Online Group Sessions
Weekly ~ 1 hour 30 minutes
The year of the snake is naturally activating your kundalini energies - let's manage the process together. Emma guides you to reclaim mastery over your personal energy, emotions, mindset, and boundaries. Cultivate profound awareness of yourself.
Revele y disuelva bloqueos emocionales a través de meditaciones conscientes que cultivan un profundo amor propio y la curación.

Intuitive Coaching + Mentorship Programmes by Emma Hands
⚛︎ mental ⚛︎ emotional ⚛︎ physical ⚛︎ spiritual ⚛︎ energetic ⚛︎
Master your mind, unlock deep understand and transform patterns to elevate your life, your time to thrive
Learn How To Get Out Of Your Own Way
Coaching to help you master your mind and break free from limiting patterns. Understand the impact of your thoughts and ego—an ally, yet not your guide. Shift outdated habits, take control of your reality, and unlock the power of your subconscious. Rewire your perception, open the doors to success, and step into a life beyond fear—where peace, joy, adventure, and love flourish for you and those around you.
Releasing old habits takes practice—regular weekly or fortnightly sessions provide the best foundation. Personalised 1:1 guidance helps you unlock the answers within, strengthening your self-belief, confidence, and connection to your higher self. Sessions are available globally via Zoom—book per session or commit to your evolution with a tailored plan.
Emma blends her life experience, extensive training, and deep inner guidance to support your growth. With a background in Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), along with years of helpline volunteering, she is dedicated to helping souls transform their lives and thrive. Combine Quantum Energy Healing Treatments, so Emma can clear negative energy blockages from your system. Book Multiple Sessions In Advance to SAVE. Email with any questions

La Evolución Cuántica de TI
Transmuta el dolor ~ Sana el trauma ~ Encarna tu poder Kundalini
Multidimensional Tecnológicamente Avanzada Sanación Energética y Sonora ~ En línea
Multidimensional renewal, activating crystalline divine genome
Achieve Energetic Sovereignty🪐Activate Your Divine Genome🧬Multi-Dimensional Renewal,Transmute Pain ~ Heal Trauma ~ Cultivate Your Kundalini Power🐉
Achieve Energetic Sovereignty🪐Activate Your Divine Genome🧬Multi-Dimensional Renewal,Transmute Pain ~ Heal Trauma ~ Cultivate Your Kundalini Power🐉
We have been preparing for this energetic cosmic realignment for years. Our greatest challenge ever experienced, it is impacting us all personally
~ We call on our wisdom, inner magic, & our higher purpose. Our divine life path is activated & we come together, holding the light
~ We release everything previously in our path & make choices from our heart. You will be triggered yet you are profoundly ready & able to handle all the changes
~ We ground, ground & ground again ~ we recalibrate our energies consistently ~ cleansing, clearing & evolving at speed. We take nothing personally & vibrate higher
~ We meet the forces of destruction with compassion, kindness & strong boundaries. Our perceptions are re-sequencing & forming an upgraded harmonic resonance.
~ Life is easy because we choose it to be so ~ see something greater than what is currently in front of you. We are not afraid big love Namaste Emma

~ 7.30PM CST 6.30PM GMT 10.30AM PST & 1.30PM EST via Zoom. The Art of Surrendering, To Bring Your Mind, Body & Soul into Full Coherence. Lay on the floor, cover your eyes + immerse yourself in the music + energy activations.
Book Online TODAY & SAVE £11 use code: NEWME @ checkout ~ ends 28.01
My aim is to empower you to become a true connoisseur of energetic frequency, something we build with each session. Nervous system regulation, opening new neural paths, rewiring the brain & working through all that needs to leave for fully energetic sovereignty of mind, body & soul.
We can do Private Sessions earlier in the day, whilst my calendar is free, I am so very excited for all of us. Change is upon us.

