
Nov 14, 20197 min

Crystals by Month for 2020

Updated: Nov 17, 2019

My Crystal recommendations for each month of the coming year are below, as we enter into a time of exciting energy shifts that will be massive boosts for your soul. Many more of the world’s population will wake up to higher levels of consciousness and spiritual growth. I highly suggest planning over the next two months in preparation for the strong cosmic energy, that is set to peak in January, and will set the tone for the rest of 2020.

It will be a wonderful year of ascension energies and spiritual growth, a way of being that I am always championing. Learning new ways to rise above any negative energies, situations and people you encounter is key. Carrying healing crystals most definitely assists your daily mood and ability to cope with life's challenges as they arise.


Labradorite, known as the magical stone, a gorgeous crystal to encourage intuition, the removal of negativity and banishes insecurities. Excellent as we start a new year as it encourages the owner to 'get on and do it' so great for goal achieving. Health: Helps with brain and eye disorders, relieves stress and regulates metabolism, helps with colds, rheumatism and balancing hormones and menstrual tension. Chakra: Third Eye.

Moonstone is a stone for ‘new beginnings’, inner growth and strength, excellent as we move into Spring. Helps remove emotional instability, enhances success in love and business. For men, it awakens emotional expression. Health: Digestive system, skin conditions and the liver and pancreas. It balances hormones and is excellent for PMS, during pregnancy, conception and childbirth. Chakra: Sacral Chakra. To buy: New Beginnings Crystal Set.


Gold Sheen Obsidian is excellent for helping you uncover our unique skills and hidden talents, to start 2020 doing what you truly love. This gemstone can assist you in reclaiming our personal power and clear any blockages that are preventing your spiritual and personal growth. It provides you with insight into resolving problems, whilst removing egotistical thinking allowing you to work on a higher level with the Universe for the highest good of all beings. It is a powerful stone that creates a protective shield that deflects negativity and repels attempts by others to assert power over us. Chakra: Third Eye & Root.

Rose Quartz is the stone of the heart, of unconditional love and emotional healing. Perfect for removing fears and resentments and for calming trauma and grief. It encourages trust and harmony in relationships, self-forgiveness and self-trust. Health: For the heart and circulatory system, kidneys, adrenals and alleviating vertigo. It aids chest and lung problems and increases fertility. Chakra: Heart.


Green Calcite is stone of transformation, ideal as we leave the first period of Mercury Retrograde of 2020 on 9th March and the Super / Full Moon falls on the same day. It's nickname is: this too shall pass, a reminder that heavy energies clear almost as soon as they arrive and it helps to create energy of abundance so your intentions are realised. Green Calcite is excellent for manifesting a bright future, increasing communication, building a greater spiritual balance and mental fortitude. Time to break out of your comfort zone and transform your world. Chakra: Heart.

Jasper Kambaba is known is 'the fear stone’ as it is great for overcome your fears once and for all. It is very calming, relaxing and peaceful and soothes troubled minds, restoring balance to the body and soul. It encourages focus and the release of negative thoughts and feelings and truly life-transforming stone as you become aware of strengths, talents and capabilities that you never knew you had. Some of what shows up might appear daunting but will be extremely rewarding as the reactions and thinking are changed forever. Chakra: Heart.


Carnelian is a stabilising stone that restores vitality and motivation and is great for stimulating creativity. Promotes joy and confidence and is known as the ‘actors stone’. Health: Helps to heal lower back problems, arthritis and depression. It improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals, stimulates the metabolism, aids female reproductive organs and increases fertility. Chakra: Root & Sacral.

Celestite, a beautiful angelic stone, that is wonderful for spiritual development and emotional protection as it eliminates worry, fear and anxiety. It promotes positive energy and hope, perfect as we have another big energy shift with the 2nd Super / Full Moon of the year on 8th. Health: Dissolves pain, eliminates toxins, treats eye and ear disorders and soothes muscle tension and calms mental torment. Chakra: Throat.


Emerald the stone of successful love, inspiration and infinite patience, it embodies unity, compassion and unconditional love. Promotes friendship, balance between partners, and for providing domestic bliss, contentment and loyalty. It was dedicated in the ancient world to the goddess Venus for its ability to insure security in love. Increases focus and aids business ventures, relationships and fertility. Chakra: Heart.

Tiger's Eye is for increasing self-worth, perception and, once again, achieving goals. It is a very grounding stone that aids the removal of self-criticism, blocked creativity and

stubbornness. It enhances personal insight and knowledge/learning. Health: Treats the eyes and aids night visions, heals the throat and reproductive organs and helps repair broken bones. Chakra: Sacral, Solar & Third Eye Chakra.


Forgiveness is always a struggle but it only hurts you, not those your are trying to forgive. Rhodonite A stone of forgiveness, that promotes unconditional love and emotional healing. It helps with decreasing anger, anxiety and stress. It promotes unconditional love, emotional healing, balance, self-confidence, and inner growth. Health: heal trauma, joint inflammation, ears, immune system, throat and heart disorders. Chakra: Heart.

