical few weeks, apply additional self-care, as you have fun and expand your consciousness to new heights.
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