Why Achieve Energetic Sovereignty with Emma?
~ Cultivate Self-Awareness
To consistently check in with your thoughts, emotions + reactions to ensure they resonate with your higher self
Notice when external influences or fear-based patterns drive your actions
~ Stand in Your Power
Make choices & take actions rooted in your values + purpose.
Reclaim you & trusting yourself to navigate your life path without being swayed by external pressures or manipulations
~ Maintain Alignment
Stay connected to your core truth & spiritual essence, even in challenging circumstances.
Achieving energetic sovereignty enables you to live authentically, free from external influences or expectations. It enables you to create a life that reflects your highest potential, bringing inner peace, balance, and empowerment.
Innerdance Children via Zoom
Client Feedback:

Innerdance is an advanced multi-sensory healing technique, synthesising neuroscience, ancient wisdom & technology. Transformative soundscapes & energy activations, synchronising the brain & nervous system to bring you into homeostasis. Energy healing & our soundscapes aid the unique souls amongst us, those with CPTSD, PTSD, acute stress disorder + labelled with neurodiversity, Autism, ADHD, ODD & so on + Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality disorder) who experience a loss of connection between thoughts, feelings, memories, surroundings, behaviour & identity due to shocking, distressing &/or painful events & push these difficult memories away.

Innerdance Children via Zoom
Client Feedback:

Session From Spain to Middle East
5:12:2024 - From my clients (11 years old) Mum “he is bouncy & just joyful. It is as if his heart just expanded. I feel connected to him at a heart level. Thank you"
6:12:2024 - After the session he gave me a massive hug & he was just artistic, he was sitting at his desk & drawing & drawing & kept on drawing & colouring & he was just excited.
He sketched with pencil & paper as I worked on him energetically & he listened to the playlist clearing anger, frustration & collected density for this kind, gentle, hyper intelligent 11 yr old
Why should I lay on the mat, cover my eyes & go within?

Innerdance is an advanced multi-sensory healing technique, synthesising neuroscience, ancient wisdom & technology. Transformative soundscapes & energy activations, synchronising the brain & nervous system to bring you into homeostasis. Energy healing & our soundscapes aid the unique souls amongst us, those with CPTSD, PTSD, acute stress disorder + labelled with neurodiversity, Autism, ADHD, ODD & so on + Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality disorder) who experience a loss of connection between thoughts, feelings, memories, surroundings, behaviour & identity due to shocking, distressing &/or painful events & push these difficult memories away.

2025 = Year of the Snake - awaken your kundalini a.s.a.p
Awaken your kundalini energies, trigger underlying trauma fears, phobias & addictions for releasing. Unhide the emotions blocking your path, embody a sublime mastery of YOU. Work through the experiences for your growth, to increase self-love and accelerate your healing journey. Conscious meditations, likened to psychedelic journeys without taking anything, you heal yourself from inside. Surrendering to magnify your inner knowing, providing a deeper connection to source energies, a cathartic experience of insights & relaxation


December's WILD Energies
The Schumann Resonance ~ which shows the natural electromagnetic vibrations within the Earth’s atmosphere is confirming this ✨The creation of energetic shifts in the frequencies occur when red solar plasma & high light vibrations strike the Earth’s surface.

The Colours & Levels
Blue = Low intensity, minimal activity, QUIET TIME
Green/Neutral = Moderate intensity, ‘NORMAL’ TIME
Yellow + Orange + Red = High intensity, HEALING & CLEARING TIME ‼️ Alerting you that any embedded toxic frequencies within your physical form are dismantling & requiring your attention for clearing. The toxins will appear as rashes, swelling, pain, aches, joint pain, migraines, all unique to you & the issues you hold, from this & past lifetimes.
White = Very high intensity, UPGRADE & ACTIVATION TIME ~ strong disturbances, spikes in the healing journey for sure, pushing the toxins out of your body, this is why we say December is going to be transformative ‼️

SUPER INTENSE energies as we near the 12:12 Portal, a highly potent energy portal of opportunity, & Winter Solstice. Our SIGN to get manifesting, post energy clearing our physical bodies + auric fields, EVERYTHING is coming to the surface hence the increase in irritation, anger, hyper or extra sleep needed. HUGE triggers are forcing us out of alignment to get reset, rebalanced and healed to expanded heights.
Give yourselves a big hug from me & watch what you consume, including words, company and places you go, hydrate twice the amount & enjoy being your authentic self

The Quantum Evolution of You ~ Achieve Energetic Sovereignty
Multi-Dimensional Renewal, Recalibration & Restoration ~ Activate Your Divine Genome
Transmute Pain ~ Heal Trauma ~ Cultivate Your Kundalini Power
Technologically Advanced, Sound & Energy Healing ~ Online
Full Article: https://www.handserenity.com/post/leo-full-moon-energies #fullmoon #fullmoonmagic #fullmoonritual #emmahands #blogger #blog #spiritualguidance #healingtools

by Emma Hands
5* Review on Google✨


by Emma Hands
Sound + Energy Transmissions to synchronise the brain + regulate the nervous system. Bringing you to homeostasis, your kundalini life force energy into resonance. Release trauma fears, phobias & addictions. Unveil emotions blocking your path to embody your highest authentic self. Surrender to amplify your inner wisdom & relaxation.