Mookaite Jasper boosts self-esteem, helps alleviate depression and increases communication and social skills. Helps with decision making and being open and honest, also soothing erratic behaviour. It is a reminder stone, that it is vital to be kind to yourself too! It renews passion and the acceptance of change and aids with being open to seeking new experiences. Also good for meditation and moving forward in life. Chakra: Root.


Dumortierite encourages you to stand up for yourself, take control of your own life and unlock your true potential (if you haven't already!). It is a stone of support and enhances intellectual abilities, also great for study, will power and stabilising emotions. Chakra: Throat.

Rhyolite a stone of regeneration that enhances energy levels, confidence and memory, reduces stress and eases physical and emotional trauma. Health: Infections, nervous system, glands, cleansing the liver, multiple sclerosis, sciatica and Parkinson’s. Great stone for Light workers. Chakra: Root, Sacral & Heart.


Selenite is one of the angel stones that promotes clarity of mind and enables strong decision-making abilities and good business practices, truth and honesty in relationships. Excellent for warding off the EMF’s from electrical appliances. Health: Spinal column, aids flexibility and helps prevent epileptic seizures, good for breastfeeding and nurturing a child. Chakra: Third Eye, Crown & Soul Star.

Amazonite, for strength and courage and aiding the manifesting dreams, prosperity and speaking our truth. Great for calming aggression and is a metaphysical healer that works with the chakras and physical body for true alignment. Health: general health, heart problems, arthritis, emotional trauma, calcium deficiency, pregnancy, nervous system, bones and teeth decay. Chakra: Heart & Throat.


Lapis Lazuli is one of the most sought after stones of manifestation and wealth creation, a ‘Merchant’s Stone’, inspired thinking and releases fear and resentment. Awesome for aligning chakras, spiritual growth and developing intuition. It stabilises weight and is great for fertility, encourages physical strength, friendship, self-confidence and stress relief. Chakra: Third Eye.

Moss Agate is excellent for aiding abundance and prosperity and stimulating creativity. Aids the release of old habits and fears to inspire growth. It has a nurturing energy that teaches us to enjoy each moment on Earth. It grounds excess spiritual energy, down the base and earth chakras to Mother Gaia. A stone for strength and courage and stress removal.


Black Tourmaline is excellent for repelling and protecting against negativity. Aids intellectual acuity, emotional stability, understanding yourself and increasing physical vitality. It also deflects radiation energy. Health: Releases tension, good for spinal issues and helps treat paranoia, overcome dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination. Chakra: Root.

Septarian Pebble is a calming shamanic stone for relieving Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D), much needed at this time of year in the UK. Also, aids communication, tempers anger, hostility, depression and emotional stress. It brings feelings of happiness and spiritual uplift. Healing: Bones, ameliorates pain and spasms, and strengthens immune system. Holistic healing, tolerance, self-healing, metabolism and much more. Chakra: Root, Solar Plexus & Sacral.


Clear Quartz, the Master Healer, stone of power, it is one of the most versatile. It protects against negativity, amplifies energy and intention and relieves pain. Health: Immune system, brings the body into balance and soothes burns. Chakra: Crown.

Chrysoprase encourages joy, happiness and renewed optimism, much needed as we enter the short days and darker nights. This one aids feelings of positivity and love, for self and others; attracting new love; abundance on all levels and releasing forgiveness. Heart Chakra


Sodalite is excellent for the mind as it eliminates confusion and encourages objectivity, truth and communication. Soothes panic attacks and releases fears, phobias and guilt. Health: For the Throat, larynx and vocal cords plus aids digestive disorders, fevers and lowers blood pressure. It stimulates the pineal gland, aids calcium deficiencies and cleanses the lymphatic system, boosting the immune system. Chakra: Throat

The 2nd recommendation for this month is to help with the stress of the festive season. Angelite is calming and soothing, relieves tension, anger and stress and aids inner peace. It is a strong stone for communication, for using to calm down in stressful situations and is extremely healing, especially in times that are emotionally difficult. Primarily Throat & Crown Chakra. For spiritualists: it aids communication with the higher realms, angels and spirit guides. It also helps to stimulate psychic gifts and channeling.

To purchase a set go here: 12 Crystals for 2020 or email emma@handserenity.com.

Everyone is unique, so please select ones per month / week / day that you are most drawn too. Recording the Full and Moon dates on your calendar will make it easier to embrace the changes each cycle brings and for you to complete the releasing and goal setting rituals.

Visit the Handserenity online Crystal Shop or one of my Christmas Market Days: Events page. If there is a specific crystal you are looking for then email emma@handserenity.com and I will see what I can source.



Handserenity Holistic Health, 263 Richmond Road, Twickenham TW1 2NT +44 (0)7949089265 emma@handserenity.com. www.handserenity.com