Ready to Unlock a New Level of Awareness?Do you feel like there’s more to life ~ something just beyond reach, waiting for you to discover it? What if you could realign & uncover what’s holding you back? 🧿👉 What if the key to unlocking it has been within you all along?Discover the Path to ClaritySometimes, what holds us back isn’t visible. It’s subtle ~ a tension, a block, an energy we can not quite name. But what if you could tap into something deeper? What if you could unlock that energy, align it, and let it flow freely again?Imagine:Breaking Free from Hidden Blocks: Releasing the weights you didn’t even realise were there.Rediscovering Your Flow: Feeling aligned, balanced, and fully yourselfOpening New Pathways: Allowing clarity and freedom to lead the wayThis isn’t about trying harder, it’s about uncovering what’s already there, waiting to be activated. Your next breakthrough isn’t as far away as it seems, it is waiting for you to take the first step.👉 Ready to explore this transformative experience?Learn More HereNamasteEmmaHandserenity Energy AlchemyP.S. Don’t let invisible blocks hold you back, take the first step to reconnect today👉 Start Here, Begin Your Journey

Sometimes, what holds us back isn’t visible. It’s subtle ~ a tension, a block, an energy we can not quite name.
Breaking Free from Hidden Blocks: Releasing the weights you didn’t even realise were there.
Rediscovering Your Flow: Feeling aligned, balanced, and fully yourself
Opening New Pathways: Allowing clarity and freedom to lead the way
Explore this transformative experience ~


Energy Alchemist ~ Emma Hands
Emma guides you to reclaim mastery over your personal energy, emotions, thoughts and boundaries. Develop profound awareness of your energy, safeguard it from outside influences, and align it fully with your true authentic self.
Technologically Advanced, Sound & Energy Healing ~ Online

Danza interior
Sanación para la mente, el cuerpo y el alma
Una experiencia energética con poderosas listas de reproducción, que provocan una sincronización de las neuronas en el cerebro: una forma de meditación consciente destinada a revelar tu verdadera identidad, sanando tu ser central. Innerdance es el acceso a estados alterados de conciencia, ayudándonos a generar una perspectiva diferente sobre algo que previamente percibíamos como un problema. Reorganización del cerebro, a medida que estimulamos las oscilaciones cerebrales disponibles para usted durante el sueño, un estado de conciencia de sueño lúcido, para avanzar en su viaje de curación.
Un baile que sucede dentro de ti, no un baile físico,
Cara y Borrar bloqueos emocionales, físicos y mentales, a un ritmo acelerado, aprovechando el campo cuántico de la realidad.Activa visiones, recuerdos de vidas pasadas y recuerdos. Liberación de traumas, marca el comienzo de tu mente, cuerpo y bienestar. alma en plena coherencia. Las listas de reproducción son una sinfonía para la curación, una dosis de dopamina que activa los sistemas nerviosos simpático (miedo, ansiedad, excitación) + parasimpático (confianza, descanso, digestión).
También trabajando con su Kundalini minergias, para amplificar tu Glándula Pineal, LA distribuidora de energía a través del cuerpo, he experimentado un hermoso crecimiento personal, curación y despertar, con cada sesión que hago.
Recuéstate en el suelo, cúbrete los ojos + sumérgete en la música + activaciones energéticas.
Sesiones en línea vía Zoom
A Emma le encanta ayudar a personas de todas las edades, especialmente a las almas más jóvenes, aquellas incomprendidas por la sociedad, que requieren nuevos niveles de comprensión para el crecimiento de sí mismos, de su guardián y del mundo en su conjunto.
Asegurémonos de que las próximas generaciones no crezcan con el miedo, el estrés y la preocupación que tuvimos nosotros, que aprendan a ser ellas mismas ahora, en lugar de tener que encontrarse a sí mismas en una etapa posterior de la vida.